This page contains the format used by EXPORT DATABASE and IMPORT DATABASE tools. The file is a zipped JSON.
NOTE: Even if the file is 100% JSON, there are some constraints in the JSON format, where the field order must be kept. If you prettify the file, the import couldn't work anymore.
First section resuming the database information and all the version used to check compatibility on import.
"name": <database-name>,
"default-cluster-id": <default-cluster-id>,
"exporter-version": <exporter-format>,
"engine-version": <engine-version>,
"storage-config-version": <storage-version>,
"schema-version": <schema-version>,
"mvrbtree-version": <mvrbtree-version>
Parameter | Description | JSON Type |
database-name | Name of database | String |
default-cluster-id | Cluster Id used by default. Range: 0-32,767 | Integer |
exporter-format | Version of Database exporter | Integer |
engine-version | Version of OrientDB | String |
storage-version | Version of Storage layer | Integer |
schema-version | Version of the schema exporter | Integer |
mvrbtree-version | Version of the MVRB-Tree | Integer |
"name": "demo",
"default-cluster-id": 2,
"exporter-version": 2,
"engine-version": "1.7-SNAPSHOT",
"storage-config-version": 2,
"schema-version": 4,
"mvrbtree-version": 0
Contains the database structure in clusters.
"clusters": [
{"name": <cluster-name>, "id": <cluster-id>, "type": <cluster-type>}
Parameter | Description | JSON Type |
cluster-name | Name of cluster | String |
cluster-id | Cluster id. Range: 0-32,767 | Integer |
cluster-type | Cluster type between "PHYSICAL", "LOGICAL" and "MEMORY" | String |
"clusters": [
{"name": "internal", "id": 0, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "index", "id": 1, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "default", "id": 2, "type": "PHYSICAL"}
Contains the schema as classes and properties.
"version": <schema-version>,
"classes": [
{ "name": <class-name>,
"default-cluster-id": <default-cluster-id>,
"cluster-ids": [<cluster-ids>],
"properties": [
{ "name": <property-name>,
"type": <property-type>,
"mandatory": <property-is-mandatory>,
"not-null": <property-not-null> }
Parameter | Description | JSON Type |
schema-version | Version of the record where the schema is stored. Range: 0-2,147,483,647 | Integer |
class-name | Class name | String |
default-cluster-id | Default cluster id for the class. Represents the cluster where records will be stored | Integer |
cluster-ids | Array of cluster ids where the class records can be stored. The first is always the <default-cluster-id> |
Array of Integer |
property-name | Name of the property | String |
property-type | Property type between the supported ones | String |
property-is-mandatory | Is this property mandatory? true or false | Boolean |
property-not-null | The property can't accept null? true or false | Boolean |
"version": 210,
"classes": [
{"name": "Account", "default-cluster-id": 9, "cluster-ids": [9],
"properties": [
{"name": "binary", "type": "BINARY", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "birthDate", "type": "DATE", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "id", "type": "INTEGER", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false}
Contains the exported records with metadata (prefixed by @) and fields.
"records": [
"@type": <record-type>,
"@rid": <record-id>,
"@version": 0,
"@class": <record-class>,
<field-name>: <field-value>,
["@fieldTypes": "<field-name>=<field-type>"]
Parameter | Description | JSON Type |
record-type | Record type: d = document, b = binary | String |
record-id | RecordID in the format #<cluster-id>:<cluster-position> |
String |
record-version | Record version from 0 to 2,147,483,647 | Integer |
record-class | Record class name | String |
field-name | Field name | String |
field-value | Field value | Any |
field-type | Optional, it's the field type: 'l'=Long, 'f'=Float, 'd'=Double, 's'=Short, 't'=Datetime, 'd'=Date, 'c'=Decimal, 'b'=Byte | Any |
"records": [
"@type": "d", "@rid": "#12:476", "@version": 0, "@class": "Whiz",
"id": 476,
"date": "2011-12-09 00:00:00:000",
"text": "Los a went chip, of was returning cover, In the",
"@fieldTypes": "date=t"
"@type": "d", "@rid": "#12:477", "@version": 0, "@class": "Whiz",
"id": 477,
"date": "2011-12-09 00:00:00:000",
"text": "He in office return He inside electronics for $500,000 Jay",
"@fieldTypes": "date=t"
"name": "demo",
"default-cluster-id": 2,
"exporter-version": 2,
"engine-version": "1.0rc8-SNAPSHOT",
"storage-config-version": 2,
"schema-version": 4,
"mvrbtree-version": 0
"clusters": [
{"name": "internal", "id": 0, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "index", "id": 1, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "default", "id": 2, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "orole", "id": 3, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "ouser", "id": 4, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "orids", "id": 5, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "csv", "id": 6, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "binary", "id": 8, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "account", "id": 9, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "company", "id": 10, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "profile", "id": 11, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "whiz", "id": 12, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "address", "id": 13, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "city", "id": 14, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "country", "id": 15, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "dummy", "id": 16, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "ographvertex", "id": 26, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "ographedge", "id": 27, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "graphvehicle", "id": 28, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "graphcar", "id": 29, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "graphmotocycle", "id": 30, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "newv", "id": 31, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "mappoint", "id": 33, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "person", "id": 35, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "order", "id": 36, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "post", "id": 37, "type": "PHYSICAL"},
{"name": "comment", "id": 38, "type": "PHYSICAL"}
"version": 210,
"classes": [
{"name": "Account", "default-cluster-id": 9, "cluster-ids": [9],
"properties": [
{"name": "binary", "type": "BINARY", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "birthDate", "type": "DATE", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "id", "type": "INTEGER", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false}
{"name": "Address", "default-cluster-id": 13, "cluster-ids": [13]
{"name": "Animal", "default-cluster-id": 17, "cluster-ids": [17]
{"name": "AnimalRace", "default-cluster-id": 18, "cluster-ids": [18]
{"name": "COMMENT", "default-cluster-id": 38, "cluster-ids": [38]
{"name": "City", "default-cluster-id": 14, "cluster-ids": [14]
{"name": "Company", "default-cluster-id": 10, "cluster-ids": [10], "super-class": "Account",
"properties": [
{"name": "Country", "default-cluster-id": 15, "cluster-ids": [15]
{"name": "Dummy", "default-cluster-id": 16, "cluster-ids": [16]
{"name": "GraphCar", "default-cluster-id": 29, "cluster-ids": [29], "super-class": "GraphVehicle",
"properties": [
{"name": "GraphMotocycle", "default-cluster-id": 30, "cluster-ids": [30], "super-class": "GraphVehicle",
"properties": [
{"name": "GraphVehicle", "default-cluster-id": 28, "cluster-ids": [28], "super-class": "OGraphVertex",
"properties": [
{"name": "MapPoint", "default-cluster-id": 33, "cluster-ids": [33],
"properties": [
{"name": "x", "type": "DOUBLE", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "y", "type": "DOUBLE", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false}
{"name": "OGraphEdge", "default-cluster-id": 27, "cluster-ids": [27], "short-name": "E",
"properties": [
{"name": "in", "type": "LINK", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "linked-class": "OGraphVertex"},
{"name": "out", "type": "LINK", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "linked-class": "OGraphVertex"}
{"name": "OGraphVertex", "default-cluster-id": 26, "cluster-ids": [26], "short-name": "V",
"properties": [
{"name": "in", "type": "LINKSET", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "linked-class": "OGraphEdge"},
{"name": "out", "type": "LINKSET", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "linked-class": "OGraphEdge"}
{"name": "ORIDs", "default-cluster-id": 5, "cluster-ids": [5]
{"name": "ORole", "default-cluster-id": 3, "cluster-ids": [3],
"properties": [
{"name": "mode", "type": "BYTE", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "name", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": true, "not-null": true},
{"name": "rules", "type": "EMBEDDEDMAP", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "linked-type": "BYTE"}
{"name": "OUser", "default-cluster-id": 4, "cluster-ids": [4],
"properties": [
{"name": "name", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": true, "not-null": true},
{"name": "password", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": true, "not-null": true},
{"name": "roles", "type": "LINKSET", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "linked-class": "ORole"}
{"name": "Order", "default-cluster-id": 36, "cluster-ids": [36]
{"name": "POST", "default-cluster-id": 37, "cluster-ids": [37],
"properties": [
{"name": "comments", "type": "LINKSET", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "linked-class": "COMMENT"}
{"name": "Person", "default-cluster-id": 35, "cluster-ids": [35]
{"name": "Person2", "default-cluster-id": 22, "cluster-ids": [22],
"properties": [
{"name": "age", "type": "INTEGER", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "firstName", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "lastName", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false}
{"name": "Profile", "default-cluster-id": 11, "cluster-ids": [11],
"properties": [
{"name": "hash", "type": "LONG", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "lastAccessOn", "type": "DATETIME", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "min": "2010-01-01 00:00:00"},
{"name": "name", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "min": "3", "max": "30"},
{"name": "nick", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "min": "3", "max": "30"},
{"name": "photo", "type": "TRANSIENT", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "registeredOn", "type": "DATETIME", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "min": "2010-01-01 00:00:00"},
{"name": "surname", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "min": "3", "max": "30"}
{"name": "PropertyIndexTestClass", "default-cluster-id": 21, "cluster-ids": [21],
"properties": [
{"name": "prop1", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "prop2", "type": "INTEGER", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "prop3", "type": "BOOLEAN", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "prop4", "type": "INTEGER", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "prop5", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false}
{"name": "SQLDropIndexTestClass", "default-cluster-id": 23, "cluster-ids": [23],
"properties": [
{"name": "prop1", "type": "DOUBLE", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "prop2", "type": "INTEGER", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false}
{"name": "SQLSelectCompositeIndexDirectSearchTestClass", "default-cluster-id": 24, "cluster-ids": [24],
"properties": [
{"name": "prop1", "type": "INTEGER", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "prop2", "type": "INTEGER", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false}
{"name": "TestClass", "default-cluster-id": 19, "cluster-ids": [19],
"properties": [
{"name": "name", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "testLink", "type": "LINK", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "linked-class": "TestLinkClass"}
{"name": "TestLinkClass", "default-cluster-id": 20, "cluster-ids": [20],
"properties": [
{"name": "testBoolean", "type": "BOOLEAN", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "testString", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false}
{"name": "Whiz", "default-cluster-id": 12, "cluster-ids": [12],
"properties": [
{"name": "account", "type": "LINK", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "linked-class": "Account"},
{"name": "date", "type": "DATE", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "min": "2010-01-01"},
{"name": "id", "type": "INTEGER", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "replyTo", "type": "LINK", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false, "linked-class": "Account"},
{"name": "text", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": true, "not-null": false, "min": "1", "max": "140"}
{"name": "classclassIndexManagerTestClassTwo", "default-cluster-id": 25, "cluster-ids": [25]
{"name": "newV", "default-cluster-id": 31, "cluster-ids": [31], "super-class": "OGraphVertex",
"properties": [
{"name": "f_int", "type": "INTEGER", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false}
{"name": "vertexA", "default-cluster-id": 32, "cluster-ids": [32], "super-class": "OGraphVertex",
"properties": [
{"name": "name", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false}
{"name": "vertexB", "default-cluster-id": 34, "cluster-ids": [34], "super-class": "OGraphVertex",
"properties": [
{"name": "map", "type": "EMBEDDEDMAP", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false},
{"name": "name", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false, "not-null": false}
"records": [{
"@type": "d", "@rid": "#12:476", "@version": 0, "@class": "Whiz",
"id": 476,
"date": "2011-12-09 00:00:00:000",
"text": "Los a went chip, of was returning cover, In the",
"@fieldTypes": "date=t"
"@type": "d", "@rid": "#12:477", "@version": 0, "@class": "Whiz",
"id": 477,
"date": "2011-12-09 00:00:00:000",
"text": "He in office return He inside electronics for $500,000 Jay",
"@fieldTypes": "date=t"