From 1fea02068394f0029efde8494b2b1d811007b9a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: palalansouki Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 00:35:58 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] add: ModalLogic --- Incompleteness/ModalLogic/Basic.lean | 117 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 117 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Incompleteness/ModalLogic/Basic.lean diff --git a/Incompleteness/ModalLogic/Basic.lean b/Incompleteness/ModalLogic/Basic.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7e9879 --- /dev/null +++ b/Incompleteness/ModalLogic/Basic.lean @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +import Incompleteness.DC.Basic +import Logic.Modal.Standard.Deduction + +namespace LO.Modal.Standard.Provability + +open LO.FirstOrder LO.FirstOrder.DerivabilityCondition + +variable {α : Type*} [DecidableEq α] + +/-- Mapping modal prop vars to first-order sentence -/ +def realization (L) (α : Type u) := α → FirstOrder.Sentence L + +/-- Mapping modal formulae to first-order sentence -/ +def interpretation + [Semiterm.Operator.GoedelNumber L (FirstOrder.Sentence L)] + (f : realization L α) (𝔟 : ProvabilityPredicate L L) : Formula α → FirstOrder.Sentence L + | .atom a => f a + | □p => ⦍𝔟⦎(interpretation f 𝔟 p) + | ⊥ => ⊥ + | p ⟶ q => (interpretation f 𝔟 p) ⟶ (interpretation f 𝔟 q) +scoped notation f "[" 𝔟 "] " p => interpretation f 𝔟 p -- TODO: more good notation + +namespace interpretation + +variable [Semiterm.Operator.GoedelNumber L (FirstOrder.Sentence L)] + {f : realization L α} {𝔟 : ProvabilityPredicate L L} {p q : Formula α} + [NegAbbrev (FirstOrder.Sentence L)] + +lemma imp_def : (f[𝔟] (p ⟶ q)) = ((f[𝔟] p) ⟶ (f[𝔟] q)) := by rfl +lemma box_def : (f[𝔟] □p) = ⦍𝔟⦎(f[𝔟] p) := by rfl +lemma neg_def : (f[𝔟] ~p) = (f[𝔟] p) ⟶ ⊥ := by rfl + +end interpretation + +/- + TODO: + `ArithmeticalSoundness`と`ArithmeticalCompleteness`を単純にinstance化する際には大抵`T₀`に依存してしまうため型推論が壊れてしまう. + もう少し良いやり方がありそうな気もするので一旦コメントアウト +section + +variable {L : FirstOrder.Language} [Semiterm.Operator.GoedelNumber L (Sentence L)] +variable (α) (𝔟 : ProvabilityPredicate L L) + +class ArithmeticalSoundness (𝓓 : DeductionParameter α) (T : FirstOrder.Theory L) where + sound : ∀ {p}, (𝓓 ⊢! p) → (∀ f, T ⊢! f[𝔟] p) + +class ArithmeticalCompleteness (𝓓 : DeductionParameter α) (T : FirstOrder.Theory L) where + complete : ∀ {p}, (∀ f, T ⊢! f[𝔟] p) → (𝓓 ⊢! p) + +class ProvabilityLogic (𝓓 : DeductionParameter α) (T : FirstOrder.Theory L)where + is : System.theory 𝓓 = { p | ∀ f, T ⊢! f[𝔟] p } + +variable {α 𝔟} {𝓓 : DeductionParameter α} {T : FirstOrder.Theory L} + +instance [ArithmeticalSoundness α 𝔟 𝓓 T] [ArithmeticalCompleteness α 𝔟 𝓓 T] : ProvabilityLogic α 𝔟 𝓓 T where + is := by + apply Set.eq_of_subset_of_subset; + . intro p hp; + simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq]; + exact ArithmeticalSoundness.sound hp; + . intro p hp; + simp at hp; + exact ArithmeticalCompleteness.complete hp; + +end +-/ + +section ArithmeticalSoundness + +open System +open ProvabilityPredicate + +variable {L : FirstOrder.Language} [Semiterm.Operator.GoedelNumber L (Sentence L)] + [DecidableEq (Sentence L)] + (T₀ T : FirstOrder.Theory L) [T₀ ≼ T] [Diagonalization T₀] + (𝔟 : ProvabilityPredicate L L) + +lemma arithmetical_soundness_K4Loeb [𝔟.HBL T₀ T] (h : 𝐊𝟒(𝐋) ⊢! p) : ∀ {f : realization L α}, T ⊢!. (f[𝔟] p) := by + intro f; + induction h using Deduction.inducition! with + | hRules rl hrl hant ih => + rcases hrl with (⟨_, rfl⟩ | ⟨_, rfl⟩) + . simp_all only [List.mem_singleton, forall_eq]; exact D1s (T₀ := T₀) ih; + . simp_all only [List.mem_singleton, forall_eq]; exact Loeb.LT T₀ ih; + | hMaxm hp => + rcases hp with (⟨_, _, rfl⟩ | ⟨_, rfl⟩) + . exact D2s (T₀ := T₀); + . exact D3s (T₀ := T₀); + | hMdp ihpq ihp => + simp [interpretation] at ihpq; + exact ihpq ⨀ ihp; + | _ => dsimp [interpretation]; trivial; + +theorem arithmetical_soundness_GL [𝔟.HBL T₀ T] (h : 𝐆𝐋 ⊢! p) : ∀ {f : realization L α}, T ⊢!. (f[𝔟] p) := by + apply arithmetical_soundness_K4Loeb (T₀ := T₀); + exact ( reducible_GL_K4Loeb) h; + + +lemma arithmetical_soundness_N [𝔟.HBL T₀ T] (h : 𝐍 ⊢! p) : ∀ {f : realization L α}, T ⊢!. (f[𝔟] p) := by + intro f; + induction h using Deduction.inducition! with + | hMaxm hp => simp at hp; + | hRules rl hrl hant ih => + simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq] at hrl; + obtain ⟨p, rfl⟩ := hrl; + simp_all only [List.mem_singleton, forall_eq]; + exact D1s (T₀ := T₀) ih; + | hMdp ihpq ihp => + simp only [interpretation] at ihpq; + exact ihpq ⨀ ihp; + | _ => dsimp [interpretation]; trivial; + +end ArithmeticalSoundness + +end Modal.Standard.Provability + +end LO