chore(changelog): remove unreleased and removed sections
chore(changelog): remove unreleased and removed sections
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.2
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.2
Pull request merge
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.2
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.2
4 days ago
ci: release-please automatically pushes the package to PyPi
ci: release-please automatically pushes the package to PyPi
4 days ago
ci: release-please automatically pushes the package to PyPi
ci: release-please automatically pushes the package to PyPi
Pull request merge
ci: release-please automatically pushes the package to PyPi
ci: release-please automatically pushes the package to PyPi
Force push
fix: release-please automatically pushes the package to PyPi
fix: release-please automatically pushes the package to PyPi
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
Pull request merge
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
Force push
5 days ago
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
Force push
6 days ago
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
Force push
7 days ago
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
Force push
7 days ago
fix: map multiple user groups to one ad group
fix: map multiple user groups to one ad group
Pull request merge
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
chore(main): release django-helusers 0.13.1
7 days ago
ci: add release-please
ci: add release-please
7 days ago
ci: add release-please
ci: add release-please
Force push
chore: bump ruff target-version py38 -> py39
chore: bump ruff target-version py38 -> py39
Pull request merge
chore: bump ruff target-version py38 -> py39
chore: bump ruff target-version py38 -> py39
Force push
chore: bump ruff target-version py38 -> py39
chore: bump ruff target-version py38 -> py39
style: manual fixes to comply with ruff
style: manual fixes to comply with ruff
Force push
style: manual fixes to comply with ruff
style: manual fixes to comply with ruff
Force push