Welcome to hands on with Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd. Follow along with the presenters by configuring your own cluster and deploying emojivoto across multiple availability zones. You can follow the trial guide here: https://docs.buoyant.io/buoyant-enterprise-linkerd/installation/trial/
If you're following along and need a Kubernetes cluster with 3 azs use the following command to have k3d create a multi az cluster for you:
k3d cluster create -c cluster/hazl.yaml --wait
If you're following along with the workshop and you run into any issues creating certificates or loading them into you manifests you can use the manifests included in this repo. Please be aware these certificates should ONLY be used for a trial cluster.
If you'd like to skip the steps where you generate certificates you can use the certificates in the certs directory. Once again, these certs should be considered insecure and ONLY be used for a trial cluster.
To deploy emojivoto in a multi az fashion use the included kustomization files to modify emojivoto:
kubectl apply -k emojivoto/
kubectl apply -k colorz/