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Ben Brenkman edited this page Feb 3, 2019 · 18 revisions

Welcome to BYU's IGVC WikiBuild Status

This wiki is devoted to creating the code for the IGVC robot we are making. The wiki will keep track of the structure of the project as well as help new comers know how to contribute. The wiki has several sections each help with different aspects.

You can also keep an eye on how the project is developing through our blog

Our goal is to create an advanced system that can navigate through an obstacle field using computer vision. We will be implementing H-Bridge drivers, sensors, cameras and more. We are working towards building the following diagram.

Flow Chart

Getting Started

If you need to setup the project this section will help you get started


In this section we will help you understand how to contribute, as well as learn how we manage all of our code. You will learn about git, merging requirements and how to use our API's. To get started with contributing check out our guide


This section contains a bunch of resources that maintain references about our code. Anytime you want to know how to use or run scripts, messages etc. will be kept here.


This contains pages that keep documentation about every package, scripts within and how to use them.