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FOSDEM 2021 video email to speakers

Wouter Verhelst edited this page Dec 30, 2020 · 6 revisions

Dear FOSDEM speaker,

Regarding the video recording of your FOSDEM 2021 presentation, we have some practical hints and technical requirements. Feel free to make generous use of the hints, and please follow the technical requirements as closely as possible.

Practical hints:

  • really helps.
  • Please don't overload your slides. Make sure everything is readable when scaled down slightly. The 1280x720 video you send in might or might not be scaled down to fit onto a FOSDEM template!
  • Please make sure your video presentation fits into your assigned timeslot with room to spare for q&a. FOSDEM 2021 works on a strict broadcast schedule. The system will ruthlessly cut you off at the end of your timeslot!

Technical requirements: Please adhere to the following technical requirements for your FOSDEM 2021 presentation video:

  • resolution: 1280x720
  • frame rate: 25 fps
  • video codec: h264 video codec, main profile
  • video bitrate: <= 2Mbit/s
  • audio codec: aac audio codec
  • audio sample rate: 48 KHz mono
  • audio bitrate: 128 Kbit/s
  • media container: whatever is easiest for you.

The upload system will verify that you did indeed follow the above constraints. If you didn't, the video will be transcoded first (but this will take longer).

Upload: You can upload your recording through . In your account, you'll find TODO.

Kind regards,

the FOSDEM video team

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