This project interrogate Statuscake to fetch pagespeeed data of some shows regularly. Thoses data are exported on Prometheus. A library to take advantage of the API of
Get access to this following information:
- Title
- Loadtime_ms
- Filesize_kb
- Requests
To configure the project, we use npm config
package, follow config/default.json.dist
example to define yours with:
- interval (Speedtime is check every second by default)
- apikey (Imperative to get access to statuscake)
- username (Imperative to get access to statuscake)
- baseUrl (Imperative to get access to statuscake)
- route (Name your route)
- listener (3000 by default)
- testTitleFilter (Name of your filter)
- firstTag (Name of your tag)
- nameOflLoadTimeGauge (Name of your loadtime gauge)
- nameOfFileSizeGauge (Name of your filesize gauge)
- nameOfRequestGauge (Name of your request gauge)
- tagsFromTestTitleRegexp (Your regex)
- tags (Your tags)
Use debug to access to the data, or to check if you got some errors:
DEBUG=statuscake yarn start
DEBUG=error yarn start
If you need more information on this package:
yarn test
If you need more information on this package:
yarn lint
yarn install
Get access to node server with yarn start
yarn start
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