A Progressive web app (PWA) dedicated to sharing scientific images and videos, developed with React🚀 and NASA Image API
Click Here to view the Live Website
- Search Images
- Download Images
- React
- Material-UI - Icons and Prebuilt Components
- react-router-dom - To manage routing between different pages
- Material-UI - Icons and Prebuilt Components
- Netlify (Hosting service)
Firstly make sure that you have Node and Git installed.
Clone the repo, install all the dependencies from package.json by typing
yarn install
Create a API KEY from Nasa { APIs }
Create a environment file
inside root folder and place your api key as shown belowREACT_APP_API_KEY = "PLACE YOUR API KEY HERE"
Run app by typing
yarn start
The local version of Spactagram defaults to port 3000, open up your browser and
type localhost:3000
into your browser. Now your app should be up and running.
For complete usage information and detailed examples of api, visit the NASA Image and Video Library API documentation
NASA content - images, audio, video, and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format - generally are not subject to copyright in the United States. You may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to personal Web pages.
For more information visit Media Usage Guidelines