这是中科大实验室基于grid map的导航仿真环境, 适配gym的api
- Very fast, based on C++, customized for robot navigation.
- Accurate, not perform physical simulation and time simulation.
- Parallelization,support multi-scene and multi-robot.
- Pedestrian simulation,contains pedestrian simulation based on Pedsim and ORCA.
- Gym API, easy to use in conjunction with other reinforcement learning frameworks.
- Grid_map output, directly outputs grid_map or raw laser data.
- Parameterized configuration, easily configure environment information via yaml file, including robot shape and size, pedestrian strategy, environmental map, and more.
- Very lightweight, only depends on OpenCV for visualization. 200 robots and 200 obstacles have been simulated.
推荐系统环境:Ubuntu20 + ROS noetic + python3
sudo apt-get install libedit-dev
git clone [email protected]:DRL-Navigation/img_env.git
cd img_env
catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps img_env
echo "source `pwd`/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
进入envs/cfg 对要跑的yaml进行配置, 如果当前配置要开几个一起跑,设置env_num参数。
脚本, 当你 ROS node比较多的时候,建议用脚本, 用法如下:
python create_launch.py test envs/cfg/test.yaml
第一个参数为task name(也是生成的launch文件名),之后的参数为yaml文件, 如果要跑好几个yaml环境,
python create_launch.py test A.yaml B.yaml C.yaml
roslaunch img_env test.launch
python env_test.py
以下所有值类型为numpy, 均为env下的所有robots的属性, 即第一个维度为robot_num
vector_states, [robot_num, state_dim] 向量形式的状态,state_dim=3时候,分别表示距离终点x距离 y距离和yaw
sensor_maps, [robot_num, batch, 48, 48] 以robot为中心的激光图
is_collisions, [robot_num] 判断碰撞,0表示没撞,1撞障碍物,2撞行人 ,3撞别的小车
is_arrives, [robot_num] 判断到达,0表示没达到,1到达
lasers, [robot_num, laser_range_total] 一维原始激光数据
ped_vector_states, [robot_num, n] 一维行人向量信息,维度n = 1 + vector_number * max_ped_number, 开头的1表示实际ped number
ped_maps, [robot_num, 3, 48, 48]三通道行人图,分别表示行人x速度,y速度以及位置
step_ds, [robot_num] 每一步靠近target的距离
ped_min_dists, [robot_num] 一个值,最近行人距离
修改reward, 动作空间等操作, 请依照gym的规范, 进行wrapper封装
!!! NOTE: 在yaml里面填入wrapper的顺序非常重要, 第一个封装在最里层, 最先执行,最后一个封装在最外层, 最后执行,这里不明白的想象一下树遍历的先序和后序
当前, 所有参数设置均在yaml里, 由python读取后, 发给C++
rosparam set test/show_gui false
rosparam set test/show_gui true
#注意这里的test改成你想开启的node name, 具体为yaml里设置的env_name+env_id
#可通过rosnode list 查看所有node
行人控制方法分为 pedsim, rvo , ervo, 代码均为开源, 已下载并放在3rd_party
rvo为orca控制, ervo 为情感类(emitional)的rvo , 在rvo的基础上进行了一些修改, 具体可见ervo代码
修改行人模型在yaml文件里, ped_sim:type
下面可选 pedscene
title = {Distributed Non-Communicating Multi-Robot Collision Avoidance via Map-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning},
author = {Chen, Guangda and Yao, Shunyi and Ma, Jun and Pan, Lifan and Chen, Yu'an and Xu, Pei and Ji, Jianmin and Chen, Xiaoping},
journal = {Sensors},
volume = {20},
number = {17},
pages = {4836},
year = {2020},
publisher = {Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute},
doi = {10.3390/s20174836},
url = {https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/20/17/4836}
title={Crowd-Aware Robot Navigation for Pedestrians with Multiple Collision Avoidance Strategies via Map-based Deep Reinforcement Learning},
author={Yao, Shunyi and Chen, Guangda and Qiu, Quecheng and Ma, Jun and Chen, Xiaoping and Ji, Jianmin},
booktitle={2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},