All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- marked Package as abandoned
- PHP 8.1 compatibility
- glossary_id to translate-method
- ability to run Integration-Tests against custom host if needed (Free/Pro)
- migrated phpunit.xml.dist
- fixed some Tests and general Maintenance such as Typos in
- Breaking Change! standard DEEPL_HOST to free again
- Breaking Change! default source Langauge form DE to empty so DeepL will decide
- revert standard api-host to
####Major overhaul of the Library with some Breaking changes. Please read before updating!
- Support for PHP 8
- Support for cURL proxy
- Moved from to
- Added specific curl_error to message in DeepLException
- Fix some Tests that where too specific
- standard api-host from to
- Support for PHP < 7.3
####Major overhaul of the Library with some Breaking changes. Please read before updating!
- Ability to change the API-Host
- Support for the full Range of Request Parameters offered by DeepL
- Ability to check Languages supported by DeepL-Api (source and target)
- Ability to monitor API usage
- Breaking Change! tagHandling-Parameter for translate-function was changed from array to string.
- Breaking Change! translate now always returns an array, because in our internal usages we found, that we always converted the string to an array anyway.
- Errocodes & Messages come now directly from DeepL
- all Requests are now send as POST as it is recommended by DeepL
- all Parameters except the API-key are send in the Requestbody
- Tests are now split into Unit- and Intergration-Tests (which need an API-Key to run)
- internal Error-codes
- internal storage of source- and target-languages
1.1.0 - 2020-08-07
- use API v2 as default @arkadiusjonczek
1.0.11 - 2020-06-23
- Add supported languages to Readme @bestog
- Add Japanese and Chinese to supported languages @bestog
- add formality parameter @tomschwiha
- Added possible Portuguese variants @interferenc
- Update (added Flaggs) @arkadiusjonczek
- Add portuguese varieties in README @Sasti
1.0.10 - 2020-02-26
- create clover.xml in travis and push to scrutinizer
- update scrutinizer config
- change keyword in composer.json
all by @arkadiusjonczek
1.0.9 - 2020-02-03
- add phpcs to project and integrate it into travis-ci configuration
- update composer description
- fix scrutinizer ci url
- disable xdebug in composer for travis-ci
- update testing sequence
all by @arkadiusjonczek
1.0.8 - 2019-11-28
- update tests for travis deepl api testing
- fix testTranslateIgnoreTagsSuccess
- update php version
all by @arkadiusjonczek
1.0.7 - 2019-11-25
- packagist status to file @arkadiusjonczek
- Fix ignore tags @tomschwiha
- Update @tomschwiha
1.0.6 - 2019-09-05
- add php 5.5 to travis ci test @arkadiusjonczek
- Fix wrong error message @shamimmoeen
- set dist precise for php 5.4 and php 5.5 in travis configuration @arkadiusjonczek
1.0.5 - 2019-02-20
- deepl v2 api support and @arkadiusjonczek
- fix some little errors @arkadiusjonczek
1.0.4 - 2019-02-14
- Add PT and RU to supported languages @floranpagliai
- replace travis build php nightly build with php 7.3 @arkadiusjonczek
1.0.3 - 2018-19-23
- Add tag_handling optional param @floranpagliai
- Add tagHandling test @floranpagliai
- Add ignore_tag optional param @floranpagliai
- Add test for ignore tags @floranpagliai
- Add var typing on setIgnoreTags method @floranpagliai
- Fixed array syntax @floranpagliai
- Fixed array syntax @floranpagliai
- Fixed buildUrl test @floranpagliai
1.0.2 - 2018-06-04
- send text as POST body to solve 414 uri too long error @arkadiusjonczek
1.0.1 - 2018-06-12
- fix travis-ci build status image @arkadiusjonczek
- update translate method return @arkadiusjonczek
- update readme @arkadiusjonczek
1.0.0 - 2018-06-12
Initial public Release @arkadiusjonczek
What is a changelog?