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collectors SNMPInterfaceCollector

Rob Smith edited this page Dec 6, 2012 · 17 revisions


The SNMPInterfaceCollector is designed for collecting interface data from remote SNMP-enabled devices such as routers and switches using SNMP IF_MIB


The module should be installed into your Diamond installation collectors directory. This directory is defined in diamond.cfg under the collectors_path directive. This defaults to /usr/lib/diamond/collectors/ on Ubuntu.

The SNMPInterfaceCollector.cfg file should be installed into your diamond installation config directory. This directory is defined in diamond.cfg under the collectors_config_path directive. This defaults to /etc/diamond/ on Ubuntu.

Once the collector is installed and configured, you can wait for diamond to pick up the new collector automatically, or simply restart diamond.


Below is an example configuration for the SNMPInterfaceCollector. The collector can collect data any number of devices by adding configuration sections under the devices header. By default the collector will collect every 60 seconds. This might be a bit excessive and put unnecessary load on the devices being polled. You may wish to change this to every 300 seconds. However you need modify your graphite data retentions to handle this properly.

# Options for SNMPInterfaceCollector
path = interface
interval = 60


host =
port = 161
community = public

host =
port = 161
community = public

Note: If you modify the SNMPInterfaceCollector configuration, you will need to restart diamond.


  • pysmnp

Options - Generic Options

Setting Default Description Type
byte_unit bit, byte, Default numeric output(s) list
enabled False Enable collecting these metrics bool
measure_collector_time False Collect the collector run time in ms bool
retries 3 Number of times to retry before bailing int
timeout 5 Seconds before timing out the snmp connection int

Example Output

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