- unobstrusive JS = separate behavior from structure (same as using stylesheets to separate style from structure)
- jQuery focuses on retrieving elements from HTML pages and performing operations upon them
- $ === jQuery
$(document).ready(function() { ... }); === $ (function() { ... }); - coolness: $('
new words
').insertAfter('#someId'); - jQuery is easily extendable: $.fn.newFunction = function() { ... }
- jQuery can be extended with plugins equally easily
- use slew of CSS selectors (including those from CSS3)
- container selector (e.g. li:has(a)) - matches all
- elements that contain an ; not same as "li a", which selects all a's inside li's
- by position
- :first
- :last
- :first-child, last-child
- :only-child
- :nth-child(n)
- :nth-child(even|odd)
- :nth-child(Xn+y) - nth child computed by formula, e.g. 3n + 1 (returns the item after every 3rd item)
- :even, :odd
- :eq(n) - the nth matching element
- :gt(n) - matches elements after (and excluding) the nth matching element
- :lt(n)
- note nth-child starts counting at 1, while others start at 0
- see list on pp. 28 for more, e.g. :button, :checked, :disabled, :hidden
- :not filter - p:not(:hidden)
- useful to alter set during chaining: index(), add(), not(), filter(), end()
- relationships: see pp.43, e.g. children(), next(), nextAll(), prev(), siblings()
- contains() returns new wrapped set based on text passed as param
- attr when used to change an attribute can take a function
- attr hwen used to update multiple attributes can be passed a JS object
- removeAttr(name) removes specified attribute from all matched elements
- stop user from double submitting a form:
$("form").submit(function() { $ (":submit", this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); }); - this pointer refers to apge element to which event was bound while operating inside event handlers
- hasClass(name): returns boolean
- html(), html(text), text(), text(content)
- source moved if destination identifies one target, copied (remaining in original location) if destination denotes multiple target elements
- form elements: val() returns value of first element in matched set; likewise, val(value) sets fora ll matched elements
- Netscape Event Model, aka Basic Event Model, aka Browser Event Model, aka DOM Level 0 Event Model
- when event handler is fired, instance of calss named Event is passed to the handler as its first parameter in most browsers
- event bubbling: when event triggered on an element in DOM tree, event
handling mechanism of browser checks if a handler has been established
for that particular event on that element, and if so, invokes it
- after target element, event model works through all parents, checking if they have established handler for that event
- can stop event from continuing to propogate, call event.stopProgagation(); (and Event.cancelBubble = true in IE ?)
- extra coolness added by DOM Level 2 spec (e.g. multiple listeners)
- jQuery Event Model: previously bind(), now on() - not omething htey knew when writing this in 2008
- XMLHttpRequest === XHR
- $.get(url, params, callback); callback requires response body as first param and status as second
- $.getJSON(url, params, callback)
- when want full control over the request: $.ajax(options) -- see pp. 251 for options
- $.post(url, params, callback)
- ajax global functions: ajaxStart(callback), ajaxSend(...), ajaxSuccess(...), ajaxError(...), ajaxComplete(...), ajaxStop(...)