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377e160 · Jul 23, 2018


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File metadata and controls

194 lines (167 loc) · 6.06 KB

Widget toolkit thing

Be careful when pulling from this repository. It is in beta and the API may change frequently. As a result the documentation can be out of date.

This is a widget toolkit I created for my game engine. (I will also write implementations for all OpenGL versions)

The goals are to be

  • Easily embeddable in game engines
  • Have controller support without having to do a lot of work
  • Easy to build and dependency free (mostly)
  • Elegant

The goals are not

  • To fit into the desktop environment

This library is WIP



  • Make widgets more customizable
    • Add a "Style" class?
  • Use nicer font rendering and text setting
    • Software render font to bitmaps
    • Add functionality for line breaks, following paths etc.
    • Allow the canvas to draw bitmap fonts directly
  • Implement the better attribute API
    • Create a makro for the set function
    • Make most widgets move assignable and move constructable
     Button myButton = {
     	"button text",
     	Padding(10, 10),
     	Position{15, 15},
     	Text{"Live long and prosper"}, //< Note: this is a full widget
     	Image{"spock.png"}, //< Note: this is a full widget
     	[]() { // On click
     		puts("This isn't a high five.");
  • Add controller support
    • ? Text input ?
      • Virtual keyboard as overlay?
  • Update documentation
  • Create widget layouts
    • Section (Collapsable widget)
    • Table
  • Create widgets
    • Color picker
    • File selector
    • File browser
    • Regex matching text field (Only allows content that matches the regex)
      • Number field
  • Make compatible with MSVC and properly export classes (dllexport etc.)
  • Optionally integrate with the desktop environment for dialogues
  • Add a software renderer
    • Can be used for expensive graphics operations in another thread e.g.
      • Data visualization (Audio waveforms etc.)
      • High quality scaling
    • Also can be used to create a software-only Canvas implementation
  • (Implement scripting? Probably lua?)
  • Look forward to the C++ 2D graphics TS

Performance & Backend

  • Make a Widgets smaller (as of writing a widget is 160 bytes large with clang, tendency growing)
    • Use TinyString wherever possible
    • Use packing where sensible
  • Add partial redraws
  • Add a different file loading backend (stb has some issues, esp. with jpegs)

Known Issues

  • Focus somehow can't block clicks?
  • List and WrappedList doesn't balance the remaining space between children with AlignFill
    • WrappedList doesn't fill gaps
  • Padding is sometimes ignored
    • Where?
  • Positions should be rounded
  • Preferred size is rounded, the values should be integer in the first place

Should I use this library

  • Caveat 0: No. It is WIP and the documentation consists of lies. LIEEES I SAY!
  • Caveat 1: It requires C++17 or higher
  • Caveat 2: It uses RTTI, so that's that. Feel free to implement a fallback ;)
  • Caveat 3: It uses some exceptions. Mostly for:
    • Errors while loading files
    • Invalid operations and values (Adding a widget to itself, negative sizes etc.)
    • When you use a function that is supposed to
      • e.g. Widget::find throws an exception if a widget isn't found, in contrast to Widget::search which returns a nullptr


You can build it with premake5 or, preferably, integrate it with your own build system: You just have to build all the source files in src/ and link with glfw3 and OpenGL.

You can build this library with (almost) full functionality without any dependencies! (See list preprocessor definitions)

e.g. to build the examples

git clone --depth 1
cd WonkyWidgets
c++ `find ./src/ -name *.cpp` `find ./example/ -name *.cpp` -lglfw -lGL -lstdc++fs -lpthread --std=c++17 -o example.bin

On arch-like systems you can also install the library with makepkg (as wwidgets)

cd /tmp
mkdir wwidgets-git
cd wwidgets-git
makepkg --noconfirm -i
cd ..
rm -Rf wwidgets-git

List of preprocessor definitions:

  • WIDGET_NO_WINDOWS: Disable the Window class. (Also removes the dependency on glfw3 and OpenGL.)
  • WIDGET_CANVAS_NO_NANOVG: Compile without nanovg TODO
  • WIDGET_CANVAS_CAIRO: Compile with cairo support (Uses cairo for windows) TODO

Minimal how to

You can find the "full" manual here

With C++ only (Objects on stack):

int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
	using namespace wwidget;

	Window window = {"MyTitle", 800, 600};
	List   layout = {window};

	Button b1 = {layout, "Like"};
	Button b2 = {layout, "Dislike", Padding(50, 50)};

With C++ only (Objects on heap, xml forms uses this):

int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
	using namespace wwidget;

	Window window = {"MyTitle", 800, 600};
	List*  layout = window.create<List>();

	Button* b1 = layout.create<Button>("Shiat!");
	Button* b2 = layout.create<Button>("Shiet!", Padding(50, 50));

With XML forms + C++:

<!-- In file Test.ui.xml -->
	<window title="Window1" width='800', height='600'>
			<button name='b1'>
			<button name='b2' padding='50 50'>
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
	using namespace wwidget;

	// Form is a widget that loads it's children from an xml file
	Form form("Test.ui.xml");

	// There are two functions to retrieve a widget:
	//   Widget::search and Widget::find.
	// They have the same syntax, but Widget::find throws an exception when
	// the widget isn't found

	// When no name is specified, Widget::find searches for the first object
	//  safely castable to the specified type (via dynamic_cast).
	Window* window = form.find<Window>();
	List*   list   = window->find<List>();
	Button* b1     = list->find<Button>("b1");
	Button* b2     = list->find<Button>("b2");