The ScriptLink
component is designed to be used where a service has multiple variants and there is a need to switch between them.
npm install @bbc/psammead-script-link --save
Argument | Type | Required | Default | Example |
script | object | yes | N/A | { canon: { groupA: { fontSize: '28', lineHeight: '32',}, groupB: { fontSize: '32', lineHeight: '36', }, groupD: { fontSize: '44', lineHeight: '48', }, }, trafalgar: { groupA: { fontSize: '20', lineHeight: '24', }, groupB: { fontSize: '24', lineHeight: '28', }, groupD: { fontSize: '32', lineHeight: '36', }, }, } |
service | string | yes | N/A | 'serbian' |
href | string | yes | N/A | '' |
variant | string | no | null |
'lat' |
children | node | yes | N/A | 'Lat' |
onClick | func | no | () => {} |
() => console.log('set preferred service variant cookie') |
import ScriptLink from '@bbc/psammead-script-link';
import { latin } from '@bbc/gel-foundations/scripts';
const WrappingComponent = () => (
The ScriptLink
component is to be used on the Brand
When navigating to the ScriptLink
using a screen reader, it is identified as a link.
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