Archive of DC38032 meetups and other activities
- "Install Qubes OS workstation suicide mission" party
- "Sneakers" movie night
- Danial Zhuravchak and Oksana Safronova (UD, Security Analysts) - "Hunting for a needle in a haysack" Splunk workshop
- Vitalii Parichenko (UD, Security Engineer) - "Android Threats Overview"
- Bohdan Vennyk (UD, Malware Analyst) - "Mac Malware RE basics"
- Flare-On/HTB/other CTF night. And drinking.
- Bohdan Lukin (SoftServe, Security Engineer) - "Breaking the System. BlackHat strategy"
- Danial Zhuravchak (UD, SOC Lead) - "Catch Fraud if You Can"
- Serhii Korolenko (Ciklum, Security Engineer) - XSS workshop
- Oksana Safronova (UD, Security analyst) - "The rise and fall(?) of Emotet"
- Vitaliy Mechytashvili (UD, Malware analyst) - "Mac Malware. Dynamic analysis"
- Ivan Rakanskiy (UD, Security Engineer) - "DDoS mitigation. Tips and tricks”
- Oleh Levytskyi (UD, Security analyst) - "OSX forensics and antiforensics (tips and tricks)”
To be continued ...