This week's data is from dataisplural/
There are some additional datasets that may be interesting in relation to this data - namely US population and gas prices over time.
There's also some shapefiles you might be able to use with the sf
Lastly, a fivethirtyeight
article covered this dataset with lots of great visualizations to copy or build off of.
park_visits <- readr::read_csv("")
state_pop <- readr::read_csv("")
gas_price <- readr::read_csv("")
variable | class | description |
year_raw | integer | Year of record |
gnis_id | character | ID for shapefile and long-lat lookup |
geometry | character | Geometric shape for shapefile |
metadata | character | URL to metadata about the park |
number_of_records | double | Number of records |
parkname | character | Full park name |
region | character | US Region where park is located |
state | character | State abbreviation |
unit_code | character | Park code abbreviation |
unit_name | character | Park Unit name |
unit_type | character | Park unit type |
visitors | double | Number of visitors |
variable | class | description |
year | integer | Jan 1st of year |
state | character | State abbreviation |
pop | double | Population |
variable | class | description |
year | double | Year (Jan 1st) |
gas_current | double | Gas price in that year (dollars/gallon) |
gas_constant | double | Gas price (constant 2015 dollars/gallon) |
df_raw <- read_csv(here::here("2019/2019-09-17/All National Parks Visitation 1904-2016.csv"))
df <- df_raw %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
mutate(date = lubridate::mdy_hms(year)) %>%
select(date, gnis_id, geometry:year_raw)
df %>%
# Get pop data
url <- ""
raw_html <- url %>%
read_html() %>%
pop_df <- raw_html %>%
chuck(5) %>%
gather(key = "state", value = "pop", AL:DC) %>%
rename("year" = 1) %>%
mutate(pop = str_remove_all(pop, ","),
pop = as.double(pop))
pop_df %>%
write_csv(here::here("2019/2019-09-17", "state_pop.csv"))
# Get gas prices
url2 <- ""
raw_gas <- url2 %>%
read_html() %>%
gas <- raw_gas %>%
chuck(1) %>%
set_names(nm = c("year", "gas_current", "gas_constant")) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
filter(!str_detect(year, "Source")) %>%
mutate(year = as.double(year),
gas_current = as.double(gas_current),
gas_constant = as.double(gas_constant))