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b205bcb · Dec 15, 2015




Data crawler

SPOT Trackers send messages every 5 minutes to a SPOT server. These can be retrieved using the SPOT API. The TracksCrawler class in implements a few methods to fetch the SPOT messages. Next they are written to our CartoDB table. The visualisations are updated automatically.

Using the SPOT API

We are retrieving the data in json format. The HTTP request is sent using requests and parsing the json is straight forward.

Writing to CartoDB

We created 2 tables on CartoDB. One containing trackers metadata (rider name, tracker id, ...) and one containing the actual tracking data (message id, rider name, date time, longitude, latitude, battery state, message type and battery state).

Periodically checking for new messages

The trackers send a new message every 5 minutes. Scheduling a job to ping for new messages is done using Celery with a Redis backend. First, you'll need to install Redis and Celery and start the redis-server and the celery_app worker.

# refer to the documentation of the individual package for their installation instructions
celery -A data_crawler.celery_app worker --loglevel=info

Next, configure the ping-interval in the [Celery configuration file](./]. It's currently set to 5 minutes and it doesn't make sense to increase the frequency. You can also add 'kwargs': {'debug': True} to the new_messages task. This will generate random messages which is useful for testing your setup before the trackers are operating.

Start a Celery scheduler:

celery -A data_crawler.celery_app beat

If you have set 'debug'=True, you should see output printed by the Celery worker. If you're not debugging anymore, messages should be sent to the CartoDB table.