Install brew:
brew --help &>/dev/null || /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
If you already have installed unixodbc - unlink it:
brew unlink unixodbc
If you want to connect to new clickhouse server (versions 18.10.3 and later):
brew install
If you want to connect to old clickhouse server (versions before 18.10.3):
brew install
If you want to switch new/old versions - use brew reinstall
instead of brew install
edit ~/.odbc.ini
Driver = /usr/local/opt/clickhouse-odbc/lib/libclickhouseodbcw.dylib
# Optional settings:
#server = localhost
#password = 123456
#port = 8123
#database = default
#uid = default
#sslmode = require
Download and prepare:
brew install git cmake
git clone --recursive
cd clickhouse-odbc
Before build with standard libiodbc:
brew install libiodbc
Or for build with unixodbc:
brew install unixodbc
mkdir -p build; cd build && cmake .. && make -j $(nproc || sysctl -n hw.ncpu || echo 4)
edit ~/.odbc.ini:
Driver = /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/clickhouse-odbc/build/driver/
# Optional settings:
#Description = ClickHouse driver
#server = localhost
#password = 123456
#database = default
#uid = default
#port = 8123
#sslmode = require