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Force dnscrypt-proxy to use a single DoH server #1952

Closed Answered by pmcarrion
pmcarrion asked this question in Q&A
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I was finally able to force DNScrypt-Proxy to exclusively use my DoH URL, while still using Little Snitch.
There's a macOS bug that disables DoH profiles if Little Snitch is used.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open dnscrypt-proxy.toml from your dnscrypt-proxy folder in a text editor that shows line numbers (I used TextMate with the TOML plug-in).

  2. Comment out lines 671 to 685.

  3. Add these lines at the end of the file (they should be lines 859 and 860).

[static.'DoH Profile Name']
stamp = 'sdns://DoH-SDNS'

Go here to create the SNDS.

Once you input this information your SDNS will be shown at the top right side of the website.

Copy the Stamp (SDNS) in stamp = 'sdns://DoH-SDNS' of line 860


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