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BioSaturne Pipeline

The BioSaturne Pipeline is a chain of pre-exsisting software tools linked together to create an unstructured volumetric mesh, which can then be used in a BioSaturne or FFEA simulation. It can also be used to quality check a (pre-exsisting) mesh using code_saturne capabilities.

The pipeline has been developed to run on Linux machines.

Supported Input Formats

The BioSaturne Pipeline supports the following input formats


To install and use the program simply download from the repository. This can be done by following the link to the program on GitHub, clicking Raw and then saving the program locally.

Please refer to the installation requirements below before running the program.

Installation Requirements

All intended uses of the pipeline requires

If you are running the pipeline to perform a quality check on a pre-exsisting mesh, this is the only software you are required to install.

Additional software requirements depend on the format of the input, as shown below. You must install the software on your system accordingly, depending on your intended use, before running the pipeline unless they have been installed previous.

The pipeline will check that software has been installed centrally, or alternatively that they have been added to $PATH.

Software Input Format
Gmsh (ver 4.10.2+) stl, pdb, map, emd
ChimeraX (ver 1.3+) pdb, map, emd
CCP-EM (ver 1.5.0+) map, emd

The pipeline has been developed in Python 3.8 and therefore requires Python3 to run. It also depends on the following python modules, all of which can be installed using pip.

Command-line Options

  • -i The input file (including the path if it is not in the current directory).
  • -f The format of the input file e.g. stl, emd, pdb or map.
  • -c The configuration yaml file (including the path if it is not in the current directory).
  • -hg Optional flag to determine whether you want to generate histograms based on data of the meshes quality (code_saturne).

Configuration File

A configuration file (.yaml) is required for all input formats, excluding a pre-exsisting mesh (.msh).

Inside the file you can specify parameters for meshing, cleaning (using CCP-EM's toolkit) and refining the STL file (using ChimeraX). The parameters are listed below, and those that are required are marked as such.

  • software* The meshing software to generate the mesh.
  • format* The format of the mesh you wish to generate.
  • name The filename for the resulting mesh (excluding the extension). If not provided then the mesh file will be saved as '{input file name}_3d'.
  • threshold Contour threshold for electron density map cleaning using CCP-EM.
  • dust_filter Boolean value to indicate the use of CCP-EM's dust filter during map cleaning.
  • probe_radius** The radius of the probe in Angstroms (Å) used in ChimeraX to generate a surface1.
  • grid_spacing Define the spacing in Angstroms (Å) for the surface in ChimeraX, which by default is 0.5 Å. Smaller grid spacing values give a smoother surface1.

*Required   **Required for pdb input


Once the pipeline is complete the current directory will have the following structure and contents:

│   input_file
    │   mesh_file
    |   .tmp
    │       │   meshing_software.log   
    │       │   code_saturne_preprocessor.log
        │   mesh_name_quality.log

The loggers directory will contain the logging files generated by the meshing software and code_saturne. The quality directory will contain the file generated by code_saturne, with information about the mesh and data related to its quality.

.tmp is a hidden directory created to store all intermediate files, such as STUDY and CASE directories for code_saturne and geo and stl files for mesh generation.


If -hg is used when running the pipeline, the histograms directory is created. This contains histogram pdf files which are generated from the data in the quality log. They describe various aspects of the mesh, as listed below.

  • Boundary Cell Thickness
  • Cell Volume
  • Cells Off-Centering Coefficient
  • Cellwise Warping Error
  • Number of Interior Faces per Cell
  • Boundary and Interior Faces
    • Non-orthogonality Coefficient
    • Warping
    • Weighting Coefficient


  • From EMD/Map

    Map file and EMDB entry inputs are ran using a similar command. However for maps, the file must pre-exist on your local machine, whereas EMD only requires an entry number and will download the map for you.

    In the examples below, the EMBD entry number 26222 corresponds to the 3D structure of GroEL protein compelxes2.

    From EMD -i 26222 -f emd -c 26222_configs.yaml

    From Map -i -f map -c 26222_configs.yaml

    26222_configs.yaml contains the following lines:

      software: "gmsh"
      format: "msh"
      name: "26222_mesh"
      threshold: 0.154
      dust_filter: "true"

    Note: If you are implementing thresholding, you can sometimes find a suggested value ('Recommended contour level') under the Validation tab of the entry on EMDB.

    3D surface of EMD-26222 from EMDB2 Paraview visualisation of 26222_mesh.msh
  • From PDB -i 7Q0T.pdb -f pdb -c lysozyme_configs.yaml

    lysozyme_configs.yaml contains the following lines:

     software: "gmsh"
     format: "msh"
     name: "lysozyme_mesh_pr2_gs1"
     probe_radius: 2
     grid_spacing: 1
    3D view of 7Q0T from PDB3 Paraview visualisation of lysozyme_mesh_pr2_gs1.msh

    Below are two further examples using the same pdb file but different values for the probe_radius and grid_spacing4.

    By comparing the images below to the one above, increasing the grid_spacing decreases the fineness of the mesh and increasing the probe_radius increases the smoothness of the surface.

    probe_radius: 5, grid_spacing: 1 probe_radius: 2, grid_spacing: 2

    Note: When choosing the best values for probe_radius and grid_spacing it may be more appropriate to, initially, visualise the changes in ChimeraX's GUI.

  • From STL -i sphere.stl -f stl -c sphere_configs.yaml

    sphere_configs.yaml contains the following lines:

     software: "gmsh"
     format: "msh"
     name: "sphere_mesh"

    When using an STL file as input to the pipeline, the meshing software will use the triangles present on the surface to generate an internal volume. The surface may not be re-triangulated.

  • From MSH -i 25408.msh -f msh -hg 

    Running the pipeline from msh uses code_saturne capabilities to perform a quality check on the pre-existing mesh. As mentioned previously, the histogram flag (-hg) is optional. All data can instead be found in the file mesh_name_quality.log.

    25408_msh5 Histogram

    The histogram on the right is just one example of the histograms generated from code_saturne's quality criteria. All values shown on the axis are rounded to 3 s.f (significant figures).