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366 lines (338 loc) · 21.2 KB

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366 lines (338 loc) · 21.2 KB

0.9.28 (in development)

  • Improved: Better prediction handling for the Gravity Gun, should be more responsive with higher ping now.
  • Improved: d2_coast_08: Add more checkpoints.
  • Improved: d2_coast_08: If the Gunship is not destroyed it will transition to d2_coast_07.
  • Added: Setting to draw local player in vehicles, new tab under settings menu and "lambda_vehicle_draw_player" cvar.
  • Fixed: d2_prison_05: Not removing default spawn items.
  • Fixed: d3_c17_07: Player clip blocking other players at the start of the map.
  • Fixed: d2_coast_10: Fade to black when jumping into the water.
  • Fixed: d2_prison_04: Players can get trapped in the closet where the turret is.
  • Fixed: Incorrect intro logos and credits due to mounting changes.
  • Fixed: Missing changelog in F1 menu if cloned from git.
  • Fixed: ep1_c17_02b: Soft-lock when NPC in the room with Barney is killed.
  • Fixed: trigger_hurt not working for players in vehicles.
  • Fixed: Players are not drowning when in vehicles.
  • Fixed: d2_coast_07: Players getting thrown off the bridge when colliding with the train.
  • Fixed: d2_coast_07: Permanent death overlay when jumping off the cliff.
  • Fixed: Gravity gun still emitting light when holstered.
  • Fixed: d3_citadel_05: PODs colliding with each other at the map start causing the game to freeze.
  • Fixed: Level transition can carry some unwanted entities to the next map.
  • Fixed: d2_coast_08: Incorrect player spawn when directly starting from this map.
  • Fixed: Compatibility with addons that use GM:AddDeathNotice, this caused errors to appear.
  • Fixed: Weapons from players respawning when picked up.


  • Fixed: Entity inputs/outputs are parsed incorrect.


  • Improved: Going in and out of the settings no longer clips into the player model.
  • Improved: The medkit now uses the player hull to detect who to heal, revive uses now hull trace.
  • Improved: Added some effects to the medkit to signal its current energy level.
  • Added: "Free-Roaming" mode when spectating.
  • Fixed: NPC makers not respecting the spawn frequency -1 causing a lot of NPCs being spawned in some cases.
  • Fixed: ep1_c17_00a: Don't cancel scripted_sequence on player death.
  • Fixed: Weapons not properly transitioning for NPCs.
  • Fixed: Entity outputs not firing in the correct order.
  • Fixed: Weapons don't respawn at where they were first picked up.


  • Improved: Hints will no longer show duplicates, instead it will renew the existing hint that has the same text.
  • Improved: ep1_c17_05: Add a checkpoint after the hallway.
  • Fixed: ep1_c17_02a: Alyx not picking up a shotgun.
  • Fixed: No longer runs 'skill' concommand, it's blocked since version 201211.


  • Fixed: trigger_multiple ignoring the delay time.


  • Improved: Some minor performance improvements for level transitioning.
  • Improved: Implemented "ShowLogo" input to env_message entity.
  • Improved: ep1_citadel_00: Fixed T-pose on vortigaunt and remove leftover chapter messages.
  • Improved: d3_breen_01: Get the functionality closer to the original.
  • Improved: Add a button in the settings menu to revert colors.
  • Improved: ep1_c17_05: Escorting the NPCs should be a bit more reliable now.
  • Improved: Players that didn't make the changelevel trigger will not be forcefully teleported, they get the default spawn next map.
  • Fixed: Transitioning doors have sometimes the wrong rotation.
  • Fixed: HUD is now hidden when point_viewcontrol takes control.
  • Fixed: Triggers not firing outputs when they are disabled and then enabled again while entities are touching it.
  • Fixed: trigger_teleport not working properly with flying NPC's.
  • Fixed: ep1_c17_06: Add a fail-safe timer to ensure Barney will board the train.


  • Improved: Weapon selection weights, this should improve selecting the next weapon when current one is empty.
  • Fixed: Level transition sometimes ignoring the transition volumes forcing players to spawn with the default loadout on the next map.
  • Fixed: ep1_citadel_00: Alyx stops the scripted scene if player falls off the cliff.
  • Fixed: Killing mission critical NPCs causes the game end text to show up twice in some cases.
  • Fixed: d2_coast_07: Forcefield has a white square when returning from d2_coast_08.
  • Fixed: d2_coast_07: Wrong vehicle checkpoint when returning from d2_coast_08.
  • Fixed: d3_citadel_04: Added missing checkpoint for the elevator.


  • Improved: lambda_gametype will now default to 'auto' and warns about a misconfiguration.


  • Feature: Episode 1 support.
  • Improved: Language localization of settings (English only as of now).
  • Improved: When "Friendly Fire" and "Player Collision" both disabled, bullet can pass through other players.
  • Improved: Lambda no longer override the localization already existing in the game.
  • Improved: d2_coast_03: Give more supplies, hope this can help player fight with multiple gunships better.
  • Improved: d2_coast_03: Mission critical NPCs now have protection to prevent dying from a car accident.
  • Improved: The gravity gun punt has now an energy effect.
  • Improved: Small performance improvements for cockroaches and also improved the logic.
  • Added: Option to limit the maximum amount of cockroaches, convar is 'lambda_max_cockroaches', 0 disables all.
  • Fixed: Pickup SMG grenade showing wrong icon.
  • Fixed: d2_coast_03: G-Man and Oddssa stay in the balcony forever.
  • Fixed: d2_coast_03: Blocked a exploit where player can use it to skip the final scene.
  • Fixed: Disallow commanding citizen NPCs that have an active schedule.
  • Fixed: Enemy scaling was improperly calculcated, now the math is right.
  • Fixed: Players can sometimes spawn in the void if they didn't make it to the end of the map.
  • Changed: Added a new setting to block respawns until a checkpoint is activated, previously it relied on lambda_max_respawn_timeout being -1.


  • Fixed: SWEPs that use custom CalcView not working correctly.
  • Fixed: Hide the builtin crosshair when SWEPs have custom ones.


  • Improved: env_screenoverlay now works like behavior from HL2.
  • Improved: d1_trainstation_05: Breen now plays the expected cutscene.
  • Improved: d3_citadel_03: Reworked confiscation field area to make it process faster.
  • Improved: d3_c17_10b map script.
  • Fixed: env_screenoverlay causing error on some unexpected cases.
  • Fixed: Open settings menu and close it too fast will leave a slider bar at top of screen.
  • Fixed: d2_coast_10: Vehicle not being removed after parking it in the warehouse.
  • Fixed: d3_citadel_03: A lua error at the beginning of the round and a rare potential soft-lock.
  • Fixed: d3_breen_01: Breen can get stuck on the chair making the cutscene a bit slower.
  • Fixed: Default difficulty is now "Normal" rather than "Very easy"
  • Fixed: d1_canals_07: Metrocop didn't use the turret.
  • Fixed: d3_c17_06b: Player can kill a friendly NPC and probability trigger a soft-lock.
  • Fixed: d3_c17_10b: Player died in laser room, make the map unable to proceed.
  • Fixed: Gravity gun animation doesn't properly works when breaking a ammo crate.


  • Improved: Addon compatibility, Lambda will attempt to recover if there are conflicts and warns about it.


  • Improved: Major performance improvements with lots of players on the server.
  • Improved: Setting lambda_gametype to "auto" will detect the right gametype based on the loaded map.
  • Improved: Scoreboard UI tweaks, allows to show more information provided by game type.
  • Improved: d1_trainstation_05: Move alyx a bit further back for the introduction scene.
  • Improved: Cockroaches have better performance and better behavior.
  • Fixed: d1_trainstation_04: Don't despawn metropolice on street.
  • Fixed: ep1_citadel_00: Dog intro scene not working correctly.
  • Fixed: Screen overlays can get stuck when the map restarts while overlays are active.
  • Fixed: NPCs stepping on cockroaches did nothing.
  • Changed: Scoreboard will now show at the end of each map, this can be controlled by 'lambda_changelevel_delay'.
  • Added: Support for skins and bodygroups on playermodels.


  • Fixed: Incorrect addon structure causing custom content to not load for clients. [Regression]
  • Fixed: 'lambda_allow_npcdmg' having no effect, mission critical NPCs are now protected from player damage when disabled.


  • Feature: Checkpoints can now have a timeout, setting is controlled by 'lambda_checkpoint_timeout', 0 disables the timeout.
  • Improved: Environmental player speech is now an option 'lambda_player_speech', 0 disables it.
  • Improved: Damage player speech is now an option 'lambda_player_damage_speech', 0 disables it.
  • Improved: Miscellaneous improvements to the gamemode menu.
  • Improved: Console command registration.
  • Improved: Render always the player when in settings menu.
  • Improved: d1_trainstation_05 map script.
  • Improved: d1_trainstation_06 map script, move med-kit further away.
  • Improved: d3_citadel_01 map script.
  • Improved: d3_citadel_02 map script.
  • Improved: d3_citadel_03 map script.
  • Improved: d3_citadel_04 map script.
  • Improved: d3_citadel_05 map script.
  • Added: A hint for players that have not yet opened the gamemode menu.
  • Added: A warning notification for players starting the gamemode in Singleplayer mode.
  • Added: Player name on top of death effect.
  • Fixed: Player sometimes loose ammo over map transitioning.
  • Fixed: Gravity Gun not being able to get objects behind fences.
  • Fixed: Gravity Gun not allowing to punt non-debris ragdolls.
  • Fixed: Gravity Gun effects breaking when transitioning from third-person to first-person view.
  • Fixed: Gravity Gun not respecting setting for glow mode.
  • Fixed: Gravity Gun light comes from player instead of the gun.
  • Fixed: SWEPS fired by NPCs being extremly inaccurate, fixes some weapon addon compatibility issues.
  • Fixed: Reset leftover global states if none provided in mapscript.
  • Fixed: Lambda menu hint displaying the wrong binding.
  • Changed: Do not give all weapons on missing map scripts.


  • Fixed: d2_coast_11: Not giving everyone weapon_bugbait.
  • Fixed: d2_coast_03: Combine binoculars corrupting view for all players.
  • Fixed: Players not being credited for kills with ragdolls and mega gravity gun.
  • Added: env_screenoverlay multiplayer support.


  • Fixed: Only auto switch to weapons when still holding the empty gun.
  • Fixed: HL2:EP1/HL2:DM game types not working correctly [Regression]
  • Fixed: NPCs ragdolls would have different pose when killed with gravity gun.
  • Improved: Gravity gun functions now closer to the original and interpolates at clients frame time.
  • Added: Support for ep1_citadel_00 (Episode 1).
  • Added: Support for ep1_citadel_01 (Episode 1).
  • Added: Support for ep1_citadel_02b (Episode 1).
  • Added: Support for ep1_citadel_03 (Episode 1).
  • Added: Support for ep1_citadel_03 (Episode 1).


  • Fixed: Lua error on death when dropped weapon can not be spawned.
  • Fixed: Player shouting out enemies in pre-criminal state.
  • Fixed: Settings camera menu will follow the player now.
  • Improved: Gravity Gun on ground now has random colors instead of black.
  • Improved: Minor performance optimizations for the gravity gun.
  • Improved: Walking animations on moving platforms.


  • Improved: Ability to register game types via addons.


  • Fixed: Sprint not working correctly with newer Garry's Mod version (dev).
  • Fixed: Sound not playing when sprinting is denied.


  • Fixed: Soundscrapes playing indefinitely


  • Fixed: env_credits throwing errors if credits file is missing.
  • Fixed: entities not registering outputs via AcceptInput
  • Fixed: point_viewcontrol having uninitialized angle.
  • Fixed: d3_c17_02 having default player loadout.
  • Fixed: PLAYER_META:Give not working in rare cases.


  • Feature: Accelerated backhopping
  • Feature: env_credits multiplayer support.
  • Improved: Removed Cockroaches from kill feed, players will no longer get points for killing them.
  • Improved: Keep track of physcannon color when dropped.
  • Improved: d3_breen_01: Place all players in the same pod to not skip the scene.
  • Improved: Transitioning from d3_citadel_05 to d3_breen_01
  • Improved: Better round restart info.
  • Improved: Players get the medkit now at d1_trainstation_06 instead of d1_trainstation_05.
  • Fixed: Potential crash after changelevel.
  • Fixed: point_viewcontrol not behaving like original.
  • Fixed: Some entity outputs being fired twice.
  • Fixed: Lua errors when cleaning up map during players view controlled by point_viewcontrol.
  • Fixed: d3_breen_01: Platforms would stop moving if player reached top.
  • Fixed: Medkit not properly working in singleplayer.
  • Fixed: Selection of best weapon on depleted ammo and player spawn.
  • Fixed: Settings not correctly clamped.
  • Fixed: Physcannon throwing errors when players die.
  • Fixed: Settings showing up twice.
  • Fixed: Vehicles getting displayed in kill feed instead of player.
  • Fixed: d3_citadel_05: Default weapons not being removed.
  • Fixed: d3_citadel_05: Keep the pod cycle active after the player left the area.
  • Fixed: Networked variables being overwritten by client ignoring server value.


  • Improved: Add projected textures as an option for physcannon glow, enabled by default (physcannon_glow = 1)
  • Fixed: Physcannon not dropping attached object when weapon dropped.


  • Feature: Add 'LambdaInitializeMapList(maplist)' hook, allows addons to add/remove maps from the list.
  • Fixed: Vote system did not consider amount of voters, 2/3 is required to be a valid vote.
  • Fixed: Gravity gun throwing errors in some cases.


  • Feature: Realism difficulty, for people who like a challenge.
  • Feature: Medkit was added to heal and revive players, received in d1_trainstation_05.
  • Feature: lambda_weapondropmode allows to specify what players drop on death.
  • Feature: Implemented env_zoom with multiplayer support.
  • Feature: Implemented point_viewcontrol with multiplayer support.
  • Feature: Player flinching animations that indicates the hit position of damage.
  • Improved: Allow gametype to auto start without players.
  • Improved: (F1) Player menu overhaul.
  • Improved: Checkpoints were rebalanced, encourage players to revive others.
  • Improved: Physcannon prediction has now a tolerance before being attached clientside.
  • Improved: Physcannon glow was reduced.
  • Improved: Kill feed overhaul, now considers screen resolution.
  • Improved: Replaced bullet impact sounds with more realistic ones.
  • Improved: Proxy animation models for episodic support, currently incomplete.
  • Fixed: PLAYER:Give not working properly in some cases.
  • Fixed: Physcannon not networking idle time causing stuttery momvement.
  • Fixed: d1_town_02 lock door to prevent backtracking.
  • Fixed: Physcannon missing sprites glow sprites on end caps.
  • Fixed: Vehicle view not resetting roll.
  • Fixed: Item respawn spam.
  • Fixed: d2_prison_05 blocking players near map end.
  • Fixed: NPC Maker not spawning NPCs in some cases.
  • Fixed: d1_trainstation_01 queue sometimes blocking the player.
  • Fixed: Don't render player blockades in Skybox rendering pass.
  • Fixed: Gravity Gun not resetting beam properly on FP/TP view change.
  • Fixed: Some delayed inputs firing after map reset.
  • Fixed: trigger displaying waiting info when requested not to.
  • Fixed: Pending entity outputs not being cleared on map restart.
  • Fixed: Round information HUDs missing when first connected.


  • Fixed: logic_auto and trigger_auto firing too many events.
  • Improved: Slightly offset the glow on physcannon to prevent culling.


  • Feature: Dynamic crosshair overhaul, no longer requires capturing the framebuffer, can be changed in the options menu.
  • Feature: Native game hints.
  • Feature: Deathmatch gametype, set lambda_gametype convar to 'hl2dm' to try it out.
  • Feature: Ability to command friendly NPCs via the Context menu.
  • Feature: Vote system, allows players to vote: Skip Map, Change to Map, Kick Player, Restart Round.
  • Feature: Allow players to kill every NPC, the game will restart the map if a critical NPC died, set 'lambda_allow_npcdmg' to 0 to disable this.
  • Feature: Cockroaches, more or less like the classic ones from Half-Life 1, can be found hiding under objects.
  • Feature: Gore effects when crushed or exploded, set 'lambda_gore' to 0 disable, enabled by default.
  • Feature: Difficulty can be now set via 'lambda_difficulty', values 1: Very Easy, 2: Easy, 3: Normal, 4: Hard, 5: Very Hard
  • Feature: Gravity Gun Glow, can be turned by setting 'physcannon_glow' to 0.
  • Improved: Combine will now emit hurt sounds when taking damage.
  • Improved: Allow to select all known player models the server has.
  • Improved: Player sounds and taunts are now specific to the player model type.
  • Improved: Replaced some killicons, credits to _Kilburn for the icons.
  • Improved: The scoreboard has some improvements to better match gametypes and their rules.
  • Improved: Flashlight no longer drains suit energy.
  • Improved: Overall performance improvements for server and client.
  • Improved: Players will no longer have empty grenades or slams in their inventory.
  • Added: Game content mounting for episodic content, automatically creates and mounts GMA based on gametype.
  • Added: ConVar to block moving weapons/items by shooting them, 'lambda_prevent_item_move '.
  • Added: ConVar to disable ammo limits, 'lambda_limit_default_ammo '.
  • Fixed: trigger_hurt using invalid damage type.
  • Fixed: d2_coast_01 having default map items
  • Fixed: d2_coast_03 having default map items.
  • Fixed: Prediction errors caused by 'friendly_encounter' game state.
  • Fixed: Physcannon not stopping looping sounds and not detaching on player death.
  • Fixed: Physcannon ignoring the mass.
  • Fixed: Physcannon spamming animation events.
  • Fixed: Physcannon unable to push back enemies such as headcrabs.
  • Fixed: Weapons can only be picked up once now per player.
  • Fixed: Player not spawning properly when starting with d3_c17_07.
  • Fixed: Player being left behind after battle in d3_c17_07.
  • Fixed: Disallow players going back in d1_town_02 preventing disruptive play.
  • Fixed: Missing changelevel blockade in d3_c17_07.
  • Fixed: Prevent player from going back in d1_town_02
  • Fixed: NPC's sometimes not playing the scene under unknown situations.
  • Fixed: Server sometimes not starting a new round
  • Fixed: Scripted scenes getting stuck, forced playback after timeout.
  • Fixed: Networked velocity per client, no longer using estimates on player animations.
  • Fixed: Enemies not enabled when going back from d2_coast_08 to d2_coast_07.
  • Fixed: Remove more default map spawn items, managed by Lambda.
  • Fixed: Reset global state on d1_trainstation_01 to d1_trainstation_05.
  • Fixed: d1_trainstation_05 do not lock up players in barney room by an invisible wall.
  • Fixed: Prevent non-players enforcing touch events on triggers.
  • Fixed: Settings not replicating.
  • Fixed: d3_c17_07 creating infinite soldiers when player does not meet alyx.
  • Fixed: Barney to appear twice on d3_c17_10a.
  • Fixed: Barney to appear twice on d3_c17_10b.
  • Fixed: Players not getting the crowbar on d1_trainstation_06.
  • Fixed: Suit would recharge too fast, prevents players from infinite sprinting.
  • Fixed: Ragdolls wouldn't be properly transitioned.


  • Removed: Freezing physics when trying to jump off them.
  • Removed: Animation blending.
  • Fixed: Giving players more ammo than they can carry on weapon pickup.
  • Fixed: Weapon damage not properly set via cvars.
  • Fixed: d1_canals_05 not opening gate, manually possible now.
  • Fixed: Giving default ammo ammount, only give what player carried from level to level.
  • Fixed: Draws the player weapon with player tracker now.
  • Fixed: Checkpoints not properly resetting.
  • Fixed: Death symbol using incorrect eye position.
  • Fixed: Weapon switching not stopping reload.
  • Fixed: Output log vanishing if EPOE is present.
  • Fixed: Hopefully fixed players timing out while they shouldn't.
  • Fixed: Player tracking being invisible in some cases. Better debug info on triggers.
  • Fixed: Player tracking being client option, now server side.
  • Fixed: Grenade duplicating on death.
  • Fixed: User never signaled connection, consider him fully connected when message arrives.
  • Fixed: Commands being unable to ran from server console.
  • Fixed: Bots having invalid models.
  • Fixed: Sprint sound not working on singleplayer game.
  • Fixed: Passing nil ent on Touch.
  • Fixed: Calling Touch manually if the player left a trigger that disabled EndTouch events.
  • Fixed: Autoreload not reloading mapscripts.
  • Fixed: d1_trainstation_05 messing up barneys spawn if player is nearby, simply closing the soda door.
  • Fixed: Dog disappearing in d3_c17_02.
  • Fixed: Door never opening in d3_c17_03.
  • Fixed: Pickup hud not being properly aligned and sized.
  • Fixed: Fire sounds not stopping in some cases.
  • Fixed: Player unable to select weapons using passenger seat.
  • Fixed: Player seeing the vehicle symbol when inside vehicle.
  • Improved: Precision on GetSyncedTimestamp.
  • Improved: Minor performance improvements.
  • Improved: Reduced distance of player stats.
  • Improved: Player tracking option.
  • Improved: Modified player tracker to be less annoying when barely visible.
  • Feature: Custom gravity gun rewritten from scratch with support of the mega gravity gun and prediction support.
  • Feature: Dynamic checkpoint selection.
  • Feature: Players will consider their souroundings and use shout outs accordingly.
  • Feature: Made the player timeout a convar.
  • Feature: Custom HUD colors.
  • Feature: Settings menu for player models, admin settings etc. on F1.
  • Feature: Teleport heuristic to allow changes on collision rules.
  • Feature: Allow player collisions.
  • Feature: Friendly fire support.
  • Feature: No respawn support.