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This reference page provides technical details of interest to the following audiences:
Authors providing the higher-level documentation about the Motoko programming language.
Compiler experts interested in the details of Motoko and its compiler.
Advanced programmers who want to learn more about the lower-level details of Motoko.
This page is intended to provide complete reference information about Motoko, but this section does not provide explanatory text or usage information. Therefore, this section is typically not suitable for readers who are new to programming languages or who are looking for a general introduction to using Motoko.
In this documentation, the term canister is used to refer to an Internet Computer smart contract.
This section describes the basic language conventions of Motoko.
Space, newline, horizontal tab, carriage return, line feed and form feed are considered as whitespace. Whitespace is ignored but used to separate adjacent keywords, identifiers and operators.
In the definition of some lexemes, the quick reference uses the symbol ␣
to denote a single whitespace character.
Single line comments are all characters following //
until the end of the same line.
// single line comment
x = 1
Single or multi-line comments are any sequence of characters delimited by /*
and */
/* multi-line comments
look like this, as in C and friends */
Comments delimited by /*
and */
may be nested, provided the nesting is well-bracketed.
/// I'm a documentation comment
/// for a function
Documentation comments start with ///
followed by a space until the end of line, and get attached to the definition immediately following them.
Deprecation comments start with /// @deprecated
followed by a space until the end of line, and get attached to the definition immediately following them. They are only recognized in front of public
All comments are treated as whitespace.
The following keywords are reserved and may not be used as identifiers:
actor and assert async async* await await* break case catch class
composite continue debug debug_show do else false flexible finally for
from_candid func if ignore import in module not null persistent object or label
let loop private public query return shared stable switch system throw
to_candid true transient try type var while with
Identifiers are alpha-numeric, start with a letter and may contain underscores:
<id> ::= Letter (Letter | Digit | _)*
Letter ::= A..Z | a..z
Digit ::= 0..9
Integers are written as decimal or hexadecimal, Ox
-prefixed natural numbers. Subsequent digits may be prefixed a single, semantically irrelevant, underscore.
digit ::= ['0'-'9']
hexdigit ::= ['0'-'9''a'-'f''A'-'F']
num ::= digit ('_'? digit)*
hexnum ::= hexdigit ('_'? hexdigit)*
nat ::= num | "0x" hexnum
Negative integers may be constructed by applying a prefix negation -
Floating point literals are written in decimal or Ox
-prefixed hexadecimal scientific notation.
let frac = num
let hexfrac = hexnum
let float =
num '.' frac?
| num ('.' frac?)? ('e' | 'E') sign? num
| "0x" hexnum '.' hexfrac?
| "0x" hexnum ('.' hexfrac?)? ('p' | 'P') sign? num
The 'e' (or 'E') prefixes a base 10, decimal exponent; 'p' (or 'P') prefixes a base 2, binary exponent. In both cases, the exponent is in decimal notation.
The use of decimal notation, even for the base 2 exponent, adheres to the established hexadecimal floating point literal syntax of the C
A character is a single quote ('
) delimited:
Unicode character in UTF-8.
-escaped newline, carriage return, tab, single or double quotation mark. -
-prefixed ASCII character (TBR). -
enclosed valid, escaped Unicode character in hexadecimal (TBR).
ascii ::= ['\x00'-'\x7f']
ascii_no_nl ::= ['\x00'-'\x09''\x0b'-'\x7f']
utf8cont ::= ['\x80'-'\xbf']
utf8enc ::=
['\xc2'-'\xdf'] utf8cont
| ['\xe0'] ['\xa0'-'\xbf'] utf8cont
| ['\xed'] ['\x80'-'\x9f'] utf8cont
| ['\xe1'-'\xec''\xee'-'\xef'] utf8cont utf8cont
| ['\xf0'] ['\x90'-'\xbf'] utf8cont utf8cont
| ['\xf4'] ['\x80'-'\x8f'] utf8cont utf8cont
| ['\xf1'-'\xf3'] utf8cont utf8cont utf8cont
utf8 ::= ascii | utf8enc
utf8_no_nl ::= ascii_no_nl | utf8enc
escape ::= ['n''r''t''\\''\'''\"']
character ::=
| [^'"''\\''\x00'-'\x1f''\x7f'-'\xff']
| utf8enc
| '\\'escape
| '\\'hexdigit hexdigit
| "\\u{" hexnum '}'
| '\n' // literal newline
char := '\'' character '\''
A text literal is "
-delimited sequence of characters:
text ::= '"' character* '"'
Note that a text literal may span multiple lines.
<lit> ::= literals
<nat> natural
<float> float
<char> character
<text> Unicode text
Literals are constant values. The syntactic validity of a literal depends on the precision of the type at which it is used.
To simplify the presentation of available operators, operators and primitive types are classified into basic categories:
Abbreviation | Category | Supported operations |
A | Arithmetic | Arithmetic operations |
L | Logical | Logical/Boolean operations |
B | Bitwise | Bitwise and wrapping operations |
O | Ordered | Comparison |
T | Text | Concatenation |
Some types have several categories. For example, type Int
is both arithmetic (A) and ordered (O) and supports both arithmetic addition (+
) and relational less than (<
) amongst other operations.
<unop> |
Category | |
- |
A | Numeric negation |
+ |
A | Numeric identity |
^ |
B | Bitwise negation |
<relop> |
Category | |
== |
Equals | |
!= |
Not equals | |
␣<␣ |
O | Less than (must be enclosed in whitespace) |
␣>␣ |
O | Greater than (must be enclosed in whitespace) |
<= |
O | Less than or equal |
>= |
O | Greater than or equal |
Note that equality (==
) and inequality (!=
) do not have categories. Instead, equality and inequality are applicable to arguments of all shared types, including non-primitive, compound types such as immutable arrays, records, and variants.
Equality and inequality are structural and based on the observable content of their operands as determined by their static type.
<binop> |
Category | |
+ |
A | Addition |
- |
A | Subtraction |
* |
A | Multiplication |
/ |
A | Division |
% |
A | Modulo |
** |
A | Exponentiation |
<binop> |
Category | |
& |
B | Bitwise and |
| |
B | Bitwise or |
^ |
B | Exclusive or |
<< |
B | Shift left |
␣>> |
B | Shift right (must be preceded by whitespace) |
<<> |
B | Rotate left |
<>> |
B | Rotate right |
+% |
A | Addition (wrap-on-overflow) |
-% |
A | Subtraction (wrap-on-overflow) |
*% |
A | Multiplication (wrap-on-overflow) |
**% |
A | Exponentiation (wrap-on-overflow) |
<binop> |
Category | |
# |
T | Concatenation |
:= , <unop>= , <binop>= |
Category | |
:= |
* | Assignment (in place update) |
+= |
A | In place add |
-= |
A | In place subtract |
*= |
A | In place multiply |
/= |
A | In place divide |
%= |
A | In place modulo |
**= |
A | In place exponentiation |
&= |
B | In place logical and |
|= |
B | In place logical or |
^= |
B | In place exclusive or |
<<= |
B | In place shift left |
>>= |
B | In place shift right |
<<>= |
B | In place rotate left |
<>>= |
B | In place rotate right |
+%= |
B | In place add (wrap-on-overflow) |
-%= |
B | In place subtract (wrap-on-overflow) |
*%= |
B | In place multiply (wrap-on-overflow) |
**%= |
B | In place exponentiation (wrap-on-overflow) |
#= |
T | In place concatenation |
The category of a compound assignment <unop>=
is given by the category of the operator <unop>
The following table defines the relative precedence and associativity of operators and tokens, ordered from lowest to highest precedence. Tokens on the same line have equal precedence with the indicated associativity.
Precedence | Associativity | Token |
LOWEST | none | if _ _ (no else ), loop _ (no while ) |
(higher) | none | else , while |
(higher) | right | := , += , -= , *= , /= , %= , **= , #= , &= , |= , ^= , <<= , >>= , <<>= , <>>= , +%= , -%= , *%= , **%= |
(higher) | left | : |
(higher) | left | |> |
(higher) | left | or |
(higher) | left | and |
(higher) | none | == , != , < , > , <= , > , >= |
(higher) | left | + , - , # , +% , -% |
(higher) | left | * , / , % , *% |
(higher) | left | | |
(higher) | left | & |
(higher) | left | ^ |
(higher) | none | << , >> , <<> , <>> |
HIGHEST | left | ** , **% |
The syntax of a program <prog>
is as follows:
<prog> ::= programs
<imp>;* <dec>;*
A program is a sequence of imports <imp>;*
followed by a sequence of declarations <dec>;*
that ends with an optional actor or actor class declaration. The actor or actor class declaration determines the main actor, if any, of the program.
Compiled programs must obey the following additional restrictions:
function can only appear as a public field of an actor or actor class. -
A program may contain at most one actor or actor class declaration, i.e. the final main actor or actor class.
Any main actor class declaration should be anonymous. If named, the class name should not be used as a value within the class and will be reported as an unavailable identifier.
These restrictions are not imposed on interpreted programs.
The last two restrictions are designed to forbid programmatic actor class recursion, pending compiler support.
Note that the parameters of an actor class must have shared type. The parameters of a program’s final actor class provide access to the corresponding canister installation argument(s). The Candid type of this argument is determined by the Candid projection of the Motoko type of the class parameter.
The syntax of an import <imp>
is as follows:
<imp> ::= imports
import <pat> =? <url>
<url> ::=
"<filepath>" Import module from relative <filepath>.mo
"mo:<package-name>/<filepath>" Import module from package
"canister:<canisterid>" Import external actor by <canisterid>
"canister:<name>" Import external actor by <name>
An import introduces a resource referring to a local source module, module from a package of modules, or canister imported as an actor. The contents of the resource are bound to <pat>
Though typically a simple identifier, <id>
, <pat>
can also be any composite pattern binding selective components of the resource.
The pattern must be irrefutable.
The syntax of a library that can be referenced in an import is as follows:
<lib> ::= Library
<imp>;* module <id>? (: <typ>)? =? <obj-body> Module
<imp>;* <shared-pat>? actor <migration>? class Actor class
<id> <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? <class-body>
A library <lib>
is a sequence of imports <imp>;*
followed by:
A named or anonymous module declaration, or
A named actor class declaration.
Libraries stored in .mo
files may be referenced by import
In a module library, the optional name <id>?
is only significant within the library and does not determine the name of the library when imported. Instead, the imported name of a library is determined by the import
declaration, giving clients of the library the freedom to choose library names e.g. to avoid clashes.
An actor class library, because it defines both a type constructor and a function with name <id>
, is imported as a module defining both a type and a function named <id>
. The name <id>
is mandatory and cannot be omitted. An actor class constructor is always asynchronous, with return type async T
where T
is the inferred type of the class body. Because actor construction is asynchronous, an instance of an imported actor class can only be created in an asynchronous context i.e. in the body of a non-query
function, asynchronous function, async
expression or async*
The syntax of a declaration is as follows:
<dec> ::= Declaration
<exp> Expression
let <pat> = <exp> Immutable, trap on match failure
let <pat> = <exp> else <block-or-exp> Immutable, handle match failure
var <id> (: <typ>)? = <exp> Mutable
<parenthetical>? <sort> <id>? (: <typ>)? =? <obj-body> Object
<shared-pat>? func <id>? <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? =? <exp> Function
type <id> <type-typ-params>? = <typ> Type
<parenthetical>? <shared-pat>? <sort>? class Class
<id>? <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? <class-body>
<obj-body> ::= Object body
{ <dec-field>;* } Field declarations
<class-body> ::= Class body
= <id>? <obj-body> Object body, optionally binding <id> to 'this' instance
<obj-body> Object body
<sort> ::=
persistent? actor
<parenthetical> ::= Parenthetical expression
( <exp>? with <exp-field>;* ) Parenthetical combination/extension
The syntax of a shared function qualifier with call-context pattern is as follows:
<query> ::=
composite? query
<shared-pat> ::=
shared <query>? <pat>?
For <shared-pat>
, an absent <pat>?
is shorthand for the wildcard pattern _
<dec-field> ::= object declaration fields
<vis>? <stab>? <dec> field
<vis> ::= field visibility
<stab> ::= field stability (actor only)
transient (equivalent to flexible)
The visibility qualifier <vis>?
determines the accessibility of every field <id>
declared by <dec>
An absent
qualifier defaults toprivate
visibility. -
restricts access to<id>
to the enclosing object, module or actor. -
with external access to<id>
using the dot notation<exp>.<id>
. -
with access by the run-time system. -
may only appear onfunc
declarations that are actor fields, and must not appear anywhere else.
The stability qualifier <stab>
determines the upgrade behavior of actor fields:
A stability qualifier should appear on
declarations that are actor fields. Within apersistent
actor or actor class, an absent stability qualifier defaults tostable
. Within a non-persistent
actor or actor class, an absent stability qualifier defaults toflexible
). The keywordstransient
are interchangeable. -
qualifiers must not appear on fields of objects or modules. -
The pattern in a
stable let <pat> = <exp>
declaration must be simple where, a patternpat
is simple if it recursively consists of any of the following:-
A variable pattern
. -
An annotated simple pattern
<pat> : <typ>
. -
A parenthesized simple pattern
( <pat> )
The syntax of an expression is as follows:
<exp> ::= Expressions
<id> Variable
<lit> Literal
<unop> <exp> Unary operator
<exp> <binop> <exp> Binary operator
<exp> <relop> <exp> Binary relational operator
_ Placeholder expression
<exp> |> <exp> Pipe operator
( <exp>,* ) Tuple
<exp> . <nat> Tuple projection
? <exp> Option injection
{ <exp-field>;* } Object
{ <exp> (and <exp>)* (with <exp-field>;+)? } Object combination/extension
# id <exp>? Variant injection
<exp> . <id> Object projection/member access
<exp> := <exp> Assignment
<unop>= <exp> Unary update
<exp> <binop>= <exp> Binary update
[ var? <exp>,* ] Array
<exp> [ <exp> ] Array indexing
<shared-pat>? func <func_exp> Function expression
<exp> <typ-args>? <exp> Function call
not <exp> Negation
<exp> and <exp> Conjunction
<exp> or <exp> Disjunction
if <exp> <block-or-exp> (else <block-or-exp>)? Conditional
switch <exp> { (case <pat> <block-or-exp>;)+ } Switch
while <exp> <block-or-exp> While loop
loop <block-or-exp> (while <exp>)? Loop
for ( <pat> in <exp> ) <block-or-exp> Iteration
label <id> (: <typ>)? <block-or-exp> Label
break <id> <exp>? Break
continue <id> Continue
return <exp>? Return
async <block-or-exp> Async expression
await <block-or-exp> Await future (only in async)
async* <block-or-exp> Delay an asynchronous computation
await* <block-or-exp> Await a delayed computation (only in async)
throw <exp> Raise an error (only in async)
try <block-or-exp> catch <pat> <block-or-exp> Catch an error (only in async)
try <block-or-exp> finally <block-or-exp> Guard with cleanup
try <block-or-exp> catch <pat> <block-or-exp> finally <block-or-exp>
Catch an error (only in async) and cleanup
assert <block-or-exp> Assertion
<exp> : <typ> Type annotation
<dec> Declaration
ignore <block-or-exp> Ignore value
do <block> Block as expression
do ? <block> Option block
<exp> ! Null break
debug <block-or-exp> Debug expression
actor <exp> Actor reference
to_candid ( <exp>,* ) Candid serialization
from_candid <exp> Candid deserialization
(system <exp> . <id>) System actor class constructor
( <exp> ) Parentheses
<block-or-exp> ::=
<block> ::=
{ <dec>;* }
The syntax of a pattern is as follows:
<pat> ::= Patterns
_ Wildcard
<id> Variable
<unop>? <lit> Literal
( <pat>,* ) Tuple or brackets
{ <pat-field>;* } Object pattern
# <id> <pat>? Variant pattern
? <pat> Option
<pat> : <typ> Type annotation
<pat> or <pat> Disjunctive pattern
<pat-field> ::= Object pattern fields
<id> (: <typ>) = <pat> Field
<id> (: <typ>) Punned field
Type expressions are used to specify the types of arguments, constraints on type parameters, definitions of type constructors, and the types of sub-expressions in type annotations.
<typ> ::= Type expressions
<path> <type-typ-args>? Constructor
<typ-sort>? { <typ-field>;* } Object
{ <typ-tag>;* } Variant
{ # } Empty variant
[ var? <typ> ] Array
Null Null type
? <typ> Option
<shared>? <typ-params>? <typ> -> <typ> Function
async <typ> Future
async* <typ> Delayed, asynchronous computation
( ((<id> :)? <typ>),* ) Tuple
Any Top
None Bottom
<typ> and <typ> Intersection
<typ> or <typ> Union
Error Errors/exceptions
( <typ> ) Parenthesized type
<typ-sort> ::= (actor | module | object)
<shared> ::= Shared function type qualifier
shared <query>?
<path> ::= Paths
<id> Type identifier
<path> . <id> Projection
An absent <sort>?
abbreviates object
Motoko provides the following primitive type identifiers, including support for Booleans, signed and unsigned integers and machine words of various sizes, characters and text.
The category of a type determines the operators (unary, binary, relational and in-place update via assignment) applicable to values of that type.
Identifier | Category | Description |
Bool |
L | Boolean values true and false and logical operators |
Char |
O | Unicode characters |
Text |
T, O | Unicode strings of characters with concatenation _ # _ and iteration |
Float |
A, O | 64-bit floating point values |
Int |
A, O | Signed integer values with arithmetic (unbounded) |
Int8 |
A, O | Signed 8-bit integer values with checked arithmetic |
Int16 |
A, O | Signed 16-bit integer values with checked arithmetic |
Int32 ] |
A, O | Signed 32-bit integer values with checked arithmetic |
Int64 |
A, O | Signed 64-bit integer values with checked arithmetic |
Nat |
A, O | Non-negative integer values with arithmetic (unbounded) |
Nat8 |
A, O | Non-negative 8-bit integer values with checked arithmetic |
Nat16 |
A, O | Non-negative 16-bit integer values with checked arithmetic |
Nat32 |
A, O | Non-negative 32-bit integer values with checked arithmetic |
Nat64 |
A, O | Non-negative 64-bit integer values with checked arithmetic |
Blob |
O | Binary blobs with iterators |
Principal |
O | Principals |
Error |
(Opaque) error values | |
Region |
(Opaque) stable memory region objects |
Although many of these types have linguistic support for literals and operators, each primitive type also has an eponymous base library providing related functions and values. For example, the Text
library provides common functions on Text
Type Bool
The type Bool
of category L (Logical) has values true
and false
and is supported by one and two branch if _ <exp> (else <exp>)?
, not <exp>
, _ and _
and _ or _
expressions. Expressions if
, and
and or
are short-circuiting.
A Char
of category O (Ordered) represents a character as a code point in the unicode character set.
Base library function Char.toNat32(c)
converts a Char
value, c
to its Nat32
code point. Function Char.fromNat32(n)
converts a Nat32
value, n
, in the range 0x0..xD7FF or 0xE000..0x10FFFF of valid code points to its Char
value; this conversion traps on invalid arguments. Function Char.toText(c)
converts the Char
into the corresponding, single character Text
Type Text
The type Text
of categories T and O (Text, Ordered) represents sequences of unicode characters i.e. strings. Function t.size
returns the number of characters in Text
value t
. Operations on text values include concatenation (_ # _
) and sequential iteration over characters via t.chars
as in for (c : Char in t.chars()) { … c … }
The type Float
represents 64-bit floating point values of categories A (Arithmetic) and O (Ordered).
The semantics of Float
and its operations is in accordance with standard IEEE 754-2019 (See References).
Common functions and values are defined in base library "base/Float".
The types Int
and Nat
are signed integral and natural numbers of categories A (Arithmetic) and O (Ordered).
Both Int
and Nat
are arbitrary precision, with only subtraction -
on Nat
trapping on underflow.
The subtype relation Nat <: Int
holds, so every expression of type Nat
is also an expression of type Int
but not vice versa. In particular, every value of type Nat
is also a value of type Int
, without change of representation.
The types Int8
, Int16
, Int32
and Int64
represent signed integers with respectively 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit precision. All have categories A (Arithmetic), B (Bitwise) and O (Ordered).
Operations that may under- or overflow the representation are checked and trap on error.
The operations +%
, -%
, *%
and **%
provide access to wrap-around, modular arithmetic.
As bitwise types, these types support bitwise operations and (&
), or (|
) and exclusive-or (^
). Further, they can be rotated left (<<>
), right (<>>
), and shifted left (<<
), right (>>
). The right-shift preserves the two’s-complement sign. All shift and rotate amounts are considered modulo the numbers’s bit width n
Bounded integer types are not in subtype relationship with each other or with other arithmetic types, and their literals need type annotation if the type cannot be inferred from context, e.g. (-42 : Int16)
The corresponding module in the base library provides conversion functions:
Conversion to
. -
Checked and wrapping conversions from
. -
Wrapping conversion to the bounded natural type of the same size.
The types Nat8
, Nat16
, Nat32
and Nat64
represent unsigned integers with respectively 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit precision. All have categories A (Arithmetic), B (Bitwise) and O (Ordered).
Operations that may under- or overflow the representation are checked and trap on error.
The operations +%
, -%
, *%
and **%
provide access to the modular, wrap-on-overflow operations.
As bitwise types, these types support bitwise operations and (&
), or (|
) and exclusive-or (^
). Further, they can be rotated left (<<>
), right (<>>
), and shifted left (<<
), right (>>
). The right-shift is logical. All shift and rotate amounts are considered modulo the number’s bit width n.
The corresponding module in the base library provides conversion functions:
Conversion to
. -
Checked and wrapping conversions from
. -
Wrapping conversion to the bounded, signed integer type of the same size.
Type Blob
The type Blob
of category O (Ordered) represents binary blobs or sequences of bytes. Function b.size
returns the number of characters in Blob
value b
. Operations on blob values include sequential iteration over bytes via function b.vals
as in for (v : Nat8 in b.vals()) { … v … }
Type Principal
The type Principal
of category O (Ordered) represents opaque principals such as canisters and users that can be used to identify callers of shared functions and used for simple authentication. Although opaque, principals may be converted to binary Blob
values for more efficient hashing and other applications.
Assuming base library import:
import E "mo:base/Error";
Errors are opaque values constructed and examined with operations:
E.reject : Text -> Error
E.code : Error -> E.ErrorCode
E.message : Error -> Text
Type E.ErrorCode
is equivalent to variant type:
type ErrorCode = {
// Fatal error.
// Transient error.
// Destination invalid.
// Explicit reject by canister code.
// Canister trapped.
// Future error code (with unrecognized numeric code).
#future : Nat32;
// Error issuing inter-canister call
// (indicating destination queue full or freezing threshold crossed).
#call_error : { err_code : Nat32 }
A constructed error e = E.reject(t)
has E.code(e) = #canister_reject
and E.message(e) = t
values can be thrown and caught within an async
expression or shared
function only. See throw and try.
Errors with codes other than #canister_reject
, i.e. system errors, may be caught and thrown but not user-constructed.
Exiting an async block or shared function with a non-#canister-reject
system error exits with a copy of the error with revised code #canister_reject
and the original Text
message. This prevents programmatic forgery of system errors.
On ICP, the act of issuing a call to a canister function can fail, so that the call cannot (and will not be) performed.
This can happen due to a lack of canister resources, typically because the local message queue for the destination canister is full,
or because performing the call would reduce the current cycle balance of the calling canister to a level below its freezing threshold.
Such call failures are reported by throwing an Error
with code #call_error { err_code = n }
, where n
is the non-zero err_code
value returned by ICP.
Like other errors, call errors can be caught and handled using try ... catch ...
expressions, if desired.
The type Region
represents opaque stable memory regions. Region objects are dynamically allocated and independently growable. They represent isolated partitions of IC stable memory.
The region type is stable but not shared and its objects, which are stateful, may be stored in stable variables and data structures.
Objects of type Region
are created and updated using the functions provided by base library Region
. See stable regions and library Region for more information.
<path> <type-typ-args>?
is the application of a type identifier or path, either built-in (i.e. Int
) or user defined, to zero or more type arguments. The type arguments must satisfy the bounds, if any, expected by the type constructor’s type parameters (see Well-formed types).
Though typically a type identifier, more generally, <path>
may be a .
-separated sequence of actor, object or module identifiers ending in an identifier accessing a type component of a value (for example, Acme.Collections.List
<typ-sort>? { <typ-field>;* }
specifies an object type by listing its zero or more named type fields.
Within an object type, the names of fields must be distinct both by name and hash value.
Object types that differ only in the ordering of the fields are equivalent.
When <typ-sort>?
is actor
, all fields have shared
function type for specifying messages.
{ <typ-tag>;* }
specifies a variant type by listing its variant type fields as a sequence of <typ-tag>
Within a variant type, the tags of its variants must be distinct both by name and hash value.
Variant types that differ only in the ordering of their variant type fields are equivalent.
{ # }
specifies the empty variant type.
[ var? <typ> ]
specifies the type of arrays with elements of type <typ>
Arrays are immutable unless specified with qualifier var
The Null
type has a single value, the literal null
. Null
is a subtype of the option ? T
, for any type T
? <typ>
specifies the type of values that are either null
or a proper value of the form ? <v>
where <v>
has type <typ>
Type <shared>? <typ-params>? <typ1> -> <typ2>
specifies the type of functions that consume optional type parameters <typ-params>
, consume a value parameter of type <typ1>
and produce a result of type <typ2>
Both <typ1>
and <typ2>
may reference type parameters declared in <typ-params>
If <typ1>
or <typ2>
or both is a tuple type, then the length of that tuple type determines the argument or result arity of the function type.
The arity is the number of arguments or results a function returns.
The optional <shared>
qualifier specifies whether the function value is shared, which further constrains the form of <typ-params>
, <typ1>
and <typ2>
(see sharability below).
Note that a <shared>
function may itself be shared
or shared query
or shared composite query
, determining the persistence of its state changes.
async <typ>
specifies a future producing a value of type <typ>
Future types typically appear as the result type of a shared
function that produces an await
-able value.
async* <typ>
specifies a delayed, asynchronous computation producing a value of type <typ>
Computation types typically appear as the result type of a local
function that produces an await*
-able value.
They cannot be used as the return types of shared
( ((<id> :)? <typ>),* )
specifies the type of a tuple with zero or more ordered components.
The optional identifier <id>
, naming its components, is for documentation purposes only and cannot be used for component access. In particular, tuple types that differ only in the names of components are equivalent.
The empty tuple type ()
is called the unit type.
Type Any
is the top type, i.e. the supertype of all types. All values have type Any
Type None
is the bottom type, the subtype of all other types. No value has type None
As an empty type, None
can be used to specify the impossible return value of an infinite loop or unconditional trap.
The type expression <typ1> and <typ2>
denotes the syntactic intersection between its two type operands, that is, the greatest type that is a subtype of both. If both types are incompatible, the intersection is None
The intersection is syntactic, in that it does not consider possible instantiations of type variables. The intersection of two type variables is None
, unless they are equal, or one is declared to be a (direct or indirect) subtype of the other.
The type expression <typ1> or <typ2>
denotes the syntactic union between its two type operands, that is, the smallest type that is a supertype of both. If both types are incompatible, the union is Any
The union is syntactic, in that it does not consider possible instantiations of type variables. The union of two type variables is the union of their bounds, unless the variables are equal, or one is declared to be a direct or indirect subtype of the other.
A function that takes an immediate, syntactic tuple of length n \>= 0
as its domain or range is a function that takes and respectively returns n
When enclosing the argument or result type of a function, which is itself a tuple type, ( <tuple-typ> )
declares that the function takes or returns a single boxed value of type <tuple-type>
In all other positions, ( <typ> )
has the same meaning as <typ>
<typ-field> ::= Object type fields
<id> : <typ> Immutable value
var <id> : <typ> Mutable value
<id> <typ-params>? <typ1> : <typ2> Function value (short-hand)
type <id> <type-typ-params>? = <typ> Type component
A type field specifies the name and type of a value field of an object, or the name and definition of a type component of an object. The value field names within a single object type must be distinct and have non-colliding hashes. The type component names within a single object type must also be distinct and have non-colliding hashes. Value fields and type components reside in separate name spaces and thus may have names in common.
<id> : <typ>
: Specifies an immutable field, named <id>
of type <typ>
var <id> : <typ>
: Specifies a mutable field, named <id>
of type <typ>
type <id> <type-typ-params>? = <typ>
: Specifies a type component, with field name <id>
, abbreviating parameterized type <typ>
Unlike type declarations, a type component is not, in itself, recursive though it may abbreviate an existing recursive type.
In particular, the name <id>
is not bound in <typ>
nor in any other fields of the enclosing object type. The name <id>
only determines the label to use when accessing the definition through a record of this type using the dot notation.
<typ-tag> ::= Variant type fields
# <id> : <typ> Tag
# <id> Unit tag (short-hand)
A variant type field specifies the tag and type of a single variant of an enclosing variant type. The tags within a single variant type must be distinct and have non-colliding hashes.
# <id> : <typ>
specifies an immutable field, named <id>
of type <typ>
. # <id>
is sugar for an immutable field, named <id>
of type ()
When enclosed by an actor
object type, <id> <typ-params>? <typ1> : <typ2>
is syntactic sugar for an immutable field named <id>
of shared
function type shared <typ-params>? <typ1> → <typ2>
When enclosed by a non-actor
object type, <id> <typ-params>? <typ1> : <typ2>
is syntactic sugar for an immutable field named <id>
of ordinary function type <typ-params>? <typ1> → <typ2>
<typ-params> ::= Type parameters
< typ-param,* >
<id> <: <typ> Constrained type parameter
<id> Unconstrained type parameter
<type-typ-params> ::= Type parameters to type constructors
< typ-param,* >
<typ-params> ::= Function type parameters
< typ-param,* > Type parameters
< system (, <typ-param>*)) > System capability prefixed type parameters
<id> <: <typ> Constrained type parameter
<id> Unconstrained type parameter
A type constructor may be parameterized by a vector of comma-separated, optionally constrained, type parameters.
A function, class constructor or function type may be parameterized by a vector of comma-separated, optionally constrained, type parameters.
The first of these may be the special, pseudo type parameter system
<id> <: <typ>
declares a type parameter with constraint <typ>
. Any instantiation of <id>
must subtype <typ>
at that same instantiation.
Syntactic sugar <id>
declares a type parameter with implicit, trivial constraint Any
The names of type parameters in a vector must be distinct.
All type parameters declared in a vector are in scope within its bounds.
The system
pseudo-type parameter on function types indicates that a value of that type requires system
capability in order to be called and may itself call functions requiring system
capability during its execution.
<type-typ-args> ::= Type arguments to type constructors
< <typ>,* >
<typ-args> ::= Type arguments to functions
< <typ>,* > Plain type arguments
< system (, <typ>*) > System capability prefixed type arguments
Type constructors and functions may take type arguments.
The number of type arguments must agree with the number of declared type parameters of the type constructor.
For a function, the number of type arguments, when provided, must agree with the number of declared type parameters of the function’s type. Note that type arguments in function applications can typically be omitted and inferred by the compiler.
Given a vector of type arguments instantiating a vector of type parameters, each type argument must satisfy the instantiated bounds of the corresponding type parameter.
In function calls, supplying the system
pseudo type argument grants system capability to the function that requires it.
System capability is available only in the following syntactic contexts:
- In the body of an actor expression or actor class.
- In the body of a (non-
function, asynchronous function,async
expression orasync*
expression. - In the body of a function or class that is declared with
pseudo type parameter. - In system functions
No other context provides system
capabilities, including query
and composite query
The <system>
type parameters of shared and asynchronous functions need not be declared.
A type T
is well-formed only if recursively its constituent types are well-formed, and:
isasync U
orasync* U
is shared, and -
isshared <query>? U -> V
is shared and,V == ()
is absent, orV == async W
shared, and
isC<T0, …, Tn>
A declaration
type C<X0 <: U0, Xn <: Un> = …
is in scope, and -
Ti <: Ui[ T0/X0, …, Tn/Xn ]
, for each0 <= i <= n
isactor { … }
then all fields in…
are immutable and haveshared
function type.
Two types T
, U
are related by subtyping, written T <: U
, whenever, one of the following conditions is true:
(subtyping is reflexive). -
. -
. -
is a type parameterX
declared with constraintU
. -
is a tuple(T0, …, Tn)
is a tuple(U0, …, Un)
, and for each0 <= i <= n
,Ti <: Ui
. -
is an immutable array type[ V ]
is an immutable array type[ W ]
andV <: W
. -
is a mutable array type[ var V ]
is a mutable array type[ var W ]
andV == W
. -
is an option type? W
for someW
. -
is? V
is? W
andV <: W
. -
is a futureasync V
is a futureasync W
, andV <: W
. -
is an object type<typ-sort0> { fts0 }
is an object type<typ-sort1> { fts1 }
, and, for all fields, -
If field
id : W
is infts1
thenid : V
is infts0
andV <: W
, and -
If mutable field
var id : W
is infts1
thenvar id : V
is infts0
andV == W
.That is, object type
is a subtype of object typeU
if they have the same sort, every mutable field inU
super-types the same field inT
and every mutable field inU
is mutable inT
with an equivalent type. In particular,T
may specify more fields thanU
. Note that this clause defines subtyping for all sorts of object type, whethermodule
is a variant type{ fts0 }
is a variant type{ fts1 }
If field
# id : V
is infts0
then# id : W
is infts1
andV <: W
.That is, variant type
is a subtype of variant typeU
if every field ofT
subtypes the same field ofU
. In particular,T
may specify fewer variants thanU
is a function type<shared>? <X0 <: V0, ..., Xn <: Vn> T1 -> T2
is a function type<shared>? <X0 <: W0, ..., Xn <: Wn> U1 -> U2
are either both equivalently<shared>?
, and -
Assuming constraints
X0 <: W0, …, Xn <: Wn
for all
,Wi == Vi
, and -
U1 <: T1
, and -
T2 <: U2
.That is, function type
is a subtype of function typeU
if they have same<shared>?
qualification, they have the same type parameters (modulo renaming) and assuming the bounds inU
, every bound inT
supertypes the corresponding parameter bound inU
(contra-variance), the domain ofT
supertypes the domain ofU
(contra-variance) and the range ofT
subtypes the range ofU
) is a constructed typeC<V0, …, Vn>
that is equal, by definition of type constructorC
, toW
, andW <: U
(respectivelyU <: W
). -
For some type
,T <: V
andV <: U
A type T
is shared if it is:
, or -
A primitive type other than
, or -
An option type
? V
is shared, or -
A tuple type
(T0, …, Tn)
where allTi
are shared, or -
An immutable array type
is shared, or -
type where all fields are immutable and have shared type, or -
A variant type where all tags have shared type, or
A shared function type, or
Stability extends shareability to include mutable types. More precisely:
A type T
is stable if it is:
, or -
A primitive type other than
, or -
An option type
? V
is stable, or -
A tuple type
(T0, …, Tn)
where allTi
are stable, or -
A (mutable or immutable) array type
[var? V]
is stable, or -
type where all fields have stable type, or -
A variant type where all tags have stable type, or
A shared function type, or
This definition implies that every shared type is a stable type. The converse does not hold: there are types that are stable but not share, notably types with mutable components.
The types of actor fields declared with the stable
qualifier must have stable type.
The current value of such a field is preserved upon upgrade, whereas the values of other fields are reinitialized after an upgrade.
Note: the primitive Region
type is stable.
Below is a detailed account of the semantics of Motoko programs.
For each expression form and each declaration form, this page summarizes its semantics, both in static terms based on typing and dynamic terms based on program evaluation.
A program <imp>;* <dec>;*
has type T
has typeT
under the static environment induced by the imports in<imp>;*
All type and value declarations within <dec>;*
are mutually-recursive.
A program evaluates by transitively evaluating the imports, binding their values to the identifiers in <imp>;*
and then evaluating the sequence of declarations in <dec>;*
Restrictions on the syntactic form of modules means that libraries can have no side-effects.
The imports of a library are local and not re-exported in its interface.
Multiple imports of the same library can be safely deduplicated without loss of side-effects.
A library <imp>;* module <id>? (: <typ>)? =? <obj-body>
is a sequence of imports <import>;*
followed by a single module declaration.
A library has module type T
module <id>? (: <typ>)? =? <obj-body>
has (module) typeT
under the static environment induced by the imports in<import>;*
A module library evaluates by transitively evaluating its imports, binding their values to the identifiers in <imp>;*
and then evaluating module <id>? =? <obj-body>
If (: <typ>)?
is present, then T
must be a subtype of <typ>
The actor class library <imp>;* <dec>
where <dec>
is of the form <shared-pat>? actor class <id> <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? <class-body>
has type:
module {
type <id> = T;
<id> : (U1,...,Un) -> async T
Provided that the actor class declaration <dec>
has function type (U1, ..., Un) -> async T
under the static environment induced by the imports in <import>;*
Notice that the imported type of the function <id>
must be asynchronous.
An actor class library evaluates by transitively evaluating its imports, binding their values to the identifiers in <imp>;*
, and evaluating the derived module:
module {
On ICP, if this library is imported as identifier Lib
, then calling await Lib.<id>(<exp1>, ..., <expn>)
, installs a fresh instance of the actor class as an isolated IC canister, passing the values of <exp1>
, ..., <expn>
as installation arguments, and returns a reference to a remote actor of type Lib.<id>
, that is, T
. Installation is necessarily asynchronous.
On ICP, the primary constructor of an imported actor class always creates a new principal and installs a fresh instance of the class as the code for that principal. While that is one way to install a canister on ICP, it is not the only way.
To provide further control over the installation of actor classes, Motoko endows each imported actor class with an extra, secondary constructor, for use on ICP.
This constructor takes an additional first argument that tailors the installation. The constructor is only available via special syntax that stresses its
Given some actor class constructor:
Lib.<id> : (U1, ..., Un) -> async T
Its secondary constructor is accessed as (system Lib.<id>)
with typing:
(system Lib.<id>) :
{ #new : CanisterSettings;
#install : Principal;
#reinstall : actor {} ;
#upgrade : actor {} } ->
(U1, ..., Un) -> async T
type CanisterSettings = {
settings : ?{
controllers : ?[Principal];
compute_allocation : ?Nat;
memory_allocation : ?Nat;
freezing_threshold : ?Nat;
Calling (system Lib.<id>)(<exp>)(<exp1>, ..., <expn>)
uses the first argument <exp>
, a variant value, to control the installation of the canister further. Arguments (<exp1>, ..., <expn>)
are just the user-declared constructor arguments of types U1, ..., Un
that would also be passed to the primary constructor.
If <exp>
#new s
, wheres
has typeCanisterSettings
:- The call creates a fresh ICP principal
, with settingss
, and installs the instance to principalp
- The call creates a fresh ICP principal
#install p
, wherep
has typePrincipal
:- The call installs the actor to an already created ICP principal
. The principal must be empty, having no previously installed code, or the call will return an error.
- The call installs the actor to an already created ICP principal
#upgrade a
, wherea
has type (or supertype)actor {}
:- The call installs the instance as an upgrade of actor
, using its current stable storage to initialize stable variables and stable memory of the new instance.
- The call installs the instance as an upgrade of actor
#reinstall a
, wherea
has type (or supertype)actor {}
:- Reinstalls the instance over the existing actor
, discarding its stable variables and stable memory.
- Reinstalls the instance over the existing actor
On ICP, calling the primary constructor Lib.<id>
is equivalent to calling the secondary constructor (system Lib.<id>)
with argument (#new {settings = null})
i.e. using default settings.
On ICP, calls to Lib.<id>
and (system Lib.<id>)(#new ...)
must be provisioned with enough cycles for the creation of a new principal. Other call variants will use the cycles of the already allocated principal or actor.
The use of #upgrade a
may be unsafe. Motoko will currently not verify that the upgrade is compatible with the code currently installed at a
. A future extension may verify compatibility with a dynamic check.
The use of #reinstall a
may be unsafe. Motoko cannot verify that the reinstall is compatible with the code currently installed in actor a
even with a dynamic check.
A change in interface may break any existing clients of a
. The current state of a
will be lost.
An import import <pat> =? <url>
declares a pattern <pat>
bound to the contents of the text literal <url>
is a text literal that designates some resource: a local library specified with a relative path, a named module from a named package, or an external canister, referenced either by numeric canister id or by a named alias, and imported as a Motoko actor.
In detail, if <url>
is of the form:
is bound to the library module defined in file<filepath>.mo
is interpreted relative to the absolute location of the enclosing file. Note
extension is implicit and should not be included in<url>
. For example,import U "lib/Util"
to reference the module in local file./lib/Util
. -
is bound to the library module defined in file<package-path>/<path>.mo
in directory<package-path>
referenced by package alias<package-name>
. The mapping from<package-name>
is determined by a compiler command-line argument--package <package-name> <package-path>
. For example,import L "mo:base/List"
to reference theList
library in package aliasbase
. -
is bound to a Motoko actor whose Motoko type is determined by the canister’s IDL interface. The IDL interface of canister<canisterid>
must be found in file<actorpath>/<canisterid>.did
. The compiler assumes that<actorpath>
is specified by command line argument--actor-idl <actorpath>
and that file<actorpath>/<canisterid>.did
exists. For example,import C "ic:lg264-qjkae"
to reference the actor with canister idlg264-qjkae
and IDL filelg264-qjkae.did
. -
is a symbolic reference to canister alias<name>
. The compiler assumes that the mapping of<name>
is specified by command line argument--actor-alias <name> ic:<canisterid>
. If so,"canister:<name>"
is equivalent to"ic:<cansterid>"
(see above). For example,import C "canister:counter"
to reference the actor otherwise known ascounter
The case sensitivity of file references depends on the host operating system so it is recommended not to distinguish resources by filename casing alone.
When building multi-canister projects with the IC SDK, Motoko programs can typically import canisters by alias (e.g. import C "canister:counter"
), without specifying low-level canister ids (e.g. import C "ic:lg264-qjkae"
). The SDK tooling takes care of supplying the appropriate command-line arguments to the Motoko compiler.)
Sensible choices for <pat>
are identifiers, such as Array
, or object patterns like { cons; nil = empty }
, which allow selective importing of individual fields, under original or other names.
A declaration field <vis>? <stab>? <dec>
defines zero or more fields of an actor or object, according to the set of variables defined by <dec>
Any identifier bound by a public
declaration appears in the type of enclosing object, module or actor and is accessible via the dot notation.
An identifier bound by a private
or system
declaration is excluded from the type of the enclosing object, module or actor and thus inaccessible.
In a persistent
actor or actor class, all declarations are implicitly stable
unless explicitly declared otherwise.
In a non-persistent
actor or actor class, all declarations are implicitly transient
(equivalently flexible
) unless explicitly declared otherwise.
The declaration field has type T
has typeT
. -
must be a stable type (see stability). -
is absent and the actor or actor class ispersistent
, thenT
must be a stable type (see stability).
Actor fields declared transient
(or legacy flexible
) can have any type, but will not be preserved across upgrades.
In the absence of any <parenthetical>?
migration expression, sequences of declaration fields are evaluated in order by evaluating their constituent declarations, with the following exception:
During an upgrade only, the value of a
declaration is obtained as follows:-
If the stable declaration was previously declared stable in the retired actor, its initial value is inherited from the retired actor.
If the stable declaration was not declared stable in the retired actor, and is thus new, its value is obtained by evaluating
For an upgrade to be safe:
- Every stable identifier declared with type
in the retired actor and declared stable and of typeU
in the replacement actor, must satisfyT <: U
- Every stable identifier declared with type
This condition ensures that every stable variable is either fresh, requiring initialization, or its value can be safely inherited from the retired actor.
Note that stable variables may be removed across upgrades, or may simply be deprecated by an upgrade to type Any
Actors and actor class declaration may specify a migration expression, using an optional, leading <parenthetical>
expression with a required field named migration
The value of this field, a function, is applied to the stable variables of an upgraded actor, before initializing any stable fields of the declared actor.
The parenthetical expression must satisfy the following conditions:
- It must be static, that is, have no immediate side effects.
- Its
field must be present and have a non-shared function type whose domain and codomain are both record types. - The domain and the codomain must both be stable.
- Any field in the codomain must be declared as a stable field in the actor body.
- The content type of the codomain field must be a subtype of the content type of the actor's stable field.
The migration expression only affects upgrades of the actor and is otherwise ignored during fresh installation of the actor.
On upgrade, the domain of the migration function is used to construct a record of values containing the current contents of the corresponding stable fields of the retired actor. If one of the fields is absent, the upgrade traps and is aborted.
Otherwise, we obtain an input record of stable values of the appropriate type.
The migration function is applied to the input record. If the application traps, the upgrade is aborted.
Otherwise, the application produces an output record of stable values whose type is the codomain.
The actor's declarations are evaluated in order by evaluating each declaration as usual except that
the value of a stable
declaration is obtained as follows:
If the stable declaration is present in the codomain, its initial value is obtained from the output record.
Otherwise, if the stable declaration is not present in the domain and is declared stable in the retired actor, then its initial value is obtained from the retired actor.
Otherwise, its value is obtained by evaluating the declaration's initalizer.
Thus a stable variable's initializer is run if the variable is not produced by the migration function and either consumed by the migration function (by appearing in its domain) or absent in the retired actor.
For the upgrade to be safe:
Every stable identifier declared with type
in the domain of the migration function must be declared stable for some typeT
in the retired actor, withT <: U
. -
Every stable identifier declared with type
in the retired actor, not present in the domain or codomain, and declared stable and of typeU
in the replacement actor, must satisfyT <: U
This condition ensures that every stable variable is either discarded or fresh, requiring initialization, or that its value can be safely consumed from the output of migration or the retired actor.
The compiler will issue a warning if a migration function appears to be discarding data by consuming a field and not producing it. The warnings should be carefully considered to verify any data loss is intentional and not accidental.
The declaration <dec>
of a system
field must be a manifest func
declaration with one of the following names and types:
name | type | description |
heartbeat |
() -> async () |
Heartbeat action |
timer |
(Nat64 -> ()) -> async () |
Timer action |
inspect |
{ caller : Principal; msg : <Variant>; arg : Blob } -> Bool |
Message predicate |
preupgrade |
<system>() -> () |
Pre upgrade action |
postupgrade |
<system>() -> () |
Post upgrade action |
: When declared, is called on every Internet Computer subnet heartbeat, scheduling an asynchronous call to theheartbeat
function. Due to itsasync
return type, a heartbeat function may send messages and await results. The result of a heartbeat call, including any trap or thrown error, is ignored. The implicit context switch means that the time the heartbeat body is executed may be later than the time the heartbeat was issued by the subnet. -
: When declared, is called as a response of the canister global timer's expiration. The canister's global timer can be manipulated with the passed-in function argument of typeNat64 -> ()
(taking an absolute time in nanoseconds) upon which libraries can build their own abstractions. When not declared (and in absence of the-no-timer
flag), this system action is provided with default implementation by the compiler (additionallysetTimer
are available as primitives). -
: When declared, is called as a predicate on every Internet Computer ingress message with the exception of HTTP query calls. The return value, aBool
, indicates whether to accept or decline the given message. The argument type depends on the interface of the enclosing actor (see inspect). -
: When declared, is called during an upgrade, immediately before the current values of the retired actor’s stable variables are transferred to the replacement actor. Its<system>
type parameter is implicitly assumed and need not be declared. -
: When declared, is called during an upgrade, immediately after the replacement actor body has initialized its fields, inheriting values of the retired actors' stable variables, and before its first message is processed. Its<system>
type parameter is implicitly assumed and need not be declared.
Using the pre- and post-upgrade system methods is discouraged. It is error-prone and can render a canister unusable.
In particular, if a preupgrade
method traps and cannot be prevented from trapping by other means, then your canister may be left in a state in which it can no longer be upgraded.
Per best practices, using these methods should be avoided if possible.
These preupgrade
and postupgrade
system methods provide the opportunity to save and restore in-flight data structures, e.g. caches, that are better represented using non-stable types.
During an upgrade, a trap occurring in the implicit call to preupgrade()
or postupgrade()
causes the entire upgrade to trap, preserving the pre-upgrade actor.
Given a record of message attributes, this function produces a Bool
that indicates whether to accept or decline the message by returning true
or false
. The function is invoked by the system on each ingress message issue as an ICP update call, excluding non-replicated query calls. Similar to a query, any side-effects of an invocation are transient and discarded. A call that traps due to some fault has the same result as returning false
message denial.
The argument type of inspect
depends on the interface of the enclosing actor. In particular, the formal argument of inspect
is a record of fields of the following types:
caller : Principal
: The principal, possibly anonymous, of the caller of the message. -
arg : Blob
: The raw, binary content of the message argument. -
msg : <variant>
: A variant of decoding functions, where<variant> == {…; #<id>: () → T; …}
contains one variant pershared
orshared query
, of the actor. The variant’s tag identifies the function to be called; The variant’s argument is a function that, when applied, returns the (decoded) argument of the call as a value of typeT
Using a variant, tagged with #<id>
, allows the return type, T
, of the decoding function to vary with the argument type (also T
) of the shared function <id>
The variant’s argument is a function so that one can avoid the expense of message decoding when appropriate.
An actor that fails to declare system field inspect
will simply accept all ingress messages.
Any shared composite query
function in the interface is not included in <variant>
since, unlike a shared query
, it can only be invoked as a non-replicated query call, never as an update call.
A sequence of declarations <dec>;*
occurring in a block, a program or embedded in the <dec-field>;*
sequence of an object body has type T
is empty andT == ()
, or -
is non-empty and:-
All value identifiers bound by
are distinct. -
All type identifiers bound by
are distinct. -
Under the assumption that each value identifier
has typevar_id? Tid
, and assuming the type definitions in<dec>;*
Each declaration in
is well-typed,. -
Each value identifier
in bindings produced by<dec>;*
has typevar_id? Tid
. -
All but the last
of the form<exp>
has type()
. -
The last declaration in
has typeT
Declarations in <dec>;*
are evaluated sequentially. The first declaration that traps causes the entire sequence to trap. Otherwise, the result of the declaration is the value of the last declaration in <dec>;*
. In addition, the set of value bindings defined by <dec>;*
is the union of the bindings introduced by each declaration in <dec>;*
It is a compile-time error if any declaration in <dec>;*
might require the value of an identifier declared in <dec>;*
before that identifier’s declaration has been evaluated. Such use-before-define errors are detected by a simple, conservative static analysis not described here.
Patterns bind function parameters, declare identifiers and decompose values into their constituent parts in the cases of a switch
Matching a pattern against a value may succeed, binding the corresponding identifiers in the pattern to their matching values, or fail. Thus the result of a match is either a successful binding, mapping identifiers of the pattern to values, or failure.
The consequences of pattern match failure depends on the context of the pattern.
In a function application or
-binding, failure to match the formal argument pattern orlet
-pattern causes a trap. -
In a
branch of aswitch
expression, failure to match that case’s pattern continues with an attempt to match the next case of the switch, trapping only when no such case remains.
The wildcard pattern _
matches a single value without binding its contents to an identifier.
The identifier pattern <id>
matches a single value and binds it to the identifier <id>
The literal pattern <unop>? <lit>
matches a single value against the constant value of literal <lit>
and fails if they are not structurally equal values.
For integer literals only, the optional <unop>
determines the sign of the value to match.
The tuple pattern ( <pat>,* )
matches a n-tuple value against an n-tuple of patterns where both the tuple and pattern must have the same number of items. The set of identifiers bound by each component of the tuple pattern must be distinct.
The empty tuple pattern ()
is called the unit pattern.
Pattern matching fails if one of the patterns fails to match the corresponding item of the tuple value. Pattern matching succeeds if every pattern matches the corresponding component of the tuple value. The binding returned by a successful match is the disjoint union of the bindings returned by the component matches.
The object pattern { <pat-field>;* }
matches an object value, a collection of named field values, against a sequence of named pattern fields. The set of identifiers bound by each field of the object pattern must be distinct. The names of the pattern fields in the object pattern must be distinct.
Object patterns support punning for concision. A punned field <id>
is shorthand for <id> = <id>
. Similarly, a typed, punned field <id> : <typ>
is short-hand for <id> = <id> : <typ>
. Both bind the matched value of the field named <id>
to the identifier <id>
Pattern matching fails if one of the pattern fields fails to match the corresponding field value of the object value. Pattern matching succeeds if every pattern field matches the corresponding named field of the object value. The binding returned by a successful match is the union of the bindings returned by the field matches.
The <typ-sort>
of the matched object type must be determined by an enclosing type annotation or other contextual type information.
The variant pattern # <id> <pat>?
matches a variant value (of the form # <id'> v
) against a variant pattern. An absent <pat>?
is shorthand for the unit pattern (()
). Pattern matching fails if the tag <id'>
of the value is distinct from the tag <id>
of the pattern (i.e. <id>
<> <id'>
); or the tags are equal but the value v
does not match the pattern <pat>?
. Pattern matching succeeds if the tag of the value is <id>
(i.e. <id'>
= <id>
) and the value v
matches the pattern <pat>?
. The binding returned by a successful match is just the binding returned by the match of v
against <pat>?
The annotated pattern <pat> : <typ>
matches value of v
type <typ>
against the pattern <pat>
<pat> : <typ>
is not a dynamic type test, but is used to constrain the types of identifiers bound in <pat>
, e.g. in the argument pattern to a function.
The option ? <pat>
matches a value of option type ? <typ>
The match fails if the value is null
. If the value is ? v
, for some value v
, then the result of matching ? <pat>
is the result of matching v
against <pat>
Conversely, the null
literal pattern may be used to test whether a value of option type is the value null
and not ? v
for some v
The or pattern <pat1> or <pat2>
is a disjunctive pattern.
The result of matching <pat1> or <pat2>
against a value is the result of matching <pat1>
, if it succeeds, or the result of matching <pat2>
, if the first match fails.
An or
-pattern may contain identifier (<id>
) patterns with the restriction that both alternatives must bind the same set of identifiers. Each identifier's type is the least upper bound of its type in <pat1>
and <pat2>
The declaration <exp>
has type T
provided the expression <exp>
has type T
. It declares no bindings.
The declaration <exp>
evaluates to the result of evaluating <exp>
typically for <exp>
's side-effect.
Note that if <exp>
appears within a sequence of declarations, but not as the last declaration of that sequence, then T
must be ()
The let
declaration let <pat> = <exp>
has type T
and declares the bindings in <pat>
has typeT
, and -
has typeT
The declaration let <pat> = <exp>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, the declaration evaluates to trap
. If r
is a value v
then evaluation proceeds by matching the value v
against <pat>
. If matching fails, then the result is trap
. Otherwise, the result is v
and the binding of all identifiers in <pat>
to their matching values in v
All bindings declared by a let
if any are immutable.
The let-else
declaration let <pat> = <exp> else <block-or-exp>
has type T
and declares the bindings in <pat>
has typeT
, -
has typeT
, and -
has typeNone
The declaration let <pat> = <exp> else <block-or-exp>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
If r
is trap
, the declaration evaluates to trap
If r
is a value v
then evaluation proceeds by matching the value v
against <pat>
If matching succeeds, the result is v
and the binding of all identifiers in <pat>
to their matching values in v
If matching fails, then evaluation continues with <block-or-exp>
, which, having type None
, cannot proceed to the end of the declaration but may still alter control-flow to, for example return
or throw
to exit an enclosing function, break
from an enclosing expression or simply diverge.
All bindings declared by a let-else
if any are immutable.
In the presence of refutable patterns, the pattern in a let
declaration may fail to match the value of its expression.
In such cases, the let
-declaration will evaluate to a trap.
The compiler emits a warning for any let
-declaration than can trap due to pattern match failure.
Instead of trapping, a user may want to explicitly handle pattern match failures.
The let-else
declaration, let <pat> = <exp> else <block-or-exp>
, has mostly identical static and dynamic semantics to let
but diverts the program's control flow to <block-or-exp>
when pattern matching fails, allowing recovery from failure.
The else
expression, <block-or-exp>
, must have type None
and typically exits the declaration using imperative control flow
constructs such as throw
, return
, break
or non-returning functions such as Debug.trap(...)
that all produce a result of type None
Any compilation warning that is produced for a let
can be silenced by handling the potential pattern-match failure using let-else
The variable declaration var <id> (: <typ>)? = <exp>
declares a mutable variable <id>
with initial value <exp>
. The variable’s value can be updated by assignment.
The declaration var <id>
has type ()
has typeT
; and -
If the annotation
is present, thenT
Within the scope of the declaration, <id>
has type var T
(see Assignment).
Evaluation of var <id> (: <typ>)? = <exp>
proceeds by evaluating <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, the declaration evaluates to trap
. Otherwise, the r
is some value v
that determines the initial value of mutable variable <id>
. The result of the declaration is ()
and <id>
is bound to a fresh location that contains v
The declaration type <id> <type-typ-params>? = <typ>
declares a new type constructor <id>
, with optional type parameters <type-typ-params>
and definition <typ>
The declaration type C< X0 <: T0, …, Xn <: Tn > = U
is well-formed provided:
Type parameters
, …,Xn
are distinct, and -
Assuming the constraints
X0 <: T0
, …,Xn <: Tn
, …,Tn
are well-formed. -
is well-formed. -
It is productive (see Productivity).
It is non-expansive (see Expansiveness).
In scope of the declaration type C< X0<:T0, …, Xn <: Tn > = U
, any well-formed type C< U0, …, Un >
is equivalent to its expansion U [ U0/X0, …, Un/Xn ]
. Distinct type expressions that expand to identical types are inter-changeable, regardless of any distinction between type constructor names. In short, the equivalence between types is structural, not nominal.
A type is productive if recursively expanding any outermost type constructor in its definition eventually produces a type other than the application of a type constructor.
Motoko requires all type declarations to be productive.
For example, the following type definitions are all productive and legal:
type Person = { first : Text; last : Text };
type List<T> = ?(T, List<T>);
type Fst<T, U> = T;
type Ok<T> = Fst<Any, Ok<T>>;
But in contrast, the following type definitions are all non-productive, since each definition will enter a loop after one or more expansions of its body:
type C = C;
type D<T, U> = D<U, T>;
type E<T> = F<T>;
type F<T> = E<T>;
type G<T> = Fst<G<T>, Any>;
A set of mutually recursive type or class declarations will be rejected if the set is expansive.
Expansiveness is a syntactic criterion. To determine whether a set of singly or mutually recursive type definitions is expansive, for example:
type C<...,Xi,...> = T;
type D<...,Yj,...> = U;
Take these definitions and construct a directed graph whose vertices are the formal type parameters identified by position, C#i
, with the following {0,1}
-labeled edges:
For each occurrence of parameter
as immediate,j
-th argument to typeD<…,C#i,…>
, add a non-expansive,0
-labeled edge,C#i -0-> D#j
. -
For each occurrence of parameter
as a proper sub-expression of thej
-th argument to typeD<…,T[C#i],..>
add an expansive1
-labeled edge,C#i -1-> D#j
The graph is expansive if, and only if, it contains a cycle with at least one expansive edge.
For example, the type definition that recursively instantiates List
at the same parameter T
, is non-expansive and accepted:
type List<T> = ?(T, List<T>);
A similar looking definition that recursively instantiates Seq
with a larger type, [T]
, containing T
, is expansive and rejected:
type Seq<T> = ?(T, Seq<[T]>);
is non-expansive because its graph,{ List#0 -0-> List#0 }
, though cyclic, has no expansive edge. -
, on the other hand, is expansive, because its graph,{ Seq#0 -1-> Seq#0 }
, has a cycle that includes an expansive edge.
Declaration <sort> <id>? (: <typ>)? =? <obj-body>
, where <obj-body>
is of the form { <dec-field>;* }
, declares an object with optional identifier <id>
and zero or more fields <dec-field>;*
. Fields can be declared with public
or private
visibility; if the visibility is omitted, it defaults to private
The qualifier <sort>
(one of persistent? actor <migration>?
, module
or object
) specifies the <typ-sort>
of the object’s type (actor
, module
or object
, respectively).
The sort imposes restrictions on the types of the public object fields.
Let T = <typ-sort> { [var0] id0 : T0, … , [varn] idn : T0 }
denote the type of the object. Let <dec>;*
be the sequence of declarations embedded in <dec-field>;*
. The object declaration has type T
provided that:
is well-formed for sort<typ-sort>
, and -
Under the assumption that
<id> : T
The sequence of declarations
has typeAny
and declares the disjoint sets of private and public identifiers,Id_private
respectively, with typesT(id)
inId == Id_private union Id_public
, and -
{ id0, …, idn } == Id_public
, and -
For all
i in 0 <= i <= n
,[vari] Ti == T(idi)
, then the declarations in<dec>;*
must be static (see static declarations).
Note that the first requirement imposes further constraints on the field types of T
. In particular, if the sort is actor
- All public fields must be non-
functions. The public interface of an actor can only provide asynchronous messaging via shared functions.
Because actor construction is asynchronous, an actor declaration can only occur in an asynchronous context, i.e. in the body of a non-<query>
function, async
expression or async*
Evaluation of <sort>? <id>? =? { <dec-field>;* }
proceeds by binding <id>
, if present, to the eventual value v
, and evaluating the declarations in <dec>;*
. If the evaluation of <dec>;*
traps, so does the object declaration. Otherwise, <dec>;*
produces a set of bindings for identifiers in Id
. let v0
, …, vn
be the values or locations bound to identifiers <id0>
, …, <idn>
. The result of the object declaration is the object v == <typ-sort> { <id0> = v1, …, <idn> = vn}
If <id>?
is present, the declaration binds <id>
to v
. Otherwise, it produces the empty set of bindings.
If (: <typ>)?
is present, then T
must be a subtype of <typ>
Actor declaration is implicitly asynchronous and the state of the enclosing actor may change due to concurrent processing of other incoming actor messages. It is the programmer’s responsibility to guard against non-synchronized state changes.
A declaration is static if it is:
declaration. -
declaration. -
declaration with a static pattern and a static expression. -
A module, function or object declaration that de-sugars to a static
declaration. -
A static expression.
An expression is static if it is:
A literal expression.
A tuple of static expressions.
An object of static expressions.
A variant or option with a static expression.
An immutable array.
Field access and projection from a static expression.
A module expression.
A function expression.
A static declaration.
of a static expression. -
A block, all of whose declarations are static.
A type annotation with a static expression.
A pattern is static if it is:
An identifier.
A wildcard.
A tuple of static patterns.
Type annotation with a static pattern.
Static phrases are designed to be side-effect free, allowing the coalescing of duplicate library imports.
The function declaration <shared-pat>? func <id>? <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? =? <exp>
is syntactic sugar for a named let
or anonymous declaration of a function expression.
That is, when <id>?
is present and the function is named:
<shared-pat>? func <id> <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? =? <block-or-exp> :=
let <id> = <shared-pat>? func <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? =? <block-or-exp>
But when <id>?
is absent and the function is anonymous:
<shared-pat>? func <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? =? <block-or-exp> :=
<shared-pat>? func <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? =? <block-or-exp>
Named function definitions support recursion, i.e. a named function can call itself.
In compiled code, shared
functions can only appear as public actor fields.
The class declaration <shared-pat>? <sort>? class <id>? <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? <class-body>
is sugar for pair of a type and function declaration:
<shared-pat>? <sort>? class <id> <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? <class-body> :=
type <id> <type-typ-params>? = <sort> { <typ-field>;* };
<shared-pat>? func <id> <typ-params>? <pat> : async? <id> <typ-args> =
async? <sort> <id_this>? <obj-body>
, when present, requires<sort>
==persistent? actor
, and provides access to thecaller
of anactor
constructor, and -
is the sequence of type identifiers bound by<typ-params>?
, if any, and -
is the set of public field types inferred from<dec-field>;*
. -
is the object body of<class-body>
. -
is the optional this or self parameter of<class-body>
. -
is present, if only if,<sort>
==persistent? actor
Note <shared-pat>?
must not be of the form shared <query> <pat>?
: a constructor, unlike a function, cannot be a query
or composite query
An absent <shared-pat>?
defaults to shared
when <sort>
= persistent? actor
If sort
is persistent? actor
, then:
must be absent or empty, such thatactor
classes cannot have type parameters. -
's type must be shared (see shareability). -
(: <typ>)?
, if present, must be of the form: async T
for some actor typeT
. Actor instantiation is asynchronous.
If (: <typ>)
is present, then the type <async?> <typ-sort> { <typ_field>;* }
must be a subtype of the annotation <typ>
. In particular, the annotation is used only to check, but not affect, the inferred type of function <id>
. <typ-sort>
is just <sort>
erasing any persistent?
The class declaration has the same type as function <id>
and evaluates to the function value <id>
The identifier expression <id>
has type T
provided <id>
is in scope, defined and declared with explicit or inferred type T
The expression <id>
evaluates to the value bound to <id>
in the current evaluation environment.
A literal has type T
only when its value is within the prescribed range of values of type T
The literal (or constant) expression <lit>
evaluates to itself.
The unary operator <unop> <exp>
has type T
has typeT
, and -
The category of
is a category ofT
The unary operator expression <unop> <exp>
evaluates <exp>
to a result. If the result is a value v
, it returns the result of <unop> v
. If the result is trap
, the entire expression results in trap
The binary operator expression <exp1> <binop> <exp2>
has type T
has typeT
. -
has typeT
. -
The category of
is a category ofT
The binary operator expression <exp1> <binop> <exp2>
evaluates exp1
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, the expression results in trap
Otherwise, exp2
is evaluated to a result r2
. If r2
is trap
, the expression results in trap
Otherwise, r1
and r2
are values v1
and v2
and the expression returns the result of v1 <binop> v2
The relational expression <exp1> <relop> <exp2>
has type Bool
has typeT
. -
has typeT
. -
is equality==
or inequality!=
is shared, andT
is the least type such that<exp1>
have typeT
. -
Ihe category O (Ordered) is a category of
The binary operator expression <exp1> <relop> <exp2>
evaluates <exp1>
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, the expression results in trap
Otherwise, exp2
is evaluated to a result r2
. If r2
is trap
, the expression results in trap
Otherwise, r1
and r2
are values v1
and v2
and the expression returns the Boolean result of v1 <relop> v2
For equality and inequality, the meaning of v1 <relop> v2
depends on the compile-time, static choice of T
. This means that only the static types of <exp1>
and <exp2>
are considered for equality, and not the run-time types of v1
and v2
, which, due to subtyping, may be more precise than the static types.
The pipe expression <exp1> |> <exp2>
binds the value of <exp1>
to the special placeholder expression _
, that can be referenced in <exp2>
and recursively in <exp1>
Referencing the placeholder expression outside of a pipe operation is a compile-time error.
The pipe expression <exp1> |> <exp2>
is just syntactic sugar for a let
binding to a placeholder identifier, p
do { let p = <exp1>; <exp2> }
The placeholder expression _
is just syntactic sugar for the expression referencing the placeholder identifier:
The placeholder identifier, p
, is a fixed, reserved identifier that cannot be bound by any other expression or pattern other than a pipe operation, and can only be referenced using the placeholder expression _
has lowest precedence amongst all operators except :
and associates to the left.
Judicious use of the pipe operator allows one to express a more complicated nested expression by piping arguments of that expression into their nested positions within that expression.
For example:
Iter.range(0, 10) |>
Iter.toList _ |>
List.filter<Nat>(_, func n { n % 3 == 0 }) |>
{ multiples = _ };
This may be a more readable rendition of:
{ multiples =
Iter.toList(Iter.range(0, 10)),
func n { n % 3 == 0 }) };
Above, each occurrence of _
refers to the value of the left-hand-size of the nearest enclosing pipe operation, after associating nested pipes to the left.
Note that the evaluation order of the two examples is different, but consistently left-to-right.
Although syntactically identical, the placeholder expression is semantically distinct from, and should not be confused with, the wildcard pattern _
Occurrences of the forms can be distinguished by their syntactic role as pattern or expression.
Tuple expression (<exp1>, …, <expn>)
has tuple type (T1, …, Tn)
, provided <exp1>
, …, <expn>
have types T1
, …, Tn
The tuple expression (<exp1>, …, <expn>)
evaluates the expressions exp1
… expn
in order, trapping as soon as some expression <expi>
traps. If no evaluation traps and exp1
, …, <expn>
evaluate to values v1
then the tuple expression returns the tuple value (v1, … , vn)
The tuple projection <exp> . <nat>
has type Ti
provided <exp>
has tuple type (T1, …, Ti, …, Tn)
, <nat>
== i
and 1 <= i <= n
The projection <exp> . <nat>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, then the result is trap
. Otherwise, r
must be a tuple (v1,…,vi,…,vn)
and the result of the projection is the value vi
The empty tuple expression ()
is called the unit value.
The option expression ? <exp>
has type ? T
provided <exp>
has type T
The literal null
has type Null
. Since Null <: ? T
for any T
, literal null
also has type ? T
and signifies the "missing" value at type ? T
The variant injection # <id> <exp>
has variant type {# id T}
has typeT
The variant injection # <id>
is just syntactic sugar for # <id> ()
The variant injection # <id> <exp>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, then the result is trap
. Otherwise, r
must be a value v
and the result of the injection is the tagged value # <id> v
The tag and contents of a variant value can be tested and accessed using a variant pattern.
Objects can be written in literal form { <exp-field>;* }
, consisting of a list of expression fields:
<exp-field> ::= Object expression fields
var? <id> (: <typ>) = <exp> Field
var? <id> (: <typ>) Punned field
Such an object literal, sometimes called a record, is equivalent to the object declaration object { <dec-field>;* }
where the declaration fields are obtained from the expression fields by prefixing each of them with public let
, or just public
in case of var
fields. However, unlike declarations, the field list does not bind each <id>
as a local name within the literal, i.e., the field names are not in scope in the field expressions.
Object expressions support punning for concision. A punned field <id>
is shorthand for <id> = <id>
; Similarly, a typed, punned field <id> : <typ>
is short-hand for <id> = <id> : <typ>
. Both associate the field named <id>
with the value of the identifier <id>
Objects can be combined and/or extended using the and
and with
A record expression { <exp> (and <exp>)* (with <exp-field>;+)? }
merges the objects or module) specified as base expressions, and augments the result to also contain the specified fields. The with <exp-field>;+
clause can be omitted when at least two bases appear and none have common field labels.
Thus the field list serves to:
- Disambiguate field labels occurring more than once in the bases.
- Define new fields.
- Override existing fields and their types.
- Add new
fields. - Redefine existing
fields from some base to prevent aliasing.
The resulting type is determined by the bases' and explicitly given fields' static type.
Any var
field from some base must be overwritten in the explicit field list. This prevents introducing aliases of var
The record expression { <exp1> and ... <expn> with <exp-field1>; ... <exp_fieldn>; }
has type T
The record
{ <exp-field1>; ... <exp_fieldm>; }
has record type{ field_tys } == { var? <id1> : U1; ... var? <idm> : Um }
. -
newfields == { <id1> , ..., <idm> }
be the set of new field names. -
Considering value fields:
- Base expression
has object or module typesorti { field_tysi } == sorti { var? <idi1> : Ti1, …, var? <idik> : Tik }
wheresorti <> Actor
fields(i) == { <idi1>, ..., <idik> }
be the set of static field names of basei
. Then:-
is disjoint fromnewfields
(possibly by applying subtyping to the type of<expi>
). -
No field in
is avar
field. -
is disjoint fromfields(j)
forj < i
- Base expression
Considering type fields:
Base expression
has object or module typesorti { typ_fieldsi } == sorti { type <idj1> = … , …, type <idik> = … }
wheresorti <> Actor
. -
agrees withtyp_fieldsj
forj < i
is{ typ_fieldsi fields_tys1 ... typ_fieldsm fields_tysm field_tys }
Here, two sequences of type fields agree only when any two type fields of the same name in each sequence have equivalent definitions.
The record expression { <exp1> and ... <expn> with <exp-field1>; ... <exp_fieldm>; }
evaluates records <exp1>
through <expn>
and { exp-field1; ... <exp_fieldm }
to results r1
through rn
and r
, trapping on the first result that is a trap. If none of the expressions produces a trap, the results are objects sort1 { f1 }
, sortn { fn }
and object { f }
, where f1
... fn
and f
are maps from identifiers to values or mutable locations.
The result of the entire expression is the value object { g }
where g
is the partial map with domain fields(1) union fields(n) union newfields
mapping identifiers to unique
values or locations such that g(<id>) = fi(<id>)
if <id>
is in fields(i)
, for some i
, or f(<id>)
if <id>
is in newfields
The object projection <exp> . <id>
has type var? T
provided <exp>
has object type sort { var1? <id1> : T1, …, var? <id> : T, …, var? <idn> : Tn }
for some sort sort
The object projection <exp> . <id>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, then the result is trap
. Otherwise, r
must be an object value { <id1> = v1,…, id = v, …, <idm> = vm }
and the result of the projection is the value w
obtained from value or location v
in field id
If var
is absent from var? T
then the value w
is just the value v
of immutable field <id>
, otherwise:
If the projection occurs as the target of an assignment expression then
is justv
, the mutable location in field<id>
. -
(of typeT
) is the value currently stored at the mutable locationv
in field<id>
The iterator access <exp> . <id>
has type T
provided <exp>
has type U
, and U
and T
are related by a row of the following table:
U | <id> |
T | Description |
Text |
size |
Nat |
Size (or length) in characters |
Text |
chars |
{ next: () -> Char? } |
Character iterator, first to last |
Blob |
size |
Nat |
Size in bytes |
Blob |
vals |
{ next: () -> Nat8? } |
Byte iterator, first to last |
[var? T] |
size |
Nat |
Number of elements |
[var? T] |
get |
Nat -> T |
Indexed read function |
[var? T] |
keys |
{ next: () -> Nat? } |
Index iterator, by ascending index |
[var? T] |
vals |
{ next: () -> T? } |
Value iterator, by ascending index |
[var T] |
put |
(Nat, T) -> () |
Indexed write function (mutable arrays only) |
The projection <exp> . <id>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, then the result is trap
. Otherwise, r
must be a value of type U
and the result of the projection is a value of type T
whose semantics is given by the Description column of the previous table.
the chars
, vals
, keys
and vals
members produce stateful iterator objects than can be consumed by for
expressions (see for).
The assignment <exp1> := <exp2>
has type ()
has typevar T
. -
has typeT
The assignment expression <exp1> := <exp2>
evaluates <exp1>
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, the expression results in trap
Otherwise, exp2
is evaluated to a result r2
. If r2
is trap
, the expression results in trap
Otherwise r1
and r2
are respectively a location v1
, a mutable identifier, an item of a mutable array or a mutable field of an object, and a value v2
. The expression updates the current value stored in v1
with the new value v2
and returns the empty tuple ()
The unary compound assignment <unop>= <exp>
has type ()
has typevar T
. -
's category is a category ofT
The unary compound assignment <unop>= <exp>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
the evaluation traps, otherwise r
is a location storing value v
and r
is updated to contain the value <unop> v
The binary compound assignment <exp1> <binop>= <exp2>
has type ()
has typevar T
. -
has typeT
. -
's category is a category ofT
For binary operator <binop>
, the compound assignment expression <exp1> <binop>= <exp2>
evaluates <exp1>
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, the expression results in trap
. Otherwise, exp2
is evaluated to a result r2
. If r2
is trap
, the expression results in trap
Otherwise r1
and r2
are respectively a location v1
, a mutable identifier, an item of a mutable array or a mutable field of object, and a value v2
. The expression updates the current value, w
stored in v1
with the new value w <binop> v2
and returns the empty tuple ()
The expression [ var? <exp>,* ]
has type [var? T]
provided each expression <exp>
in the sequence <exp>,*
has type T.
The array expression [ var <exp0>, …, <expn> ]
evaluates the expressions exp0
… expn
in order, trapping as soon as some expression <expi>
traps. If no evaluation traps and exp0
, …, <expn>
evaluate to values v0
then the array expression returns the array value [var? v0, … , vn]
of size n+1
The array indexing expression <exp1> [ <exp2> ]
has type var? T
has mutable or immutable array type[var? T1]
The expression <exp1> [ <exp2> ]
evaluates exp1
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, then the result is trap
Otherwise, exp2
is evaluated to a result r2
. If r2
is trap
, the expression results in trap
Otherwise, r1
is an array value, var? [v0, …, vn]
, and r2
is a natural integer i
. If i > n
the index expression returns trap
Otherwise, the index expression returns the value v
, obtained as follows:
- If
is absent fromvar? T
then the valuev
is the constant valuevi
If the indexing occurs as the target of an assignment expression then
is thei
-th mutable location in the array. -
, the value currently stored in thei
-th location of the array.
The function call expression <exp1> <T0,…,Tn>? <exp2>
has type T
The function
has function type<shared>? < X0 <: V0, ..., Xn <: Vn > U1-> U2
. -
is absent but n > 0 then there exists minimalT0, …, Tn
inferred by the compiler such that: -
Each type argument satisfies the corresponding type parameter’s bounds: for each
1 <= i <= n
,Ti <: [T0/X0, …, Tn/Xn]Vi
. -
The argument
has type[T0/X0, …, Tn/Xn]U1
. -
T == [T0/X0, …, Tn/Xn]U2
The call expression <exp1> <T0,…,Tn>? <exp2>
evaluates exp1
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, then the result is trap
Otherwise, exp2
is evaluated to a result r2
. If r2
is trap
, the expression results in trap
Otherwise, r1
is a function value, <shared-pat>? func <X0 <: V0, …, n <: Vn> <pat1> { <exp> }
(for some implicit environment), and r2
is a value v2
. If <shared-pat>
is present and of the form shared <query>? <pat>
then evaluation continues by matching the record value {caller = p}
against <pat>
, where p
is the Principal
invoking the function, typically a user or canister. Matching continues by matching v1
against <pat1>
. If pattern matching succeeds with some bindings, then evaluation returns the result of <exp>
in the environment of the function value not shown extended with those bindings. Otherwise, some pattern match has failed and the call results in trap
The exhaustiveness side condition on shared
function expressions ensures that argument pattern matching cannot fail (see functions).
Calls to local functions with async
return type and shared
functions can fail due to a lack of canister resources.
Such failures will result in the call immediately throwing an error with code
#call_error { err_code = n }
, where n
is the non-zero err_code
value returned by ICP.
Earlier versions of Motoko would trap in such situations, making it difficult for the calling canister to mitigate such failures.
Now, a caller can handle these errors using enclosing try ... catch ...
expressions, if desired.
The function expression <shared-pat>? func < X0 <: T0, …, Xn <: Tn > <pat1> (: U2)? =? <block-or-exp>
has type <shared>? < X0 <: T0, ..., Xn <: Tn > U1-> U2
if, under the assumption that X0 <: T0, …, Xn <: Tn
is of the formshared <query>? <pat>
if and only if<shared>?
isshared <query>?
modifiers must agree, i.e. are either both absent, bothquery
, or bothcomposite query
). -
All the types in
T0, …, Tn
are well-formed and well-constrained. -
has context type{ caller : Principal }
. -
has typeU1
. -
If the function is
must be exhaustive. -
has type return typeU2
under the assumption that<pat1>
has typeU1
<shared-pat>? func <typ-params>? <pat1> (: <typ>)? =? <block-or-exp>
evaluates to a function value denoted <shared-pat>? func <typ-params>? <pat1> = <exp>
, that stores the code of the function together with the bindings from the current evaluation environment needed to evaluate calls to the function value.
Note that a <shared-pat>
function may itself be shared <pat>
or shared query <pat>
or shared composite query <pat>
shared <pat>
function may be invoked from a remote caller. Unless causing a trap, the effects on the callee persist beyond completion of the call. -
shared query <pat>
function may be also be invoked from a remote caller, but the effects on the callee are transient and discarded once the call has completed with a result (whether a value or error). -
shared composite query <pat>
function may only be invoked as an ingress message, not from a remote caller. Like a query, the effects on the callee are transient and discarded once the call has completed with a result, whether a value or error. In addition, intermediate state changes made by the call are not observable by any of its ownquery
orcomposite query
In either case, <pat>
provides access to a context value identifying the caller of the shared function.
The context type is a record to allow extension with further fields in future releases.
Shared functions have different capabilities dependent on their qualification as shared
, shared query
or shared composite query
A shared
function may call any shared
or shared query
function, but no shared composite query
A shared query
function may not call any shared
, shared query
or shared composite query
A shared composite query
function may call any shared query
or shared composite query
function, but no shared
All varieties of shared functions may call unshared functions.
Composite queries, though composable, can only be called externally such as from a frontend and cannot be initiated from an actor.
The block expression { <dec>;* }
has type T
provided the last declaration in the sequence <dec>;*
has type T
. All identifiers declared in block must be distinct type identifiers or distinct value identifiers and are in scope in the definition of all other declarations in the block.
The bindings of identifiers declared in { dec;* }
are local to the block.
The type system ensures that a value identifier cannot be evaluated before its declaration has been evaluated, precluding run-time errors at the cost of rejection some well-behaved programs.
Identifiers whose types cannot be inferred from their declaration, but are used in a forward reference, may require an additional type annotation (see annotated pattern) to satisfy the type checker.
The block expression { <dec>;* }
evaluates each declaration in <dec>;*
in sequence (program order). The first declaration in <dec>;*
that results in a trap causes the block to result in trap
, without evaluating subsequent declarations.
The do expression do <block>
allows the use of a block as an expression, in positions where the syntax would not directly allow a block.
The expression do <block>
has type T
provided <block>
has type T
The do
expression evaluates by evaluating <block>
and returning its result.
The option block do ? <block>
introduces scoped handling of null values.
The expression do ? <block>
has type ?T
provided <block>
has type T
The do ? <block>
expression evaluates <block>
and returns its result as an optional value.
Within <block>
the null break expression <exp1> !
exits the nearest enclosing do ?
block with value null
whenever <exp1>
has value null
, or continues evaluation with the contents of <exp1>
's option value. (See Null break.)
Option blocks nest with the target of a null break determined by the nearest enclosing option block.
The null break expression <exp> !
invokes scoped handling of null values and returns the contents of an option value or changes control-flow when the value is null
It has type T
The expression appears in the body,
, of an enclosing option block of the formdo ? <block>
(see option block). -
has option type? T
The expression <exp> !
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, then the result is trap
; if r
is null
, execution breaks with value null
from the nearest enclosing option block of form do ? <block>
; otherwise, r
is ? v
and execution continues with value v
The not expression not <exp>
has type Bool
provided <exp>
has type Bool
If <exp>
evaluates to trap
, the expression returns trap
. Otherwise, <exp>
evaluates to a Boolean value v
and the expression returns not v
, the Boolean negation of v
The and expression <exp1> and <exp2>
has type Bool
provided <exp1>
and <exp2>
have type Bool
The expression <exp1> and <exp2>
evaluates exp1
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, the expression results in trap
. Otherwise r1
is a Boolean value v
. If v == false
the expression returns the value false
(without evaluating <exp2>
). Otherwise, the expression returns the result of evaluating <exp2>
The or expression <exp1> or <exp2>
has type Bool
provided <exp1>
and <exp2>
have type Bool
The expression <exp1> and <exp2>
evaluates exp1
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, the expression results in trap
. Otherwise r1
is a Boolean value v
. If v == true
the expression returns the value true
without evaluating <exp2>
. Otherwise, the expression returns the result of evaluating <exp2>
The expression if <exp1> <exp2> (else <exp3>)?
has type T
has typeBool
. -
has typeT
. -
is absent and() <: T
. -
is present and has typeT
The expression evaluates <exp1>
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, the result is trap
. Otherwise, r1
is the value true
or false
. If r1
is true
, the result is the result of evaluating <exp2>
. Otherwise, r1
is false
and the result is ()
(if <exp3>
is absent) or the result of <exp3>
(if <exp3>
is present).
The switch expression switch <exp> { (case <pat> <block-or-exp>;)+ }
has type T
has typeU
. -
For each case
case <pat> <block-or-exp>
in the sequence(case <pat> <block-or-exp>;)+
. -
has typeU
. -
has typeT
The expression evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, the result is trap
. Otherwise, r
is some value v
. Let case <pat> <block-or-exp>;
be the first case in (case <pat> <block-or-exp>;)+
such that <pat>
matches v
for some binding of identifiers to values. Then result of the switch
is the result of evaluating <block-or-exp>
under that binding. If no case has a pattern that matches v
, the result of the switch is trap
The expression while <exp1> <exp2>
has type ()
has typeBool
. -
has type()
The expression evaluates <exp1>
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, the result is trap
. Otherwise, r1
is the value true
or false
. If r1
is true
, the result is the result of re-evaluating while <exp1> <exp2>
. Otherwise, the result is ()
The expression loop <block-or-exp>
has type None
provided <block-or-exp>
has type ()
The expression evaluates <block-or-exp>
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, the result is trap
. Otherwise, the result is the result of re-evaluating loop <block-or-exp>
The expression loop <block-or-exp1> while <exp2>
has type ()
has type()
. -
has typeBool
The expression evaluates <block-or-exp1>
to a result r1
. If r1
is trap
, the result is trap
. Otherwise, evaluation continues with <exp2>
, producing result r2
. If r2
is trap
the result is trap
. Otherwise, if r2
is true
, the result is the result of re-evaluating loop <block-or-exp1> while <exp2>
. Otherwise, r2
is false and the result is ()
The iterator expression for ( <pat> in <exp1> ) <block-or-exp2>
has type ()
has type{ next : () → ?T }
. -
has typeT
. -
has type()
(in the environment extended with the bindings of<pat>
The for
-expression is syntactic sugar for the following, where x
and l
are fresh identifiers:
for ( <pat> in <exp1> ) <block-or-exp2> :=
let x = <exp1>;
label l loop {
switch ( {
case (? <pat>) <block-or-exp2>;
case (null) break l;
In particular, the for
loop will trap if evaluation of <exp1>
traps; as soon as
traps, or the value of
does not match pattern <pat>
, or when <block-or-exp2>
Although general purpose, for
loops are commonly used to consume iterators produced by special member access to, for example, loop over the indices (a.keys()
) or values (a.vals()
) of some array, a
The label-expression label <id> (: <typ>)? <block-or-exp>
has type T
(: <typ>)?
is absent andT
is unit; or(: <typ>)?
is present andT == <typ>
. -
has typeT
in the static environment extended withlabel l : T
The result of evaluating label <id> (: <typ>)? <block-or-exp>
is the result of evaluating <block-or-exp>
If <exp>
in label <id> (: <typ>)? <exp>
is a looping construct:
while (exp2) <block-or-exp1>
. -
loop <block-or-exp1> (while (<exp2>))?
. -
for (<pat> in <exp2>) <block-or-exp1>
The body, <exp1>
, of the loop is implicitly enclosed in label <id_continue> (…)
allowing early continuation of the loop by the evaluation of expression continue <id>
is a fresh identifier that can only be referenced by continue <id>
, through its implicit expansion to break <id_continue>
The expression break <id>
is equivalent to break <id> ()
The expression break <id> <exp>
has type None
The label
is declared with typelabel <id> : T
. -
has typeT
The evaluation of break <id> <exp>
evaluates <exp>
to some result r
. If r
is trap
, the result is trap
. If r
is a value v
, the evaluation abandons the current computation up to the dynamically enclosing declaration label <id> …
using the value v
as the result of that labelled expression.
The expression continue <id>
is equivalent to break <id_continue>
, where <id_continue>
is implicitly declared around the bodies of <id>
-labelled looping constructs (see labeled loops).
The expression return
is equivalent to return ()
The expression return <exp>
has type None
has typeT
. -
and either one of:
is the return type of the nearest enclosing function with no interveningasync
expression. -
async T
is the type of the nearest enclosing, perhaps implicit,async
expression with no intervening function declaration.
The return
expression exits the corresponding dynamic function invocation or completes the corresponding dynamic async
or async*
expression with the result of <exp>
The async expression async <block-or-exp>
has type async T
has typeT
. -
is shared.
Any control-flow label in scope for async <block-or-exp>
is not in scope for <block-or-exp>
. However, <block-or-exp>
may declare and use its own, local, labels.
The implicit return type in <block-or-exp>
is T
. That is, the return expression, <exp0>
, implicit or explicit, to any enclosed return <exp0>?
expression, must have type T
Evaluation of async <block-or-exp>
queues a message to evaluate <block-or-exp>
in the nearest enclosing or top-level actor. It immediately returns a future of type async T
that can be used to await
the result of the pending evaluation of <exp>
Because it involves messaging, evaluating an async
expression can fail due to a lack of canister resources.
Such failures will result in the call immediately throwing an error with code
#call_error { err_code = n }
, where n
is the non-zero err_code
value returned by ICP.
Earlier version of Motoko would trap in such situations, making it difficult for the producer of the async expression to mitigate such failures. Now, the producer can handle these errors using an enclosing try ... catch ...
expression, if desired.
The await
expression await <exp>
has type T
has typeasync T
. -
is shared. -
is explicitly enclosed by anasync
-expression or appears in the body of ashared
Expression await <exp>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, evaluation returns trap
. Otherwise r
is a future. If the future
is incomplete, that is, its evaluation is still pending, await <exp>
suspends evaluation of the neared enclosing async
or shared
-function, adding the suspension to the wait-queue of the future
. Execution of the suspension is resumed once the future is completed, if ever. If the future is complete with value v
, then await <exp>
suspends evaluation and schedules resumption of execution with value v
. If the future is complete with thrown error value e
, then await <exp>
suspends evaluation and schedules resumption of execution by re-throwing the error e
Suspending computation on await
, regardless of the dynamic status of the future, ensures that all tentative state changes and message sends prior to the await
are committed and irrevocable.
Between suspension and resumption of a computation, the state of the enclosing actor may change due to concurrent processing of other incoming actor messages. It is the programmer’s responsibility to guard against non-synchronized state changes.
Using await
signals that the computation will commit its current state and suspend execution.
Because it involves additional messaging, an await
on a completed future can, in rare circumstances, fail due to a lack of canister resources.
Such failures will result in the call immediately throwing an error with code
#call_error { err_code = n }
, where n
is the non-zero err_code
value returned by ICP.
The error is produced eagerly, without suspending nor committing state.
Earlier versions of Motoko would trap in such situations, making it difficult for the consumer of the await
to mitigate such failures. Now, the consumer can handle these errors by using an enclosing try ... catch ...
expression, if desired.
The async expression async* <block-or-exp>
has type async* T
has typeT
. -
is shared.
Any control-flow label in scope for async* <block-or-exp>
is not in scope for <block-or-exp>
. However, <block-or-exp>
may declare and use its own, local, labels.
The implicit return type in <block-or-exp>
is T
. That is, the return expression, <exp0>
, implicit or explicit, to any enclosed return <exp0>?
expression, must have type T
Evaluation of async* <block-or-exp>
produces a delayed computation to evaluate <block-or-exp>
. It immediately returns a value of type async* T
The delayed computation can be executed using await*
, producing one evaluation of the computation <block-or-exp>
Note that async <block-or-exp>
has the effect of scheduling a single asynchronous computation of <exp>
, regardless of whether its result, a future, is consumed with an await
Moreover, each additional consumption by an await
just returns the previous result, without repeating the computation.
In comparison, async* <block-or_exp>
, has no effect until its value is consumed by an await*
Moreover, each additional consumption by an await*
will trigger a new evaluation of <block-or-exp>
, including repeated effects.
Be careful of this distinction, and other differences, when refactoring code.
The async*
and corresponding await*
constructs are useful for efficiently abstracting asynchronous code into re-useable functions.
In comparison, calling a local function that returns a proper async
type requires committing state and suspending execution with each await
of its result, which can be undesirable.
The await*
expression await* <exp>
has type T
has typeasync* T
. -
is shared. -
is explicitly enclosed by anasync
-expression or appears in the body of ashared
Expression await* <exp>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, evaluation returns trap
. Otherwise r
is a delayed computation <block-or-exp>
. The evaluation of await* <exp>
proceeds with the evaluation of <block-or-exp>
, executing the delayed computation.
During the evaluation of <block-or-exp>
, the state of the enclosing actor may change due to concurrent processing of other incoming actor messages. It is the programmer’s responsibility to guard against non-synchronized state changes.
Unlike await
, which, regardless of the dynamic status of the future, ensures that all tentative state changes and message sends prior to the await
are committed and irrevocable, await*
does not, in itself, commit any state changes, nor does it suspend computation.
Instead, evaluation proceeds immediately according to <block-or-exp>
, the value of <exp>
, committing state and suspending execution whenever <block-or-exp>
does, but not otherwise.
Evaluation of a delayed async*
block is synchronous while possible, switching to asynchronous when necessary due to a proper await
Using await*
signals that the computation may commit state and suspend execution during the evaluation of <block-or-exp>
, that is, that evaluation of <block-or-exp>
may perform zero or more proper await
s and may be interleaved with the execution of other, concurrent messages.
The throw
expression throw <exp>
has type None
has typeError
. -
is explicitly enclosed by anasync
-expression or appears in the body of ashared
Expression throw <exp>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, evaluation returns trap
. Otherwise r
is an error value e
. Execution proceeds from the catch
clause of the nearest enclosing try <block-or-exp1> catch <pat> <block-or-exp2>
whose pattern <pat>
matches value e
. If there is no such try
expression, e
is stored as the erroneous result of the async
value of the nearest enclosing async
, async*
expression or shared
function invocation.
The try
expression try <block-or-exp1> catch <pat> <block-or-exp2>
has type T
has typeT
. -
has typeError
has typeT
in the context extended with<pat>
. -
is explicitly enclosed by anasync
-expression or appears in the body of ashared
Expression try <block-or-exp1> catch <pat> <block-or-exp2>
evaluates <block-or-exp1>
to a result r
. If evaluation of <block-or-exp1>
throws an uncaught error value e
, the result of the try
is the result of evaluating <block-or-exp2>
under the bindings determined by the match of e
against pat
Because the Error
type is opaque, the pattern match cannot fail. Typing ensures that <pat>
is an irrefutable wildcard or identifier pattern.
The try
expression can be provided with a finally
cleanup clause to facilitate structured rollback of temporary state changes (e.g. to release a lock).
The preceding catch
clause may be omitted in the presence of a finally
This form is try <block-or-exp1> (catch <pat> <block-or-exp2>)? finally <block-or-exp3>
, and evaluation proceeds as above with the crucial addition that every control-flow path leaving <block-or-exp1>
or <block-or-exp2>
will execute the unit-valued <block-or-exp3>
before the entire try
expression produces its result. The cleanup expression will additionally also be executed when the processing after an intervening await
(directly, or indirectly as await*
) traps.
The code within a finally
block should terminate promptly and not trap.
A trapping finally block will fail to free its callback table slot which
can prevent a future upgrade.
In this situation, the canister should be explicitly stopped before re-attempting the upgrade.
In addition, care should be taken to release any resources that may have remained acquired due to the trap.
The canister may be re-started after the upgrade.
See Error type.
The assert expression assert <exp>
has type ()
provided <exp>
has type Bool
Expression assert <exp>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
evaluation returns trap
. Otherwise r
is a Boolean value v
. The result of assert <exp>
The value
, whenv
. -
, whenv
The type annotation expression <exp> : <typ>
has type T
. -
has typeU
whereU <: T
Type annotation may be used to aid the type-checker when it cannot otherwise determine the type of <exp>
or when one wants to constrain the inferred type, U
of <exp>
to a less-informative super-type T
provided U <: T
The result of evaluating <exp> : <typ>
is the result of evaluating <exp>
Type annotations have no-runtime cost and cannot be used to perform the checked or unchecked down-casts
available in other object-oriented languages.
The Candid serialization expression to_candid ( <exp>,*)
has type Blob
has type(T1,…,Tn)
, and eachTi
is shared.
Expression to_candid ( <exp>,* )
evaluates the expression sequence ( <exp>,* )
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, evaluation returns trap
. Otherwise, r
is a sequence of Motoko values vs
. The result of evaluating to_candid ( <exp>,* )
is some Candid blob b = encode((T1,...,Tn))(vs)
, encoding vs
The Candid deserialization expression from_candid <exp>
has type ?(T1,…,Tn)
is the expected type from the context. -
has typeBlob
. -
is shared.
Expression from_candid <exp>
evaluates <exp>
to a result r
. If r
is trap
, evaluation returns trap
. Otherwise r
is a binary blob b
. If b
Candid-decodes to Candid value sequence Vs
of type ea((T1,...,Tn))
then the result of from_candid
is ?v
where v = decode((T1,...,Tn))(Vs)
. If b
Candid-decodes to a Candid value sequence Vs
that is not of Candid type ea((T1,...,Tn))
(but well-formed at some other type) then the result is null
. If b
is not the encoding of any well-typed Candid value, but some arbitrary binary blob, then the result of from_candid
is a trap.
Informally, here ea(_)
is the Motoko-to-Candid type sequence translation and encode/decode((T1,...,Tn))(_)
are type-directed Motoko-Candid value translations.
Operation from_candid
returns null
when the argument is a valid Candid encoding of the wrong type. It traps if the blob is not a valid Candid encoding at all.
Operations to_candid
and from_candid
are syntactic operators, not first-class functions, and must be fully applied in the syntax.
The Candid encoding of a value as a blob is not unique and the same value may have many different Candid representations as a blob. For this reason, blobs should never be used to, for instance, compute hashes of values or determine equality, whether across compiler versions or even just different programs.
The declaration expression <dec>
has type T
provided the declaration <dec>
has type T
Evaluating the expression <dec>
proceeds by evaluating <dec>
, returning the result of <dec>
but discarding the bindings introduced by <dec>
, if any.
The expression <dec>
is actually shorthand for the block expression do { <dec> }
The expression ignore <exp>
has type ()
provided the expression <exp>
has type Any
The expression ignore <exp>
evaluates <exp>
, typically for some side-effect, but discards its value.
The ignore
declaration is useful for evaluating an expression within a sequence of declarations when that expression has non-unit
type, and the simpler <exp>
declaration would be ill-typed. Then the semantics is equivalent to let _ = <exp> : Any
The debug expression debug <block-or-exp>
has type ()
provided the expression <block-or-exp>
has type ()
When the program is compiled or interpreted with (default) flag --debug
, evaluating the expression debug <exp>
proceeds by evaluating <block-or-exp>
, returning the result of <block-or-exp>
When the program is compiled or interpreted with flag --release
, evaluating the expression debug <exp>
immediately returns the unit value ()
. The code for <block-or-exp>
is never executed, nor is its code included in the compiled binary.
The actor reference actor <exp>
has expected type T
The expression is used in a context expecting an expression of type
, typically as the subject of a type annotation, typed declaration or function argument. -
is an some actor typeactor { … }
. -
has typeText
The argument <exp>
must be, or evaluate to, the textual format of a canister identifier, specified elsewhere, otherwise the expression traps. The result of the expression is an actor value representing that canister.
The validity of the canister identifier and its asserted type T
are promises and taken on trust.
An invalid canister identifier or type may manifest itself, if at all, as a later dynamic failure when calling a function on the actor’s proclaimed interface, which will either fail or be rejected.
The argument to actor
should not include the ic:
resource locator used to specify an import
. For example, use actor "lg264-qjkae"
, not actor "ic:lg264-qjkae"
Although they do not compromise type safety, actor references can easily introduce latent, dynamic errors. Accordingly, actor references should be used sparingly and only when needed.
The parenthesized expression ( <exp> )
has type T
provided <exp>
has type T
The result of evaluating ( <exp> )
is the result of evaluating <exp>
Whenever <exp>
has type T
and T <: U
, with T
subtypes U
, then by virtue of implicit subsumption, <exp>
also has type U
without extra syntax.
In general, this means that an expression of a more specific type may appear wherever an expression of a more general type is expected, provided the specific and general types are related by subtyping. This static change of type has no runtime cost.
- IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic, in IEEE Std 754-2019 (Revision of IEEE 754-2008), vol., no., pp.1-84, 22 July 2019, doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2019.8766229.