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204 lines (153 loc) · 7.58 KB

File metadata and controls

204 lines (153 loc) · 7.58 KB


This package adds additional features to ob-python that I found lacking when trying to use it as a replacement for jupyter notebooks. I’ve been using it instead of jupyter notebooks for about a year now, slowly accumulating fixes to things that I miss from jupyter, or things that seem cool that jupyter doesn’t support but emacs makes easy.


Enhanced cell output

  • Mix image and text output in the same cell, by mocking matplotlib to save images and return references.
  • Print pandas dataframes as org tables always, by overwriting the __repr__ method. Uses tabulate if available.
  • Press C-c C-c over an image for a full-size view

    For example:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,], "y": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15,16]})
df.plot(x="x", y="y", kind="line")

plots/Readme/plot_20241208_122132_1950748.png …tada!

Cell behavior features

  • Cell timers (configurable via :timer-show {yes/no})
  • Last run time (configurable via :last-executed {yes/no})
  • Cell interruption with C-c C-k
  • Capturing tracebacks in the results (with the option to use rich tracebacks via :errors “rich no-locals frames 3 extra 5”)
  • Alerts on long running cells, using libnotify for system alerts and pop ups inside of doom

Gptel integrations:

  • Functions to send a block and the results (e.g. the traceback) to a gptel buffer, get a patch, view the diff, and optionally apply it.
  • Ability to trigger this automatically when a cell fails.

Pandoc scripts:

Configured scripts for converting org files in a directory to ipynb files, or ipynb files to org files. These rely on pandoc.

These commands are intended to be called from dired buffers.

Convert all .ipynb files in current directory to .org (removes various artifacts that pandoc creates also, cleaning can be disabled by removing the -c flag)
Convert all .ipynb files in current directory and subdirectories to .org
Convert all .org files in current directory to .ipynb

Also includes a git precommit hook that’s useful for automatically converting org to ipynb.

Better LSP integration

  • Special mode inherits the same python interpreter as specified for the cell, giving access to documentation and completion. (Requires eglot.) Activate with

Probably this is better:


  • Python packages: Rich, tabulate (optional, but recommended), matplotlib
  • System: Libnotify (for alerts), Pandoc (For conversions)
  • Emacs: Gptel (For the gptel extensions), Doom (for now required for alerts), Eglot (for lsp integrations), Dired (For the conversion scripts)


With straight.el

(package! ob-python-extras
  :recipe (:host github
           :repo "ElleNajt/ob-python-extras"
           :files ("*.el" "python" "bashscripts")))
(after! ob-python-extras



If you want my keybindings, run:


Setting up gptel integrations

(after! ob-python-extras

This requires gptel-default-mode to be set to org-mode to work, since it expects an org block in the response.

(gptel-default-mode 'org-mode)

The conversation happens in the CELL ERRORS buffer.

SPC o c ssend-block-to-gptelSend block to GPTel, and ask for a fix.
SPC o c ppatch-gptel-blocksApply the fix
SPC o c fgptel-fix-blockDo the two things at once

If you set:

(setq ob-python-extras/auto-send-on-traceback t)

Then blocks will be sent automatically when a traceback is detected in the response. This can rack up a bill with API calls!

Setting up alert integrations

(after! ob-python-extras

Matplotlib image transparency

Matplotlib is configured to save and display images without transparency by default. The default can be changed with (setq ob-python-extras/transparent-images t). This default, in turn, can be overridden at the org-src-block level with :transparent nil or :transparent t.


Auto formats source blocks using black. Configurable with

(setq ob-python-extras/auto-format t)


See this org file for examples of the different functionality and configurations.

Other notes:

In my personal config I use the following keybindings as well, based on a vendored version guilt-dolphin’s org-evil with keybindings stripped. These make it easier to manipulate source blocks:

(org-evil--define-key 'motion 'org-evil-motion-mode
                      "[[" 'org-evil-motion-backward-block-begin
                      "]]" 'org-evil-motion-forward-block-begin)

(add-hook! 'org-mode-hook 'org-evil-mode)

(undefine-key! evil-motion-state-map "[ s" "] s")

(map! (:mode org-mode
       :n "] r" #'org-babel-goto-src-block-results
       :n "[ s" 'org-evil-block-beginning-of-block
       :n "] s" 'org-evil-block-end-of-block))

(org-evil--define-key 'motion 'org-evil-block-mode
                      "[ s" 'org-evil-block-beginning-of-block
                      "] s" 'org-evil-block-end-of-block)

(dolist (mode '(operator visual))
  (org-evil--define-key mode 'org-evil-block-mode
                        "ib" 'org-evil-block-inner-block
                        "ab" 'org-evil-block-a-block))


  • Aspen for teaching me a bunch about emacs and suggesting mocking out matplotlib
  • Claude for writing most of the code ^^

Related packages:

Emacs jupyter This package provides some overlapping functionality, and as far as I understand it does it by connecting to jupyter kernels and providing a front end in org mode for the kernel. I have not used this myself yet. It may ultimately make more sense for this project to be refactored to extend emacs-jupyter instead of ob-python, e.g. by adding the gptel integrations or other features that emacs-jupyter lacks.

Scimax also uses emacs jupyter


EIN Similar to Emacs-Jupyter. No longer maintained.