Setting up TLS is usually hard. These instructions are provided in the hope that they can guide you, but there is not guarantee that they will work. Comments inline.
# Compile the plugin
apt-get install libgcrypt11-dev libgpgme11-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev
cd $ydb_dist/plugin/gtmcrypt
tar x < source.tar
ydb_dist=../.. make
ydb_dist=../.. make install
# Go to your database
cd /data
# Create your certificate with a key that has a password. I know from previous
# interaction with the GT.M developers is that they don't allow passwordless keys
# for business reasons. Here's is how I did it; but you may already have a
# certificate. I moved all the files into a cert directory after this.
openssl genrsa -aes128 -passout pass:monkey1234 -out ./mycert.key 2048
openssl req -new -key ./mycert.key -passin pass:monkey1234 -subj '/C=US/ST=Washington/L=Seattle/' -out ./mycert.csr
openssl req -x509 -days 365 -sha256 -in ./mycert.csr -key .//mycert.key -passin pass:monkey1234 -out ./mycert.pem
mkdir certs
mv mycert.* certs/
# Create a file (name doesn't matter) called gtmcrypt_config.libconfig with the
# following contents. Note the section called dev. This can be called anything.
# It lets you put a pair of cert/key for each environment you need to configure.
cat gtmcrypt_config.libconfig
tls: {
dev: {
format: "PEM";
cert: "/data/certs/mycert.pem";
key: "/data/certs/mycert.key";
# In your file that sets up the GT.M environment, add set the env variable
# gtmcrypt_config to be the path to your config file:
export ydbcrypt_config="/data/gtmcrypt_config.libconfig"
# Find out the hash of your key password using the maskpass utility
$ydb_dist/plugin/gtmcrypt/maskpass <<< 'monkey1234' | cut -d ":" -f2 | tr -d ' '
# In your environment file, gtmtls_passwd_{section name} to be that hash. For me, it's:
export ydbtls_passwd_dev="30A22B54B46618B4361F"
# Run the server like this, substituting the {section name} appropriately. here it is dev
$ydb_dist/mumps -r %XCMD 'do job^%webreq(9080,"dev")'
# Test the server like this
curl -k https://localhost:9080
Configure an SSL/TLS Configuration as described here.
The server should be started like this: do job^%webreq(9080,"configuration_name")