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     A solution for posting Drone's build logs to Discord. This could easily be modified to support other communications platforms, like Slack.


     A drone server can optionally be configured to post all of it's events to an HTTP endoint of your choosing. I figured this was a good opportunity for me to learn more about Discord's APIs as well.


     The core (and only necessary) component that does all the work, is a tiny Rest API (Flask App) for receiving the webhook events from the configured Drone Server. Once the payload is received and verified, Discord's REST API is then used to log the events nicely in the configured channel.

     The other (optional) component contains some minimal code hacked together with the sole purpose of connecting to the Gateway (WebSocket) API for being able to accurately reflect the bot user's Online status. This client process periodically checks-in on the Rest API to make sure it's healthy and adjusts the bot user's online presence accordingly. It might be worth pointing out that this service is currently leveraging which is no longer being maintained, however I am confident that this will still work for quite some time until Discord's Gateway API changes dramatically, for any reason. Thus an area of improvement could be to rewrite that piece by implementing a lightweight Discord Websocket client from scratch, having only the features and reconnect logic that it needs.


  • Supports all Drone events
  • Verifies HTTP Signatures
  • API/Docker Healthchecks
    • Adjusts bot user's online/offline status accordingly
  • No configuration required in any .drone.yml pipeline files








Implementation Notes

  • Server (REST API)

    • Trigger off of drone events sent directly to my bot (over LAN)
    • Uses Flask microframework
    • Uses Gunicorn as a production-ready webserver in front of flask
      • Webhook receiving endoint
        • HTTP POST
        • Verifies HTTP Signatures from Drone
        • Configured to post drone events in a specific discord channel
      • Healthcheck endpoint
        • HTTP GET
        • Used by both docker and the client service
    • Data persistence
      • Uses MongoDB as persistent datastore for gunicorn workers
      • Drone events states?
      • Discord message ID's
      • Use PyMongo to talk to MongoDB instance
    • Configuration
      • Discord bot token
      • Discord channel
      • Webhook endoint
      • Healthcheck endpoint
      • MongoDB
      • Gunicorn (docker only)
  • Client (Websocket Connection)

    • Use
      • Leverages hearbeating to display online/offline status
    • Periodically checks if HTTP Server is healthy
      • Sets the bot user to offline in Discord if no 200 Ok response
    • Configuration
      • Discord bot token
      • Healthcheck URL


  • Python 3.9.7
  • Ansible 4.6.0
  • Ansible-Core 2.11.5
  • Docker-Engine 20.10.8
  • Docker-CLI 20.10.8


This application is configured and deployed automatically using Drone CI, however there might be situations where you would prefer to do this manually.

You will need to have the Ansible Vault password file configured on your machine, if there are any vaulted secrets. Please read the relevant ansible documentation on setting a default password source. If you are trying to reuse this Ansible configuration for your own purposes, then you will need to encrypt all of your own secrets using your own Ansible Vault password and replace those variables in the Ansible configuration.


I recommend installing Ansible with pip (globally) versus other package managers like Apt or Brew. It makes upgrading and using third party modules much easier.

python3 -m pip install --user ansible


  1. Install roles (dependencies).
    ansible-galaxy install -r .ansible/roles/requirements.yaml -p .ansible/roles --force
  2. Run playbook.
    ansible-playbook .ansible/deploy.yaml -i .ansible/inventories/production

Run it Locally

     You will need a valid .env containing the necessary key/value pairs for configuration. This file should be added to .gitignore to prevent accidentally committing any secrets. Please read more about python-dotenv if you are unfamiliar with the syntax.

# .env


     Each component listed below needs to executed in it's own terminal window, as they are all started with a blocking call.


  1. Set environment variables from .env file.

    set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport
  2. Start MongoDB container.

    ⚠️ The docker run command is not able to see env vars passed in with the -p option so if going with a non-default configuration you will need to adjust the port numbers manually in the command below.

    docker run \
      -p 27017:27017 \

HTTP Server

  1. Create Python Virtual Environment and activate it.

    python3 -m venv server-venv && source server-venv/bin/activate
  2. Install python depenencies

    pip install -r server-requirements.txt
  3. Start Flask Development Server. A MongoDB instance should be running.

    flask run

    You may choose to reset the development database at any time. A MongoDB must be running.

    flask init-db

Websocket Client

  1. Create Python Virtual Environment and activate it

    python3 -m venv client-venv && source client-venv/bin/activate
  2. Install python depenencies

    pip install -r client-requirements.txt
  3. Start Discord client.


Drone Events

     There should be a collection of sample curls in the test folder in this repository. These are useful for simulating drone events when running locally.

⚠️ All of these test curls have been signed using a webhook secret value of webhook-secret just as shown in the .env example configuration above.

# user events
source test/
source test/

# repo events
source test/
source test/

# build events
source test/
source test/
source test/
source test/
source test/