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Releases: DeFUCC/gun-vue

🌟 v.0.14.0 Room to grow

03 Mar 11:42
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Projects have just started to appear in Gun-Vue and we want to improve it by a whole interconnected types structure dedicated for creative social collaboration.

The infrastructure is pretty much built, we can grow now, feature by feature.

⚡️ Vertical slicing by features with typescript v.0.13.0

08 Feb 05:56
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We've moved to typescript and it helped to move all the source code for components and composables into a single root src folder. This means we now have feature-wise vertical slices of somewhat independent code, that's became much more navigable and usable.

It's definitely a more advanced architecture and is coming at the right time as we've established the 3 main layers of code with 2 builds each. The folders are there just for the packages package.json files plus some config for lib and doc builds.

  • Composables build into a typed npm package @gun-vue/composables and generate automated typescript documentation with TypeDoc and Vitepress.
  • Components build into a typed npm package @gun-vue/components and generate automated documentation out of *.story.vue files with Histoire
  • App uses all these to showcase the features and serves the generated documentation.

Now we combine Composables and Components in the same folders yet they don't mix on the program level. Every build script uses it's own entry point and sees the same directory at different angles. Feels so great! DX upgraded x1000! 🌞

@gun-vue/app v.0.12.7

02 Feb 06:11
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Cleaner docs and obvious bug fixes for more smooth browsing. New rootRoom is here and it seems we can make it more easily configurable.

☀️Stable TS documentation @gun-vue/app v.0.12.6

31 Jan 17:48
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Composables and components packages export ESM only packages along with full types coverage. This makes the system much more reliable. And easy to use!

✨ Happy 2023! @gun-vue/app v.0.12.4

02 Jan 05:47
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Happy 2023!

Now we have a fully updated future-proof setup with UnoCSS, Vite 4, ESLint, Tauri and more. Actions build <10MB desktop apps successfully. Robust dev, fast builds and reliable automations provide whole new ways to grow for all of us.

Welcome to the future!


30 Dec 07:11
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Modern Vite tooling, UnoCSS migration and more stable projects to build from

🪨 Solid base for future steps

17 Dec 07:17
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Minor update collecting all the fixes and updates of recent months.

Main features of the release:

  • Vite version 4.0
  • @gun-vue/test app started as battleground for builds testing
  • No manual chunking leads to more stable builds
  • Many small fixes and refactoring

🪴 Fixed composables exports

15 Aug 22:26
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There was a bug in export statements for the composables package. Now everything is fixed. Try it!

🤩 Better app UI and new GUN

11 Aug 21:24
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We've updated GUN to 0.2020.1238 for better stability. And there's quite an improvement to the whole app UI - the sidebar is now much more useful, than the previous navbar.

P.S. See the binary Tauri builds here (I forgot to update the tauri app version on release)

🛹 P2P project crowdfunding. With mobile apps builds!

04 Aug 18:05
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Project section is getting connected with the gifts more closely. Some new indexing strategies for content-addressed data. And users communications about it. Now with CapacitorJS powered mobile apps build. Still much to explore and optimize, but the basic structure is established.