- Add support for source editing 0%
- Add the ability to close, name, and reorder tabs 0%
- Use a single LocalStorage variable with JSON.stringify() that contains the files and preferences 50%
- Add built-in themes 75%
- Add Word and PDF support 0%
- Fix newline added after unconverted tags 0%
- Add highlighting with 5%
- Add typewriter mode (vertically center current line) 0%
- Reset formatting in new paragraph 0%
- ctrl + shift + / to see availiable keyboard shortcuts 10%
- Add formatting tooltip 0%
- Add high contrast option 0%
- Clear unclosed tags, not empty tags 0%
- Save the current selection in LocalStorage and recover it on page load 0%
- Develop browser extension to sync data across devices 0%
- To resolve conflicts, save the time of last edit of files and choose the most recently edited version
- Auto-capitalization and smart quotes 0%
- Use Real Favicon Generator to generate favicons
- Dark mode favicon: media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
- Dynamically generate welcome text based on browser capabilities 0%
- Add analytics
- Add changelog
- Add system to notify people of new features