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National Park Visits

This week's data is from dataisplural/

There are some additional datasets that may be interesting in relation to this data - namely US population and gas prices over time.

There's also some shapefiles you might be able to use with the sf package.

Lastly, a fivethirtyeight article covered this dataset with lots of great visualizations to copy or build off of.

Get the data!

park_visits <- readr::read_csv("")
state_pop <- readr::read_csv("")
gas_price <- readr::read_csv("")

Data Dictionary


variable class description
year_raw integer Year of record
gnis_id character ID for shapefile and long-lat lookup
geometry character Geometric shape for shapefile
metadata character URL to metadata about the park
number_of_records double Number of records
parkname character Full park name
region character US Region where park is located
state character State abbreviation
unit_code character Park code abbreviation
unit_name character Park Unit name
unit_type character Park unit type
visitors double Number of visitors


variable class description
year integer Jan 1st of year
state character State abbreviation
pop double Population


variable class description
year double Year (Jan 1st)
gas_current double Gas price in that year (dollars/gallon)
gas_constant double Gas price (constant 2015 dollars/gallon)

Cleaning Script


df_raw <- read_csv(here::here("2019/2019-09-17/All National Parks Visitation 1904-2016.csv")) 

df <- df_raw %>% 
  janitor::clean_names() %>%
  mutate(date = lubridate::mdy_hms(year)) %>% 
  select(date, gnis_id, geometry:year_raw)

df %>% 

# Get pop data

url <- ""

raw_html <- url %>% 
  read_html() %>% 

pop_df <- raw_html %>% 
  chuck(5) %>% 
  gather(key = "state", value = "pop", AL:DC) %>% 
  rename("year" = 1) %>% 
  mutate(pop = str_remove_all(pop, ","),
         pop = as.double(pop))

pop_df %>% 
  write_csv(here::here("2019/2019-09-17", "state_pop.csv"))

# Get gas prices

url2 <- ""

raw_gas <- url2 %>% 
  read_html() %>% 

gas <- raw_gas %>% 
  chuck(1) %>% 
  set_names(nm = c("year", "gas_current", "gas_constant")) %>%   
  as_tibble() %>% 
  filter(!str_detect(year, "Source")) %>% 
  mutate(year = as.double(year),
         gas_current = as.double(gas_current),
         gas_constant = as.double(gas_constant))