- v2.5.0
- v2.4.0
- v2.3.6
- v2.3.5
- v2.3.4
- v2.3.3
- v2.3.2
- v2.3.1
- v2.3.0
- v2.2.3
- v2.2.1
- v2.2.0
- v2.1.0
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- v1.3.1
- v1.3.0
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- v1.2.0
- v1.1.3
- v1.1.2
- v1.1.1
- v1.1.0
- v1.0.4
- v1.0.3
- v1.0.2
- v1.0.1
- v1.0.0
- v0.11.2
- v0.11.1
- v0.11.0
- v0.10.1
- v0.10.0
- v0.9.3
- v0.9.2
- v0.9.1
- v0.9.0
- v0.8.0
- v0.7.0
- v0.6.0
- v0.5.0
- v0.4.0
- v0.3.0
- v0.2.0
- v0.1.1
- v0.1.0
New login_role module for managing server role members!
- Add new login_role module to add/remove server roles for logins (lowlydba#293).
- login_role - Configures a login's server roles.
New role user_role added to allow adding/removing database roles for users!
- Add new user_role module to manage users' membership to database roles (lowlydba#292).
- user_role - Configures a user's role in a database.
Bugfix for creating agent job schedules as explicitly enabled.
- Fix error when creating an agent job schedule with enabled as true. (lowlydba#288)
Bugfix for login module when creating new logins.
- Fix error that occurred when creating a login with skip_password_reset as true. (lowlydba#287)
Minor bugfix for failed database restores.
- Include warning logs in failure output for the restore module to indicate root causes (lowlydba#266).
Minor bugfix for ag listener input types, thanks @daarrn for the contribution!
- fixed the expected type of the ip_address, subnet_ip, and subnet_mask parameters to be lists instead of strings (lowlydba.sqlserver.ag_listener)
Small fix for documentation and upstream fix available in dbatools v2.1.9.
- Update documentation for agent_job_schedule to reflect proper input formatting. (lowlydba#229)
Update the install script feature to accommodate the latest minor DbOps release (v0.9.x)
- Add new input strings to be compatible with dbops v0.9.x (lowlydba#231)
New feature from @OsirisDBA for skipping login password resets!
- Add ability to prevent changing login's password, even if password supplied.
Minor bugfixes.
- Add ActiveStartDate to the compare properties so this item is marked accurately as changed.
- Fixed the formatting of the SPN by updating the backslash to a forward-slash for the $spn var (lowlydba.sqlserver.spn)
Bugfix for database module in the context of availability groups.
- Fixes error handling for Remove-DbaDatabase when joined to AvailabilityGroup, exception was not being thrown so we have to parse Status
Bug fix in the database module.
- Added only_accessible as an optional parameter to the database module (lowlydba#198)
Add sid to login, thanks @OsirisDBA!
- Add refresh workaround for agent schedule bug where properties returned are stale. (lowlydba#185)
- Added SID as an optional parameter to the login module (lowlydba#189)
A major version bump of DBATools to version 2+. This will guarantee compatibility with PowerShell Core versions 7.3+ and future SQL Server versions. For more information on that release, see Outside of major problems, new changes to this collection will not be backported to v1.
- Updating minimum DBATools version to v2.0.0 to allow for pwsh 7.3+ compatibility. There may also be breaking change behavior in DBATools, see (lowlydba#181)
Small bugfixes and documentation enhancements.
- Update login module documentation to indicate result will always be changed when a password is supplied. (lowlydba#167)
- Fixes to incorrect variable reference in Login module (lowlydba#161)
New module to manage credentials added!
- Adding a new credential module
- credential - Configures a credential on a SQL server
More Azure SQL Managed Instance compatibility fixes.
- Added missing mapping for UseDestinationDefaultDirectories (lowlydba#153)
- Removed default value for KeepCDC to fix compatability with SQL MI (lowlydba#153)
- Removed default value for UseDestinationDefaultDirectories to fix compatability with SQL MI (lowlydba#153)
Azure SQL MI compatibility fixes & indicating required restarts for settings changes.
- Fixed typo in the traceflag module's documentation. (lowlydba#150)
- Return "RestartRequired" when a module performs changes that require an addition service restart to take effect. (lowlydba#150)
- Removed default value for ReplaceDbNameInFile to fix compatability with SQL MI (lowlydba#148)
Another minor fix to increase SQL Managed Instance support.
- Removed default value for reuse_source_folder_structure to fix compatability with SQL MI (lowlydba#145)
Bug fix for Azure Database Managed Instance compatibility.
- Removed the default value for xp_dirtree to allow compatibility with Azure SQL Mangaed instances (lowlydba#141)
- modules - all modules now document their platform and support for check mode in their attributes documentation (lowlydba#134).
Adding a new user module.
- user - Configures a user within a database
Minor fixes to resolve new dlevel sanity checks.
- Fix cleanup_time default to match documentation default & lint fixes (lowlydba#127).
Minor documentation fixes from the second Ansible inclusion review.
- Minor documentation fixes (lowlydba#122).
Minor documentation bugfixes and enhancements as requested in the Ansible inclusion process.
- _SqlServerUtils module_util - added explicit license to private module util (lowlydba#119).
- meta/runtime.yml - updated out of date runtime version info (lowlydba#119).
- most modules - fixed alignment, formatting, and typos in module documentation (lowlydba#119).
Minor bug fix.
- Fixed bug in how the classifier function name is being assigned to the variable in the resource_governor module.
Bumping to version 1.0.0 now that this collection is being used in production in at least one place 🎉
Bumping required dbatools version to ensure the restore module works on MacOS PowerShell Core (dataplat/dbatools#8435).
Bug fixes for AlwaysOn related modules and fixing errors in some documentation examples.
- Fix availability_group module so that NUL backups can be properly taken if needed.
- Fix incorrect examples in availability_group module documentation.
- Fix incorrect examples in install_script module documentation.
- Fix incorrect examples in spn module documentationb.
- Fixed bugs where adding replica did not work properly for several reasons.
Adding new dbops module.
- install_script - Runs migration scripts against a database.
Bug fix for resource_governor.
- Fix change detection in resource_governor module.
The first_responder_kit and tcp_port modules, along with a bump in the required dbatools version.
- Update minimum required DBATools version universally to 1.1.108 to accommodate new tcp module.
- first_responder_kit - Install/update the First Responder Kit scripts.
- tcp_port - Sets the TCP port for the instance.
More change detection fixing.
- memory - Fix improper changed detection.
Bugfixes for agent related modules that incorrectly reported change statuses.
- agent_job - Fix incorrectly reported change status when no change occurred.
- agent_job_schedule - Fix incorrectly reported change status when no change occurred.
- agent_job_step - Fix incorrectly reported change status when no change occurred.
- Allow agent job steps to be removed by specifying the step ID only. This is likely needed in cleanup of steps from previous job configurations.
- backup - Only use blocksize when specified.
- restore - Performs a restore operation.
A few small fixes and the new 'backup' module.
- Standardize use of 'database' vs 'database_name' in all documentation and options specs. Not a breaking change.
- Fix inability to enable an agent job schedule after it has been disabled.
- backup - Performs a backup operation.
Add module for DBA Multitool.
- dba_multitool - Install/update the DBA Multitool suite by John McCAll
Adding new SPN module
- spn - Configures SPNs for SQL Server.
CI and testing improvements, along with the final availability group module ag_replica.
- Remove CI support for Ansible 2.10
- ag_listener - Configures an availability group listener.
- ag_replica - Configures an availability group replica.
Two new AlwaysOn modules and a few consistency fixes!
- Test for 'Name' property for sa module after dbatools release 1.1.95 standardizes command outputs. (
- All modules should use a bool 'enabled' instead of a string 'status' to control object state.
- availability_group - Configures availability group(s).
- hadr - Enable or disable HADR.
New sa module and fixes for login related modules.
- Fix logic to properly pass password policy options to function in the login module.
- sa - Configure the 'sa' login for security best practices.
Code cleanup, testing improvements, new _info module!
- Add DbaTools module requirement to documentation and fix missing examples. (lowlydba#47)
- Utilize PowerShell Requires for dbatools min version needs instead of custom function. Consolidate/standardize credential setup and serialization. (lowlydba#48)
- instance_info - Returns basic information for a SQL Server instance.
Add database tag for Galaxy
It's a release! First version to publish to Ansible Galaxy.
- agent_job - Configures a SQL Agent job.
- agent_job_category - Configures a SQL Agent job category.
- agent_job_schedule - Configures a SQL Agent job schedule.
- agent_job_step - Configures a SQL Agent job step.
- database - Creates and configures a database.
- login - Configures a login for the target SQL Server instance.
- maintenance_solution - Install/update Maintenance Solution
- memory - Sets the maximum memory for a SQL Server instance.
- nonquery - Executes a generic nonquery.
- resource_governor - Configures the resource governor on a SQL Server instance.
- rg_resource_pool - Configures a resource pool for use by the Resource Governor.
- rg_workload_group - Configures a workload group for use by the Resource Governor.
- sp_configure - Make instance level system configuration changes via sp_configure.
- sp_whoisactive - Install/update sp_whoisactive by Adam Mechanic.
- traceflag - Enable or disable global trace flags on a SQL Server instance.