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SIM808 GPS/GPRS/GSM arduino shield is an integrated quad-band GSM/GPRS and GPS navigation technology Arduino expansion shields. A credit card size only, according to the standard Arduino pin packaging, compatible with Arduino UNO, arduino Leonardo, arduino Mega and other arduino mainboard. Compared to the previous generation SIM908, SIM808 made some improvement on the performance and stability. In addition to the normal SMS and phone functions, the shield also supports MMS, DTMF, FTP and other functions. You can achieve the data acquisition, wireless data transceiver, IoT application and GPS orientating. The should integrates onboard microphone and headphone jack, saving your cost and making your project easily. it can also directly connect to the GSM and GPS antenna by an external antenna connector.


SKU: TEL0097

Table of Contents


  • Send and receive GPRS data (TCP/IP, HTTP, etc.)
  • Receive GPS data and A-GPS data
  • Send and receive SMS messages
  • Make and receive phone calls


To use this library, first download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo in the folder.


     * @fn DFRobot_SIM808
     * @brief Constructor
     * @param mySerial  serial ports for communication, supporting hard and soft serial ports
     * @n Tx, rx, and baudRate can also be passed in this order
     * @return None
    DFRobot_SIM808(SoftwareSerial *mySerial);
    DFRobot_SIM808(HardwareSerial *mySerial);
    DFRobot_SIM808(uint8_t tx, uint8_t rx, uint32_t baudRate = 9600);

     * @fn getInstance
     * @brief get instance of DFRobot_SIM808 class
     * @return instance of DFRobot_SIM808 class
    static DFRobot_SIM808* getInstance() { return inst; };

     * @fn init
     * @brief initialize DFRobot_SIM808 module including SIM card check & signal strength
     * @return true if connected, false otherwise
    bool init(void);

     * @fn checkPowerUp
     * @brief check if DFRobot_SIM808 module is powered on or not
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool checkPowerUp(void);

     * @fn powerUpDown
     * @brief power Up DFRobot_SIM808 module (JP has to be soldered)
     * @param pin  pin 9 connected to JP jumper so we can power up and down through software
     * @return None
    void powerUpDown(uint8_t pin);

     * @fn powerReset
     * @brief power reset for SIM800 board
     * @param pin  (preconfigurated as OUTPUT)
     * @return None
    void powerReset(uint8_t pin);

     * @fn sendSMS
     * @brief send text SMS
     * @param number  phone number which SMS will be send to
     * @param data  message that will be send to
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool sendSMS(char* number, char* data);

     * @fn isSMSunread
     * @brief Check if there is any UNREAD SMS: this function DOESN'T change the UNREAD status of the SMS
     * @return returned value
     * @retval 1~20 - on success, position/index where SMS is stored, suitable for the function ReadSMS
     * @retval -1 - on error
     * @retval 0 - there is no SMS with specified status (UNREAD)
    char isSMSunread(void);

     * @fn readSMS
     * @brief read SMS, phone and date if getting a SMS message. It changes SMS status to READ
     * @param messageIndex  SIM position to read
     * @param message  buffer used to get SMS message
     * @param length  length of message buffer
     * @param phone  buffer used to get SMS's sender phone number
     * @param datetime  buffer used to get SMS's send datetime
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool readSMS(int messageIndex, char *message, int length, char *phone, char *datetime); 

     * @fn readSMS
     * @brief read SMS if getting a SMS message
     * @param buffer  buffer that get from DFRobot_SIM808 module(when getting a SMS, DFRobot_SIM808 module will return a buffer array)
     * @param message  buffer used to get SMS message
     * @param check  whether to check phone number(we may only want to read SMS from specified phone number)
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool readSMS(int messageIndex, char *message, int length);

     * @fn deleteSMS
     * @brief delete SMS message on SIM card
     * @param index  the index number which SMS message will be delete
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool deleteSMS(int index);

     * @fn callUp
     * @brief call someone
     * @param number  the phone number which you want to call
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool callUp(char* number);

     * @fn answer
     * @brief auto answer if coming a call
     * @return None
    void answer(void);

     * @fn hangup
     * @brief hang up if coming a call
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool hangup(void);

     * @fn disableCLIPring
     * @brief Disable +CLIP notification when an incoming call is active, RING text is always shown. See isCallActive function
     * @note This is done in order no to overload serial outputCheck if there is a call active and get the phone number in that case
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool disableCLIPring(void);

     * @fn getSubscriberNumber
     * @brief Get Subscriber Number (your number) using AT+CNUM command, but if nothing return, then
     * @n     you need to command this to your SIM900. (See AT+CPBS, AT+CPBW)
     * @n     AT+CPBS="ON"
     * @n     AT+CPBW=1,"+{Your Number}",145
     * @n     AT+CPBS="SM"
     * @param number  your phone number
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool getSubscriberNumber(char *number);

     * @fn isCallActive
     * @brief Check if there is a call active and get the phone number in that case
     * @param number  Check if there is a call active and get the phone number in that case
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool isCallActive(char *number);

     * @fn getDateTime
     * @brief get DateTime from SIM900 (see AT command: AT+CLTS=1) as string
     * @param buffer  DateTime from SIM900
     * @return true on success, false on error
     * @note If it doesn't work may be for two reasons:
     * @n    1. Your carrier doesn't give that information
     * @n    2. You have to configurate the SIM900 IC.
     * @n    - First with SIM900_Serial_Debug example try this AT command: AT+CLTS?
     * @n    - If response is 0, then it is disabled.
     * @n    - Enable it by: AT+CLTS=1
     * @n    - Now you have to save this config to EEPROM memory of SIM900 IC by: AT&W
     * @n    - Now, you have to power down and power up again the SIM900 
     * @n    - Try now again: AT+CCLK?
     * @n    - It should work now
    bool getDateTime(char *buffer);

     * @fn getSignalStrength
     * @brief get Signal Strength from SIM900 (see AT command: AT+CSQ) as integer
     * @param buffer  Signal Strength
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool getSignalStrength(int *buffer);

     * @fn sendUSSDSynchronous
     * @brief Send USSD Command Synchronously (Blocking call until unsolicited response is received)
     * @param ussdCommand  command UUSD, ex: *123#
     * @param resultCode  char Result Code, see AT+CUSD command
     * @param response  string response
     * @return true on success, false on error
    bool sendUSSDSynchronous(char *ussdCommand, char *resultcode, char *response);

     * @fn cancelUSSDSession
     * @brief Cancel USSD Session
     * @return true on success cancel active session, false on error or because no active session
    bool cancelUSSDSession(void);

/*************************** DFRobot_SIM808 ***************************/

     * @fn join
     * @brief Connect the DFRobot_SIM808 module to the network.
     * @param apn  APN(Access Point Name)
     * @param userName  user name
     * @param passWord  pass word
     * @return true if connected, false otherwise
    bool join(const __FlashStringHelper *apn = 0, const __FlashStringHelper *userName = 0, const __FlashStringHelper *passWord = 0);

     * @fn disconnect
     * @brief Disconnect the DFRobot_SIM808 module from the network
     * @return None
    void disconnect(void);

     * @fn connect
     * @brief Open a tcp/udp connection with the specified host on the specified port
     * @param ptl protocol for socket, TCP/UDP can be choosen
     * @param host host (can be either an ip address or a name. If a name is provided, a dns request will be established)
     * @param port port
     * @param timeout wait seconds till connected
     * @param chartimeout wait milliseconds between characters from DFRobot_SIM808 module
     * @return true if successful, false if error
    bool connect(Protocol ptl, const char * host, int port, int timeout = 2 * DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, int chartimeout = 2 * DEFAULT_INTERCHAR_TIMEOUT);
    bool connect(Protocol ptl, const __FlashStringHelper *host, const __FlashStringHelper *port, int timeout = 2 * DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, int chartimeout = 2 * DEFAULT_INTERCHAR_TIMEOUT);

     * @fn is_connected
     * @brief Check if a tcp link is active
     * @return true if successful, false if error
    bool is_connected(void);

     * @fn close
     * @brief Close a tcp connection
     * @return true if successful, false if error
    bool close(void);

     * @fn readable
     * @brief check if DFRobot_SIM808 module is readable or not
     * @return true if readable
    int readable(void);

     * @fn wait_readable
     * @brief wait a few time to check if DFRobot_SIM808 module is readable or not
     * @param wait_time time of waiting
     * @return Returns the length of readable data
    int wait_readable(int wait_time);

     * @fn wait_writeable
     * @brief wait a few time to check if DFRobot_SIM808 module is writeable or not
     * @param req_size time of waiting
     * @return req_size + 1
    int wait_writeable(int req_size);

     * @fn send
     * @brief send data to socket
     * @param str string to be sent
     * @param len string length
     * @return return bytes that actually been send
    int send(const char * str, int len);

     * @fn recv
     * @brief read data from socket
     * @param buf buffer that will store the data read from socket
     * @param len string length need to read from socket
     * @return bytes that actually read
    int recv(char* buf, int len);

     * @fn listen
     * @brief Enables the selected software serial port to listen
     * @return None
    void listen(void);

     * @fn isListening
     * @brief Tests to see if requested software serial port is actively listening.
     * @return Now masking enabled, return null
    bool isListening(void);

     * @fn gethostbyname
     * @brief convert the host to ip
     * @param host host ip string, ex.
     * @param ip long int ip address, ex. 0x11223344
     * @return true if successful
    //NOT USED bool gethostbyname(const char* host, uint32_t* ip); 

     * @fn getIPAddress
     * @brief get IP address
     * @return IP address, char*
    char* getIPAddress(void);

     * @fn getIPnumber
     * @brief get IP number
     * @return IP number, unsigned long
    unsigned long getIPnumber(void);

     * @fn getLocation
     * @brief get Location
     * @param apn APN(Access Point Name)
     * @param longitude longitude
     * @param latitude latitude
     * @return true if successful, false if error
    bool getLocation(const __FlashStringHelper *apn, float *longitude, float *latitude);

     * @fn attachGPS
     * @brief Open GPS
     * @return true if successful, false if error
    bool attachGPS(void);

     * @fn detachGPS
     * @brief Close GPS
     * @return true if successful, false if error
    bool detachGPS(void);

     * @fn getTime
     * @brief parse time
     * @param time Time data to be parsed
     * @return None
    void getTime(uint32_t time);

     * @fn getDate
     * @brief parse date
     * @param date Date data to be parsed
     * @return None
    void getDate(uint32_t date);

     * @fn parseDecimal
     * @brief Parse a (potentially negative) number with up to 2 decimal digits -xxxx.yy
     * @param term Data to be parsed
     * @return Parsed data
    int32_t parseDecimal(const char *term);

     * @fn latitudeConverToDMS
     * @brief  latitude Conver To DMS
     * @return None
    void latitudeConverToDMS(void);

     * @fn LongitudeConverToDMS
     * @brief Longitude Conver To DMS
     * @return None
    void LongitudeConverToDMS(void);

     * @fn parseGPRMC
     * @brief parser GPRMC, Determine whether gpsbuffer[18] is 'A'
     * @param gpsbuffer GPS buffer data to be parsed
     * @return true if gpsbuffer[18] is 'A'
    bool parseGPRMC(char *gpsbuffer);

     * @fn getGPRMC
     * @brief Get the parsed GPRMC
     * @return true if successful, false if error
    bool getGPRMC(void);

     * @fn getGPS
     * @brief get GPS signal
     * @return true if successful, false if error
    bool getGPS(void); 


MCU Work Well Work Wrong Untested Remarks
Arduino Uno
Arduino MEGA2560
Arduino Leonardo


  • 2022/02/08 - Version 1.0.0 released.
  • 2022/06/30 - Version 1.0.1 released.


Written by Jason, 2022. (Welcome to our website)