Building Blocks can be defined that use RDF only,
A RDF building block can
- Define RDF (TTL) examples how to use the Semantic model
- Apply SHACL Rules to validate examples
- Perform transforms and validate results
Test cases and examples as either TTL or JSONLD will undergo syntax and SHACL validation.
can have embedded TTL - eg.
- title: Example of SOSA ObservationCollection
This class is a target for the SOSA v 1.1 update.
- language: turtle
code: |-
@prefix sosa: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix eg: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
eg:c1 a sosa:ObservationCollection ;
sosa:hasMember eg:pop1999, eg:pop2000 ;
sosa:observedProperty <> ;