Lightning Talks and Lunch Sessions
3D Face Tracking and Reconstruction using Modern C++
A C++14 Approach to Dates and Times
A Crash Course in Open Source Licensing
All Your Tests Are Terrible
Applying functional programming in code design
Bridging Languages Cross-Platform
C++ In the Audio Industry
C++ Multi-dimensional Arrays for Computational Physics and Applied Mathematics
C++ for cross-platform VR development
C++ in Open Source Robotics
C++ metaprogramming- a paradigm shift
C++11, 14, 17 Atomics - the Deep Dive
Comparison is not simple, but it can be simpler
Compile-time tools for generic programming in C++
Concurrency TS - Editor’s Report
Contracts for Dependable C++
Cross-Platform Mobile App Dev with VC++
Demystifying Floating Point
Easy compilation from TouchDevelop to ARM Cortex-M0 using C++11
Executors for C++ - A Long Story
From Functional To Parallel - Stochastic Modelling in C++
Functional Design Explained
Functional programming - functors and monads
How I learned to stop worrying and love metaprogramming
How to make your data structures wait-free for reads
Intro to C++ Object Model
Large Scale C++ With Modules
Lessons in Sustainability
Live lock-free or deadlock
Memory and C++ debugging at EA
Networking and Number Crunching with C++
Null Pointers Shouldn't Compile
Organizational Leadership With Modern C++
Panel Discussion on C++ Technical Specifications
Parallelizing the C++ STL
Programming with less effort in C++
Pruning Error Messages From Your C++ Template Code
Qt - modern user interfaces for C++
Rcpp - Seamless R and C++ Integration
Reactive Stream Processing Rx4DDS
Reflection techniques in C++
Simple Extensible Pattern Matching With C++14
The Birth of Study Group 14
The Importance of Being Const
The Sad Story of memory_order_consume
Time Programming Fundamentals
Transactional Memory in Practice
Transducers, from Clojure to C++
Variable Templates - C++14 compile-time computation
Variadic Templates - Guidelines, Examples and Compile-time computation
What is Open Source, and Why Should You Care
Writing Great Libraries in 89 Easy Steps
allocator Is to Allocation what vector Is to Vexation
for_each_argument explained and expanded
for_each_argument explained and expanded - Vittorio Romeo - CppCon
functional - What's New, And Proper Usage
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parent directory Oct 3, 2015
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Oct 3, 2015
Oct 3, 2015
Oct 3, 2015
Oct 3, 2015
Oct 3, 2015
Oct 3, 2015
Oct 3, 2015
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Oct 3, 2015
Oct 3, 2015
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