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178 lines (148 loc) · 7.67 KB

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178 lines (148 loc) · 7.67 KB

BS Open Replay

Beat Saber open replay format.



BSOR stands for Beat Saber Open Replay. It's used by Beat Saber mods to encode gameplay. It contains player movement, scoring, and other data.

You can use various web-based viewers to play BSOR files: BeatLeader ArcViewer

To record and view replays you need to mod your game and install BeatLeader. Additionally, you need to install Replay Mod on a standalone Quest.

BSOR is also used by the first AI Beat Saber player - CyberRamen



0x442d3d69                     - int, unique magic number.
1                              - byte, file version.

0                              - byte, info structure start.
{                              - Info structure.
  version                      - string, Mod version.
  gameVersion                  - string, Game version.
  timestamp;                   - string, play start unix timestamp.
  playerID;                    - string, player platform unique id.
  playerName;                  - string, player platform name.
  platform;                    - string, oculus or steam.

  trackingSytem;               - string, tracking system type. (OpenVR, Oculus, etc.)
  hmd;                         - string, headset type. (Oculus Quest, Valve Index, etc.)
  controller;                  - string, controllers type. (Oculus touch, etc)

  hash;                        - string, map hash.
  songName;                    - string, song name.
  mapper;                      - string, mapper name.
  difficulty;                  - string, difficulty name. (Easy, ExpertPlus, etc)

  score                        - int, total unmodified score.
  mode                         - string, game mode. (Standard, OneSaber, Lawless, etc.)
  environment                  - string, environment name. (The beginning, etc.)
  modifiers                    - comma separated string, game modifiers. (FS, GN, etc.)
  jumpDistance                 - float, note jump distance.
  leftHanded                   - bool.
  height                       - float, static height.

  startTime                    - float, song start time (practice mode), seconds.
  failTime                     - float, song fail time (only if failed), seconds.
  speed                        - float, song speed (practice mode).

1                              - byte, frames array start.
framesCount                    - int, frames count.
{                              - Frame structure.
  time                         - float, song time, seconds.
  fps                          - int, player's FPS.
  {                            - Head structure.
    {x, y, z}                  - 3 floats, position.
    {x, y, z, w}               - 4 floats, rotation.
  {                            - Left hand structure.
    {x, y, z}                  - 3 floats, position.
    {x, y, z, w}               - 4 floats, rotation.
  {                            - Right hand structure.
    {x, y, z}                  - 3 floats, position.
    {x, y, z, w}               - 4 floats, rotation.

2                              - byte, note events array start.
noteCount                      - int, note events count.
{                              - Note event structure.
  noteID                       - int, scoringType*10000 + lineIndex*1000 + noteLineLayer*100 + colorType*10 + cutDirection.
      Where scoringType is game value + 2. Standard values: 
        Normal = 0, 
        Ignore = 1, 
        NoScore = 2, 
        Normal = 3, 
        SliderHead = 4, 
        SliderTail = 5, 
        BurstSliderHead = 6, 
        BurstSliderElement = 7
  eventTime                    - float, song time of event, seconds.
  spawnTime                    - float, spawn time of note, seconds.
  eventType                    - int, good = 0, bad = 1, miss = 2, bomb = 3.
  {                            - Cut info structure (only for Good and Bad!).
    speedOK                    - bool, note was hit at passable speed.
    directionOK                - bool, note was hit with correct direction.
    saberTypeOK                - bool, note was hit with correct saber.
    wasCutTooSoon              - bool, note was cut too soon.
    saberSpeed                 - float, speed of the saber.
    { x, y, z }                - 3 floats, saberDir, direction of the saber.
    saberType                  - int, type of the saber (0 = left, 1 = right).
    timeDeviation              - float, how far away the time hit was from the time expected.
    cutDirDeviation            - float, how far away the cut direction was from the one expected.
    { x, y, z }                - 3 floats, cutPoint, point at which the note was cut.
    { x, y, z }                - 3 floats, cutNormal, cut normal vector.
    cutDistanceToCenter        - float, distance from center of the note to the cut plane, to get the score 15 * (1 - Clamp01(cutDistanceToCenter / 0.3f)). With beforeCutRating and afterCutRating forms 115 score.
    cutAngle                   - float, angle of the cut.
    beforeCutRating            - float, angle rating before the cut. This rating is uncapped (can go over 1). 1 means 70 score.
    afterCutRating             - float, angle rating after the cut. This rating is uncapped (can go over 1). 1 means 30 score.

3                              - byte, wall events array start.
wallCount                      - int, wall events count.
  wallID                       - int, lineIndex*100 + obstacleType*10 + width.
  energy                       - float, energy at the end of event.
  time                         - float, song time of event, seconds.
  spawnTime                    - float, spawn time of wall, seconds.

4                              - byte, automatic height array start.
heightCount                    - int, height change events count.
  height                       - float, height value.
  time                         - float, song time, seconds.

5                              - byte, pause array start.
pauseCount                     - int, pauses count.
  duration                     - long, duration in seconds.
  time                         - float, pause start time, seconds.
6                              - byte, start of controller offsets, *OPTIONAL*.
{                              - Left hand structure.
   {x, y, z}                   - 3 floats, position.
   {x, y, z, w}                - 4 floats, rotation.
{                              - Right hand structure.
   {x, y, z}                   - 3 floats, position.
   {x, y, z, w}                - 4 floats, rotation.
7                              - byte, start of user data, *OPTIONAL*.
userDataLength                 - int, length of userdata.
 content                       - byte, variable meaning.

.bsor Encoding details

Binary file containing only values without the keys. Values are coded one after another. Uses Little Endian!

  • byte, 1 byte
  • int, 4 bytes
  • long, 8 bytes
  • float, 4 bytes
  • bool, 1 byte
  • string, int (count) + count bytes

Rotations are stored as quaternions.


  • Create a streaming BSOR format
  • Make BSOR v2 with improvements based on usage