Mexer (or Mekseri for the finnish mouth) or mex-tester is a tool for checking exam packages for Abitti*-exams. It validates exam integrity and authenticity and checks that provided unpacking codes are valid.
Readme in finnish at
* Abitti is a registered EU trademark (015833742, 015838915) of the Finnish Matriculation Examination Board.
Download the latest executable for windows or linux from
What counts as an exam package:
- zip file with multiple exams
- zip file with a single exams
- mex file as a single exam
What counts as unpacking code input:
- Single code as a command line argument
-file containing a list of codes separated with newline
There should be at least as many unpacking codes as there are exams to check.
# Windows
mexer_amd64.exe <exam_package_path> <code_input>
# Linux
./mexer_amd64 <exam_package_path> <code_input>
Example unpacking code file codes.txt
annostaa syvyytys toukokuu panettaa
kittaus labiili kaatua asettelu
Example commands:
# zip file at and codes at codes.txt
mexer_amd64 ./ ./codes.txt
# Single exam in zip and codes as input
mexer_amd64 ./ "kittaus labiili kaatua asettelu"
# Single exam as mex and codes as input
mexer_amd64 ./exams.mex "kittaus labiili kaatua asettelu"
# Single exam as mex and codes at codes.txt
mexer_amd64 ./exams.mex ./codes.txt