- Welcome
- Replaces biweekly OMB meeting with liaisons
- Hoping for engagement and participation
- Have a calendar invite and will send out correspondence via Code.gov listserv
- Forum to learn from each other, not about compliance but about realizing the benefits of engaging with the public and releasing software
- OMB update on FSCP
- Policy still exists - agencies have to create policy, update acquisition language to capture new custom code, and inventory code and post inventory on root directory
- 20% pilot expired in August but OMB will extend pilot indefinitely in new Automated Tech Policy due out soon - new message into OMB for status of Automated Tech Policy release
- Updates to Code.gov
- Updates to platform - Sean Starnes, Code.gov’s Back-End Engineer
- Legal update - licensing language
- Moving from Medium to site blog
- Metadata schema
- Establishing a sub-working group
- Send email to Joe or Amin if you would like to participate
- Updates to platform - Sean Starnes, Code.gov’s Back-End Engineer
- Current news
- Current engagements
- FSCS - Federal Source Code Study
- Wrapping up data analysis and validating, drafting initial findings.
- Planned release is January.
- Software Productivity and Quality Working Group
- Includes BLS, NASA, NIST, DOD, GSA
- Monthly calls with demos, super geeky conversations on code value and quality.
- Harvard code valuation project
- Planned for Spring.
- Exploratory research to value software - value to agency, public, cost, reuse, etc.
- Ask for help from this community for interviews and artifacts, SMEs on code creation and reuse.
- Federal Source Code Toolkit
- Planned for Spring w/ release at the Spring Federal Source Code Summit
- Establish workgroup
- FSCS - Federal Source Code Study
- Events
- Code.gov Webinar: Happy 3rd Birthday to Us! November 7th @ 2pm
- Spring Federal Source Code Summit - For Feds by Feds, hosted at GSA w/ virtual component, 1/2 day in the morning, April 16th, 2020. Topics based on FSCS study and input from this community - looking for ideas and speakers. Survey coming soon!
- FYI: DC Cyber Week 2019 (10/21)
- Kudos
- Forest Service - Included code bases into USDA master file and published on Code.gov.
- Amin Mehr, Dept. Director of Code.gov spoke at All Things Open.
- SSA - Joe Amalfitano - open source
- Learning
- Looking for demos, experts, and topics.
- Would you like to hear about specific topics or present on a topic related to federal source code (e.g., how to open source, an impactful project, DevOps).