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mTLS workshop

This is the documentation - and executable code! - for the Service Mesh Academy mTLS workshop. The easiest way to use this file is to execute it with demosh.

Things in Markdown comments are safe to ignore when reading this later. When executing this with demosh, things after the horizontal rule below (which is just before a commented @SHOW directive) will get displayed.

This workshop requires that you have a running Kubernetes cluster. If you want to create a k3d cluster for this, has what you need! Otherwise, make sure your cluster is called mtls – if you named it something else, you can either substitute its name for mtls in the commands below, or use kubectl config rename-context to rename your cluster's context to match.

In this workshop, we will deploy Linkerd to a cluster, inject some example workloads and then verify that mTLS between two parties (i.e a client and a server) works correctly.

All manifests used in the demo are in the /manifests directory, for some additional work after the workshop, check out the homework assignment in

First things first: make sure that everything is set up for the workshop.


OK, everything should be ready to go!

Verifying TLS

Now that everything is running, we'll use tshark to watch network traffic in the cluster and be certain that mTLS is happening. The easiest way to get this up and running is through Linkerd's debug sidecar, which you can read more about at

You can enable the debug sidecar with the

annotation, placed onto the Pod template of a Deployment, for example.

We'll verify the security of a connection using two example workloads: our client will be a curl Deployment (see manifests/curl.yaml), and our server will be an NGINX deployment (see manifests/nginx-deploy.yaml).

1. Deploy and inject curl

First up, let's look at the curl Deployment:

less manifests/curl.yaml

This is pretty straightforward, and we'll inject it into the mesh from the start:

linkerd inject manifests/curl.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

kubectl wait pod --for=condition=ready -l app=curl

2. Deploy, but do not inject, NGINX

Once our curl pod is ready, we can deploy NGINX. Note we've included the Linkerd debug sidecar in here by hand:

less manifests/nginx-deploy.yaml

The reason we're not using the annotation is that we're going to deploy this without injecting it at first, so Linkerd wouldn't ever read the annotation!

kubectl apply -f manifests/nginx-deploy.yaml

kubectl wait pod --for=condition=ready -l app=nginx-deploy

3. Spoiler alert: look at linkerd viz

At this point, we've installed NGINX, but it's not participating in the mesh. Let's see how that looks in the linkerd viz dashboard. (You might remember from other workshops that I typically do this using the ingress controller... but of course, reaching linkerd viz from an unmeshed ingress controller isn't going to work!)

linkerd viz dashboard

As you might imagine, it's very easy to see that NGINX isn't meshed yet, but let's go ahead and look deeper anyway.

4. Start tshark running

In order to use tshark to look at the details of what's going on in the cluster, we'll start it running in the NGINX pod's debug sidecar. Since we'll need to leave it running while we do some requests, we'll do this in a separate window.

NGINX=$(kubectl get pods -l 'app=nginx-deploy' -o jsonpath='{ .items[0] }')
#@print "# Found NGINX pod ${NGINX}"

Given the pod's name, we can start tshark in our second window like so:

#@print \
kubectl exec -it ${NGINX} -c linkerd-debug -- tshark -i any -d tcp.port==80,ssl

This will start tshark running watching for traffic on any interface (-i any), interpreting anything on TCP port 80 as SSL (-d tcp.port=80,ssl). Remember that we haven't injected NGINX yet, so it is not participating in the mesh!

Get that running in a separate window, then come back here.

5. Make a request!

From our curl Pod, we can make a request and see what happens!

CURL=$(kubectl get pods -l 'app=curl' -o jsonpath='{ .items[0] }')
#@print "# Found curl pod ${CURL}"

kubectl exec -it ${CURL} -c curl -- curl http://nginx-deploy.default.svc.cluster.local:80
## This should show the output of curl...

If we flip back to the tshark window, we should be able to see that this communication happened in plaintext. We'll be able to actually see the HTTP request being sent.

##     1 0.000000000 8e:06:33:0a:72:b2 ?              ARP 44 Who has Tell
##    2 0.000068083 fe:36:ba:c9:14:18 ?              ARP 44 is at fe:36:ba:c9:14:18
##    3 0.000124333 ?   TCP 76 56384 ? 80 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=64860 Len=0 MSS=1410 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=3602376240 TSecr=0 WS=128
##    4 0.000131458 ?   TCP 76 80 ? 56384 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=64308 Len=0 MSS=1410 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=148213048 TSecr=3602376240 WS=128
##    5 0.000142791 ?   TCP 68 56384 ? 80 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=64896 Len=0 TSval=3602376240 TSecr=148213048
##    6 0.000300208 ?   HTTP 236 GET / HTTP/1.1
##    7 0.000304625 ?   TCP 68 80 ? 56384 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=169 Win=64256 Len=0 TSval=148213048 TSecr=3602376240
##    8 0.001178916 ?   TCP 306 HTTP/1.1 200 OK  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
##    9 0.001215375 ?   TCP 68 56384 ? 80 [ACK] Seq=169 Ack=239 Win=64768 Len=0 TSval=3602376241 TSecr=148213049
##   10 0.001227541 ?   HTTP 683 HTTP/1.1 200 OK  (text/html)
##   11 0.001240666 ?   TCP 68 56384 ? 80 [ACK] Seq=169 Ack=854 Win=64256 Len=0 TSval=3602376241 TSecr=148213049
##   12 5.002454419 ?   TCP 68 56384 ? 80 [FIN, ACK] Seq=169 Ack=854 Win=64256 Len=0 TSval=3602381242 TSecr=148213049
##   13 5.002663294 ?   TCP 68 80 ? 56384 [FIN, ACK] Seq=854 Ack=170 Win=64256 Len=0 TSval=148218050 TSecr=3602381242
##   14 5.002714419 ?   TCP 68 56384 ? 80 [ACK] Seq=170 Ack=855 Win=64256 Len=0 TSval=3602381242 TSecr=148218050

6. Inject NGINX

Next up: let's inject NGINX so that it gets to participate in the mesh.

kubectl get deploy nginx-deploy -o yaml \
    | linkerd inject - \
    | kubectl apply -f -

kubectl get pods -w

Let's also restart our tshark session, adding a grep -v to filter out packets sent over the loopback interface. (Why? Once injected, the linkerd-proxy will be talking to the NGINX container over this interface, and that's not what we're trying to see.)

Note that the NGINX Pod's name changed when we injected Linkerd, so we'll need to look it up again.

NGINX=$(kubectl get pods -l 'app=nginx-deploy' -o jsonpath='{ .items[0] }')
#@print "# Found NGINX pod ${NGINX}"

Given that, flip back to your other terminal, kill tshark, and restart it as so:

#@print \
kubectl exec -it ${NGINX} -c linkerd-debug -- tshark -i any -d tcp.port==80,ssl | grep -v

7. Send another request!

Let's repeat that curl request:

kubectl exec -it ${CURL} -c curl -- curl http://nginx-deploy.default.svc.cluster.local:80

and then head back to look at tshark again. This time, you won't see anything that looks like HTTP -- only encrypted randomness.


8. linkerd viz revisited

Suppose we take another look at linkerd viz?

At this point, NGINX is meshed, so we should see that in the viz dashboard. We should also be able to drill into its deployments and see traffic with linkerd viz top.

So. Kill tshark in the second window and run linkerd viz dashboard instead. You'll be able to see that NGINX is meshed, and drill down to where you can see traffic coming through to it.

Now that you have linkerd viz waiting for traffic, let's send another request from the curl Pod.

kubectl exec -it ${CURL} -c curl -- curl http://nginx-deploy.default.svc.cluster.local:80

You'll see the request appear, but we need to switch to the tap view to drill into the individual requests.

Now that you have the tap view set up, let's send yet another request from the curl Pod.

CURL=$(kubectl get pods -l 'app=curl' -o jsonpath='{ .items[0] }')
#@print "# Found curl pod ${CURL}"

kubectl exec -it ${CURL} -c curl -- curl http://nginx-deploy.default.svc.cluster.local:80

So after all that, we still don't get to actually see that this is TLS'd! although the presence of l5d-dst-canonical is a good proxy. However, it's still annoying that we don't see a direct "yes, TLS is happening in this view."

As it happens, we can see that with linkerd viz tap if we select JSON output. So flip back to your second terminal, kill linkerd viz dashboard, and instead run

#@print \
linkerd viz tap deployment/curl --to deployment/nginx-deploy -o json

Then come back here.

OK, let's send yet another curl request.

kubectl exec -it ${CURL} -c curl -- curl http://nginx-deploy.default.svc.cluster.local:80

If you flip to your second terminal, you should see that the tap has captured a very expanded view of the request and the response -- and, in the request, you should see tls: true.

## {
##   "source": {
##     ...
##   },
##   "destination": {
##     "ip": "",
##     "port": 80,
##     "metadata": {
##       "control_plane_ns": "linkerd",
##       "deployment": "nginx-deploy",
##       "namespace": "default",
##       ...
##       "tls": "true"
##     }
##   },
##   "routeMeta": null,
##   "proxyDirection": "OUTBOUND",
##   "requestInitEvent": {
##     ...
##   }
## }

One More Thing

If we take a quick look back over the whole problem... we find that this was pretty messy all around, really.

Verifying uninjected traffic

We started by verifying traffic from an _un_injected workload. Your options here are honestly rather limited.

  • You can use tools such as ksniff ( This adds the overhead of learning and running more tools, and it usually requires an account with elevated privileges in your cluster.
  • You can inject a debug/network tool sidecar, which we did in this workshop. Again, there's a potential privilege issue here.

Verifying injected traffic

We then moved on to injected workloads, starting with the debug sidecar. The debug sidecar is effective at a low level, but it's clumsy, especially because adding and removing the debug sidecar when your workload is already running requires restarts.

We showed linkerd viz top, too, which can be simpler to deal with, except for the headaches of its voluminuous JSON output.

A simpler way.

Just use Buoyant Cloud ( It can show you directly with a few clicks.


And that's the mTLS workshop! If you have questions, the #workshops channel on the Linkerd Slack ( is the easiest way to reach us, or opening issues against will work too. Thanks!