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File metadata and controls

239 lines (180 loc) · 4.52 KB

Basic Expressions

"hello world" :: Str
true :: Bool
false :: Bool
5 :: Int


$ five
five :: File
$ let five = 5
$ five
5 :: Int
$ five.*
[] :: [File]
  • A bareword is a file literal, unless it has been declared as a variable with let.
  • A bareword that contains wildcards is a glob literal, typed as a list of files.

Function literals:

$ let f = \x y -> y
$ :type f
'a -> 'b -> 'b
  • To be written.

The four containers: tuples, lists, records and dictionaries

$ (1, [])
(1, []) :: (Int, ['a])
           |  Heterogeneous  |  Variable length  

--------------:|:---------------:|:-----------------: Integer keys | Tuple | List
Complex keys | Record* | Dictionary*

Why isn't there a heterogeneous, variable length container? That would require runtime type information, which is currently beyond the scope of Tush.

* Not implemented yet.

Function/program invocation

To be written.


(++) :: ['a] -> ['a] -> ['a]
  • Joins two lists. Strings are not (yet) lists.
(|), (|:)
  • To be written.


let <var> = <expr>

let defines a variable, shadowing any previous variables of the same name.

Some built-in functions

size :: File -> Int
  • Returns the size, in bytes, of a file.

zipf :: ('a -> 'b) -> 'b -> ('a, 'b)
  • Zips up a function result with the argument the produced it.
  • An example:
$ let sz = size zipf
$ type.h sz
(2434, type.h) :: (Int, File)
$ type* | sz
    848  type-internal.h
   9693  type-unify.c   
  11546  type.c         
   2434  type.h         
 :: [(Int, File)]

sort :: [(Int, 'b)] -> [(Int, 'b)]
  • Sorts a table by its first column in ascending order.
  • Currently it only sorts on Int. In the future it will be more general.
  • Continuing the example above:
$ type* | sz | sort
    848  type-internal.h
   2434  type.h         
   9693  type-unify.c   
  11546  type.c         
 :: [(Int, File)]

sum :: [Int] -> Int
  • Sums a list.
$ type* | size | sum
24521 :: Int

REPL commands

:type <expr>
:ast <expr>
:cd <dir>

These are special commands available from the prompt, all of which take expressions. They are not part of the language and therefore can't be used within other expressions.

  • :type displays the type of an expression without evaluating it.
  • :ast displays the Abstract Syntax Tree of an expression with types, again without evaluating it.
  • :cd changes the working directory to the the result of the expression given, which must be of type File. It does not evaluate it if otherwise.

cd is not part of the language because it's the directory equivalent of goto. The only reason to indefinitely enter a directory is when at the prompt, where one might not know how long they want to stay there. See into below for a structured way to change directory.

A word on tokens

$ [*.[ch]]
main.c  main.h
 :: [File]

Note how the outer brackets are tokens of their own, opening and closing a list, while the inner brackets are part of a glob. After the opening bracket, the lexer waits for a closing bracket before moving onto the next token.

The basic rules for tokens are:

  • Whitespace, parentheses (()) and backticks (`) delimit universally.
  • If a token starts with an opening bracket ([{) or ! then it immediately ends there.
  • Closing brackets (]}) are delimiters, unless they match a bracket in a glob.
  • Commas are also delimiters, but will be escaped by an open glob bracket.
  • Nothing else delimits.

This is designed to do the reasonable and intuitive thing.

  • [name1, name2, name3] is a list of files, the commas and brackets are not part of the filenames.
  • *.{cpp,h} is an alternation glob.

Not implemented yet


$ :type {field: <expr>}
{field: <type of expr>}
$ :type [key: value]
<type of key> <type of value> Dict

Control flow

if <expr>:
elif <expr>:
for <var>, <iterable>:
switch <expr>
case <pattern>:

Directory control

into <dir>:
make-into <dir>:


<fn> <args..>:


<macro>! <args..>: