For JOSS, we systematically searched all the Evolutionary Computation (EC) papers published before 2021-07-01. All papers involving Parallel and Distributed EC are marked as [---PDEC---].
Arcuri, A., Galeotti, J.P., Marculescu, B. and Zhang, M., 2021. EvoMaster: A search-based system test generation tool. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(57), p.2153. [ www | pdf | Kotlin ]
Haan, S., 2021. GeoBO: Python package for multi-objective Bayesian optimisation and joint inversion in geosciences. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(57), p.2690. [ www | pdf | Python ]
[---PDEC---] Biscani, F. and Izzo, D., 2020. A parallel global multiobjective framework for optimization: pagmo. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(53), p.2338. [ www | pdf | C++ | Python ]
[---PDEC---] Cicirello, V.A., 2020. Chips-n-salsa: A java library of customizable, hybridizable, iterative, parallel, stochastic, and self-adaptive local search algorithms. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(52). [ www | pdf | Java ]
Towfighi, S., 2020. PyGOURGS-Global optimization of n-ary tree representable problems using uniform random global search. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(47), p.2074. [ www | pdf | Python ]
[---PDEC---] Izzo, D. and Biscani, F., 2020. Dcgp: Differentiable cartesian genetic programming made easy. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(51), p.2290. [ www | pdf | C++ ]
[---PDEC---] Radtke, J.J., Bertoldo, G. and Marchi, C.H., 2020. DEPP-Differential evolution parallel program. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(47), p.1701. [ www | pdf | Fortran ]
Gijsbers, P. and Vanschoren, J., 2019. GAMA: Genetic automated machine learning assistant. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(33), p.1132. [ www | pdf | Python ]
[---PDEC---] Detorakis, G. and Burton, A., 2019. GAIM: A C++ library for genetic algorithms and island models. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(44), p.1839. [ www | pdf | C++ ]
[---PDEC---] Bell, I.H., 2019. CEGO: C++ 11 evolutionary global optimization. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(36), p.1147. [ www | pdf | C++ ]
Simson, J., 2019. LGP: A robust linear genetic programming implementation on the JVM using Kotlin. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(42), p.1337. [ www | pdf | Kotlin ]
Miranda, L.J., 2018. PySwarms: A research toolkit for particle swarm optimization in python. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(21), p.433. [ www | pdf | Python ]
Cicirello, V.A., 2018. JavaPermutationTools: A java library of permutation distance metrics. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(31). [ www | pdf | Java ]
Bossek, J., 2017. McMST: A toolbox for the multi-criteria minimum spanning tree problem. Journal of Open Source Software, 2(17), p.374. [ www | pdf | R ]