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SnO2WMaN committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 2d6c4ef commit cdadb08
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Showing 4 changed files with 151 additions and 133 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions ModalTableau.lean
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-- This module serves as the root of the `ModalTableau` library.
-- Import modules here that should be built as part of the library.
import ModalTableau.Basic
import ModalTableau.Basic

import ModalTableau.Gentzen.Basic
import ModalTableau.Gentzen.Soundness
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions ModalTableau/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ namespace LabelTerm

def evaluated {M : Kripke.Model} (f : Assignment M) : LabelTerm → Prop := λ ⟨x, y⟩ => M.Rel (f x) (f y)

def replace (σ : Label → Label) : LabelTerm → LabelTerm := λ (x, y) => ⟨σ x, σ y⟩

end LabelTerm

Expand All @@ -30,6 +32,8 @@ namespace LabelledFormula

notation:95 x " ∶ " φ => x φ

def labelReplace (σ : Label → Label) : LabelledFormula → LabelledFormula := λ ⟨x, φ⟩ => ⟨σ x, φ⟩

def Satisfies (M : Kripke.Model) (f : Assignment M) : LabelledFormula → Prop := λ (x ∶ φ) => (f x) ⊧ φ

namespace Satisfies
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141 changes: 11 additions & 130 deletions ModalTableau/Gentzen/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -79,136 +79,17 @@ abbrev Derivable (S : Sequent) : Prop := Nonempty (⊢ᵍ S)
prefix:70 "⊢ᵍ! " => Derivable


theorem soundness {S : Sequent} : ⊢ᵍ S → ∀ (M : Kripke.Model), ∀ (f : Assignment M), S.Satisfies M f := by
intro d;
induction d with
| axA =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;
| axBot =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;
simp at hΓ;
| @impL Γ Δ x φ ψ d₁ d₂ ih₁ ih₂ =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;
have ⟨hΓ₁, hΓ₂⟩ : f ⊧ (x ∶ φ ➝ ψ) ∧ ∀ a ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ a := by simpa using hΓ;
replace hX : ∀ x y, ⟨x, y⟩ ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f ⟨x, y⟩ := by simpa using hX;
have : ¬(f x ⊧ φ) ∨ (f x ⊧ ψ) := by
simpa [LabelledFormula.Satisfies.imp_def, Semantics.Imp.realize_imp, imp_iff_not_or] using hΓ₁;
rcases this with (_ | h);
. replace ih₁ :
(∀ lφ ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ lφ) →
(∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)) →
((f x) ⊧ φ ∨ ∃ a ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ a) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)
:= by simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using ih₁ M f;
rcases ih₁ hΓ₂ hX with (_ | ⟨lψ, _, _⟩) | _;
. simp_all;
. left; use lψ;
. simp_all;
. replace ih₂ :
(f x) ⊧ ψ →
(∀ a ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ a) →
(∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)) →
(∃ lφ ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ lφ) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)
:= by simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using ih₂ M f;
rcases ih₂ h hΓ₂ hX with _ | _ <;> simp_all;
| @impR Γ Δ x φ ψ d ih =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;
suffices ((¬(f x) ⊧ φ ∨ (f x) ⊧ ψ) ∨ ∃ a ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ a) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b) by
simpa [LabelledFormula.Satisfies.imp_def, Semantics.Imp.realize_imp, imp_iff_not_or];
wlog _ : (f x) ⊧ φ;
. tauto;
replace ih :
(f ⊧ x ∶ φ) →
(∀ a ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ a) →
(∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)) →
((f ⊧ x ∶ ψ) ∨ ∃ a ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ a) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)
:= by simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using ih M f;
rcases ih (by simpa) (by simpa using hΓ) (by simpa using hX) with (h | _) | _;
. tauto;
. simp_all;
. simp_all;
| @boxL Γ Δ x y φ d ih =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;

have ⟨hxbφ, hΓ₂⟩ : (f ⊧ x ∶ □φ) ∧ ∀ a ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ a := by simpa using hΓ;
have ⟨hxy, hX₂⟩ : LabelTerm.evaluated f (x, y) ∧ ∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b) := by simpa using hX;
have hyφ : f ⊧ y ∶ φ := ( hxbφ) _ hxy;

replace ih :
(f ⊧ x ∶ □φ) →
(f ⊧ y ∶ φ) →
(∀ a ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ a) →
LabelTerm.evaluated f (x, y) →
(∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)) →
(∃ lφ ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ lφ) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b) := by simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using ih M f;

rcases ih hxbφ hyφ hΓ₂ hxy hX₂ with _ | _ <;> simp_all;
| @boxR Γ Δ x y φ hxy hyΓ hyΔ d ih =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;

suffices ((f ⊧ x ∶ □φ) ∨ ∃ a ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ a) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b) by simpa;
apply or_iff_not_imp_right.mpr;
intro hΔ₁; push_neg at hΔ₁;
apply or_iff_not_imp_right.mpr;
intro hΔ₂; push_neg at hΔ₂;

intro w hw;
let g : Assignment M := λ z => if z = y then w else f z;

replace ih :
(∀ lφ ∈ Γ.fmls, g ⊧ lφ) →
LabelTerm.evaluated g (x, y) →
(∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated g (a, b)) →
((g ⊧ y ∶ φ) ∨ ∃ a ∈ Δ.fmls, g ⊧ a) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated g (a, b)
:= by simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using ih M g;
have : ∀ lφ ∈ Γ.fmls, g ⊧ lφ := by
rintro ⟨a, ψ⟩ hz;
have ha : a ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_labelledFml_of_isFreshLabel hyΓ ψ;
simpa [g, ha] using hΓ _ hz
have : LabelTerm.evaluated g (x, y) := by simpa [LabelTerm.evaluated, g, hxy];
have : ∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated g (a, b) := (by
intro a b r;
have ha : a ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_relTerm_of_isFreshLabel₁ hyΓ b;
have hb : b ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_relTerm_of_isFreshLabel₂ hyΓ a;
simpa [LabelTerm.evaluated, g, ha, hb] using hX (a, b) r;
rcases ih (by assumption) (by assumption) (by assumption) with (h | ⟨⟨z, ψ⟩, h₁, h₂⟩) | ⟨a, b, h₁, h₂⟩;
. simpa [g, LabelledFormula.Satisfies.iff_models] using h;
. have hz : z ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_labelledFml_of_isFreshLabel hyΔ ψ;
have : f ⊧ z ∶ ψ := by simpa [g, hz] using h₂;
have : ¬f ⊧ z ∶ ψ := hΔ₂ _ h₁;
. have ha : a ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_relTerm_of_isFreshLabel₁ hyΔ b;
have hb : b ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_relTerm_of_isFreshLabel₂ hyΔ a;
have : (f a) ≺ (f b) := by simpa [LabelTerm.evaluated, g, ha, hb] using h₂;
have : ¬(f a) ≺ (f b) := hΔ₁ a b h₁;

theorem soundness_fml : ⊢ᵍ! ⟨⟨∅, ∅⟩, ⟨{0 ∶ φ}, ∅⟩⟩ → ∀ (M : Kripke.Model), ∀ (f : Assignment M), f 0 ⊧ φ := by
rintro ⟨d⟩ M f;
simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using soundness d M f

section height

def Derivation.height {S : Sequent} : ⊢ᵍ S → ℕ
| axA => 1
| axBot => 1
| impL d₁ d₂ => max d₁.height d₂.height + 1
| impR d => d.height + 1
| boxL d => d.height + 1
| boxR _ _ _ d => d.height + 1

end height

def axF {Γ Δ : SequentPart} {x} {φ} : ⊢ᵍ (⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Γ.fmls, Γ.rels⟩ ⟹ ⟨(x ∶ φ) ::ₘ Δ.fmls, Δ.rels⟩) := by
induction φ using Formula.rec' generalizing Γ Δ x with
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132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions ModalTableau/Gentzen/Soundness.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
import ModalTableau.Gentzen.Basic

namespace LO.Modal.Labelled.Gentzen

theorem soundness {S : Sequent} : ⊢ᵍ S → ∀ (M : Kripke.Model), ∀ (f : Assignment M), S.Satisfies M f := by
intro d;
induction d with
| axA =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;
| axBot =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;
simp at hΓ;
| @impL Γ Δ x φ ψ d₁ d₂ ih₁ ih₂ =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;
have ⟨hΓ₁, hΓ₂⟩ : f ⊧ (x ∶ φ ➝ ψ) ∧ ∀ a ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ a := by simpa using hΓ;
replace hX : ∀ x y, ⟨x, y⟩ ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f ⟨x, y⟩ := by simpa using hX;
have : ¬(f x ⊧ φ) ∨ (f x ⊧ ψ) := by
simpa [LabelledFormula.Satisfies.imp_def, Semantics.Imp.realize_imp, imp_iff_not_or] using hΓ₁;
rcases this with (_ | h);
. replace ih₁ :
(∀ lφ ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ lφ) →
(∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)) →
((f x) ⊧ φ ∨ ∃ a ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ a) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)
:= by simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using ih₁ M f;
rcases ih₁ hΓ₂ hX with (_ | ⟨lψ, _, _⟩) | _;
. simp_all;
. left; use lψ;
. simp_all;
. replace ih₂ :
(f x) ⊧ ψ →
(∀ a ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ a) →
(∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)) →
(∃ lφ ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ lφ) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)
:= by simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using ih₂ M f;
rcases ih₂ h hΓ₂ hX with _ | _ <;> simp_all;
| @impR Γ Δ x φ ψ d ih =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;
suffices ((¬(f x) ⊧ φ ∨ (f x) ⊧ ψ) ∨ ∃ a ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ a) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b) by
simpa [LabelledFormula.Satisfies.imp_def, Semantics.Imp.realize_imp, imp_iff_not_or];
wlog _ : (f x) ⊧ φ;
. tauto;
replace ih :
(f ⊧ x ∶ φ) →
(∀ a ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ a) →
(∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)) →
((f ⊧ x ∶ ψ) ∨ ∃ a ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ a) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)
:= by simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using ih M f;
rcases ih (by simpa) (by simpa using hΓ) (by simpa using hX) with (h | _) | _;
. tauto;
. simp_all;
. simp_all;
| @boxL Γ Δ x y φ d ih =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;

have ⟨hxbφ, hΓ₂⟩ : (f ⊧ x ∶ □φ) ∧ ∀ a ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ a := by simpa using hΓ;
have ⟨hxy, hX₂⟩ : LabelTerm.evaluated f (x, y) ∧ ∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b) := by simpa using hX;
have hyφ : f ⊧ y ∶ φ := ( hxbφ) _ hxy;

replace ih :
(f ⊧ x ∶ □φ) →
(f ⊧ y ∶ φ) →
(∀ a ∈ Γ.fmls, f ⊧ a) →
LabelTerm.evaluated f (x, y) →
(∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b)) →
(∃ lφ ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ lφ) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b) := by simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using ih M f;

rcases ih hxbφ hyφ hΓ₂ hxy hX₂ with _ | _ <;> simp_all;
| @boxR Γ Δ x y φ hxy hyΓ hyΔ d ih =>
rintro M f ⟨hΓ, hX⟩;

suffices ((f ⊧ x ∶ □φ) ∨ ∃ a ∈ Δ.fmls, f ⊧ a) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated f (a, b) by simpa;
apply or_iff_not_imp_right.mpr;
intro hΔ₁; push_neg at hΔ₁;
apply or_iff_not_imp_right.mpr;
intro hΔ₂; push_neg at hΔ₂;

intro w hw;
let g : Assignment M := λ z => if z = y then w else f z;

replace ih :
(∀ lφ ∈ Γ.fmls, g ⊧ lφ) →
LabelTerm.evaluated g (x, y) →
(∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated g (a, b)) →
((g ⊧ y ∶ φ) ∨ ∃ a ∈ Δ.fmls, g ⊧ a) ∨ ∃ a b, (a, b) ∈ Δ.rels ∧ LabelTerm.evaluated g (a, b)
:= by simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using ih M g;
have : ∀ lφ ∈ Γ.fmls, g ⊧ lφ := by
rintro ⟨a, ψ⟩ hz;
have ha : a ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_labelledFml_of_isFreshLabel hyΓ ψ;
simpa [g, ha] using hΓ _ hz
have : LabelTerm.evaluated g (x, y) := by simpa [LabelTerm.evaluated, g, hxy];
have : ∀ a b, (a, b) ∈ Γ.rels → LabelTerm.evaluated g (a, b) := (by
intro a b r;
have ha : a ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_relTerm_of_isFreshLabel₁ hyΓ b;
have hb : b ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_relTerm_of_isFreshLabel₂ hyΓ a;
simpa [LabelTerm.evaluated, g, ha, hb] using hX (a, b) r;
rcases ih (by assumption) (by assumption) (by assumption) with (h | ⟨⟨z, ψ⟩, h₁, h₂⟩) | ⟨a, b, h₁, h₂⟩;
. simpa [g, LabelledFormula.Satisfies.iff_models] using h;
. have hz : z ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_labelledFml_of_isFreshLabel hyΔ ψ;
have : f ⊧ z ∶ ψ := by simpa [g, hz] using h₂;
have : ¬f ⊧ z ∶ ψ := hΔ₂ _ h₁;
. have ha : a ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_relTerm_of_isFreshLabel₁ hyΔ b;
have hb : b ≠ y := by
rintro rfl;
have := SequentPart.not_include_relTerm_of_isFreshLabel₂ hyΔ a;
have : (f a) ≺ (f b) := by simpa [LabelTerm.evaluated, g, ha, hb] using h₂;
have : ¬(f a) ≺ (f b) := hΔ₁ a b h₁;

theorem soundness_fml : ⊢ᵍ! ⟨⟨∅, ∅⟩, ⟨{0 ∶ φ}, ∅⟩⟩ → ∀ (M : Kripke.Model), ∀ (f : Assignment M), f 0 ⊧ φ := by
rintro ⟨d⟩ M f;
simpa [Sequent.Satisfies] using soundness d M f

end LO.Modal.Labelled.Gentzen

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