See the dedicated troubleshooting guide.
Original issue: #41
If you have the following error message:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"static Foundation.JSONEncoder.OutputFormatting.withoutEscapingSlashes.getter : Foundation.JSONEncoder.OutputFormatting", referenced from:
static (extension in Datadog):Foundation.JSONEncoder.default() -> Foundation.JSONEncoder in libDatadogSDK.a(JSONEncoder.o)
open Xcode and go to Build Settings
of your project (not your app target) then make sure Library Search Paths
is the following:
I had this issue when I run the project from Xcode. It might be related to this change in react-native v0.63 changelog
We made the change below to fix it:
// DdSdk.m
// instead of
#import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
// maybe that:
@import React // or @import React-Core
Sometimes, almost randomly, my RN project gives error messages non-stop. CPU usage goes up to %+100 and you'll quickly notice a problem with your laptop fan goes crazy.
This is the issue: facebook/react-native#28801
I tried some of the solutions, none worked. I solved the issue by creating a new RN project.