In order to develop this module you will need PowerShell 7.1 or later.
# Required to run Invoke-Build
Install-Module -F PSScriptAnalyzer
Install-Module -F InvokeBuild
Install-Module -F Pester
# Build and test locally
Remove-Module "ALZ" -Force
Invoke-Build -File .\src\
# Install the module locally
Invoke-Build -File .\src\
Import-Module .\src\Artifacts\ALZ.psd1 -Force
You can use the parameters bootstrapModuleOverrideFolderPath
and starterModuleOverrideFolderPath
to point to your local development folders. This will allow to make changes to all three modules locally and test them together without the need to commit the changes and push.
The following section provides an example folder structure and scripts to set up the local development environment and run the accelerator.
Example folder structure:
┗ 📂dev
┣ 📂code
┃ ┣ 📂accelerator-bootstrap-modules #
┃ ┣ 📂ALZ-Bicep #
┃ ┣ 📂ALZ-PowerShell-Module #
┃ ┗ 📂alz-terraform-accelerator #
┗ 📂acc
┣ 📂bicep
┃ ┣ 📂config
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜inputs-azuredevops.yaml # ./docs/wiki/examples/powershell-inputs/inputs-azure-devops-bicep-complete.yaml
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜inputs-github.yaml # ./docs/wiki/examples/powershell-inputs/inputs-github-bicep-complete.yaml
┃ ┃ ┗ 📜inputs-local.yaml # ./docs/wiki/examples/powershell-inputs/inputs-local-bicep-complete.yaml
┃ ┗ 📂output
┃ ┣ 📂azuredevops
┃ ┣ 📂github
┃ ┗ 📂local
┗ 📂terraform
┣ 📂config
┃ ┣ 📜inputs-azuredevops.yaml # ./docs/wiki/examples/powershell-inputs/inputs-azure-devops-terraform-complete.yaml
┃ ┣ 📜inputs-github.yaml # ./docs/wiki/examples/powershell-inputs/inputs-github-terraform-complete.yaml
┃ ┗ 📜inputs-local.yaml # ./docs/wiki/examples/powershell-inputs/inputs-local-terraform-complete.yaml
┗ 📂output
┣ 📂azuredevops
┣ 📂github
┗ 📂local
Example folder structure script:
$targetFolder = "dev"
cd /
mkdir "$targetFolder/code"
$bicepConfigFolder = "$targetFolder/acc/bicep/config"
mkdir "$bicepConfigFolder"
mkdir "$targetFolder/acc/bicep/output/azuredevops"
mkdir "$targetFolder/acc/bicep/output/github"
mkdir "$targetFolder/acc/bicep/output/local"
$terraformConfigFolder = "$targetFolder/acc/terraform/config"
mkdir "$terraformConfigFolder"
mkdir "$targetFolder/acc/terraform/output/azuredevops"
mkdir "$targetFolder/acc/terraform/output/github"
mkdir "$targetFolder/acc/terraform/output/local"
cd "$targetFolder/code"
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd /
$exampleFolder = "$targetFolder/code/ALZ-PowerShell-Module/docs/wiki/examples/powershell-inputs"
Copy-Item -Path "$exampleFolder/inputs-azure-devops-bicep-complete.yaml" -Destination "$bicepConfigFolder/inputs-azuredevops.yaml" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "$exampleFolder/inputs-github-bicep-complete.yaml" -Destination "$bicepConfigFolder/inputs-github.yaml" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "$exampleFolder/inputs-local-bicep-complete.yaml" -Destination "$bicepConfigFolder/inputs-local.yaml" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "$exampleFolder/inputs-azure-devops-terraform-complete-multi-region.yaml" -Destination "$terraformConfigFolder/inputs-azuredevops.yaml" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "$exampleFolder/inputs-github-terraform-complete-multi-region.yaml" -Destination "$terraformConfigFolder/inputs-github.yaml" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "$exampleFolder/inputs-local-terraform-complete-multi-region.yaml" -Destination "$terraformConfigFolder/inputs-local.yaml" -Force
$exampleFolder = "$targetFolder/code/ALZ-PowerShell-Module/docs/wiki/examples/starter-module-config/complete-multi-region"
Copy-Item -Path "$exampleFolder/config-hub-and-spoke-vnet-multi-region.yaml" -Destination "$terraformConfigFolder/config-hub-and-spoke-vnet-multi-region.yaml" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "$exampleFolder/config-hub-and-spoke-vnet-single-region.yaml" -Destination "$terraformConfigFolder/config-hub-and-spoke-vnet-single-region.yaml" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "$exampleFolder/config-virtual-wan-multi-region.yaml" -Destination "$terraformConfigFolder/config-virtual-wan-multi-region.yaml" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "$exampleFolder/config-virtual-wan-single-region.yaml" -Destination "$terraformConfigFolder/config-virtual-wan-single-region.yaml" -Force
IMPORTANT! - Now you'll need to update the input files with your settings for VCS, etc.
Example scripts to run the accelerator:
Run this from the VSCode terminal for the ALZ-PowerShell-Module repository:
IMPORTANT! - Make sure to update the input file with your settings for VCS, etc.
Invoke-Build -File .\src\
$targetFolder = "dev"
# Uncomment to start fresh rather than relying on the -replaceFiles parameter
# Remove-Item -Path "/$targetFolder/acc/bicep/output/azuredevops" -Recurse -Force
Deploy-Accelerator `
-bootstrapModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/accelerator-bootstrap-modules" `
-starterModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/ALZ-Bicep" `
-output "/$targetFolder/acc/bicep/output/azuredevops" `
-inputs "/$targetFolder/acc/bicep/config/inputs-azuredevops.yaml" `
-verbose `
-replaceFiles # This will replace the files in the output folder with the files in the bootstrap and starter modules, so any updates are taken into account
Run this from the VSCode terminal for the ALZ-PowerShell-Module repository:
IMPORTANT! - Make sure to update the input file with your settings for VCS, etc.
Invoke-Build -File .\src\
$targetFolder = "dev"
# Uncomment to start fresh rather than relying on the -replaceFiles parameter
# Remove-Item -Path "/$targetFolder/acc/bicep/output/github" -Recurse -Force
Deploy-Accelerator `
-bootstrapModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/accelerator-bootstrap-modules" `
-starterModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/ALZ-Bicep" `
-output "/$targetFolder/acc/bicep/output/github" `
-inputs "/$targetFolder/acc/bicep/config/inputs-github.yaml" `
-verbose `
-replaceFiles # This will replace the files in the output folder with the files in the bootstrap and starter modules, so any updates are taken into account
Run this from the VSCode terminal for the ALZ-PowerShell-Module repository:
IMPORTANT! - Make sure to update the input file with your settings for VCS, etc.
Invoke-Build -File .\src\
$targetFolder = "dev"
# Uncomment to start fresh rather than relying on the -replaceFiles parameter
# Remove-Item -Path "/$targetFolder/acc/bicep/output/github" -Recurse -Force
Deploy-Accelerator `
-bootstrapModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/accelerator-bootstrap-modules" `
-starterModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/ALZ-Bicep" `
-output "/$targetFolder/acc/bicep/output/local" `
-inputs "/$targetFolder/acc/bicep/config/inputs-local.yaml" `
-verbose `
-replaceFiles # This will replace the files in the output folder with the files in the bootstrap and starter modules, so any updates are taken into account
Run this from the VSCode terminal for the ALZ-PowerShell-Module repository:
IMPORTANT! - Make sure to update the input file with your settings for VCS, etc.
Invoke-Build -File .\src\
$targetFolder = "dev"
# Uncomment to start fresh rather than relying on the -replaceFiles parameter
# Remove-Item -Path "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/output/azuredevops" -Recurse -Force
Deploy-Accelerator `
-bootstrapModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/accelerator-bootstrap-modules" `
-starterModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/alz-terraform-accelerator/templates" `
-output "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/output/azuredevops" `
-inputs "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/config/inputs-azuredevops.yaml", "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/config/config-hub-and-spoke-vnet-multi-region.yaml" `
-verbose `
-replaceFiles # This will replace the files in the output folder with the files in the bootstrap and starter modules, so any updates are taken into account
file is an example. You can use any of the other configuration files.
Run this from the VSCode terminal for the ALZ-PowerShell-Module repository:
IMPORTANT! - Make sure to update the input file with your settings for VCS, etc.
Invoke-Build -File .\src\
$targetFolder = "dev"
# Uncomment to start fresh rather than relying on the -replaceFiles parameter
# Remove-Item -Path "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/output/github" -Recurse -Force
Deploy-Accelerator `
-bootstrapModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/accelerator-bootstrap-modules" `
-starterModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/alz-terraform-accelerator/templates" `
-output "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/output/github" `
-inputs "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/config/inputs-github.yaml", "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/config/config-hub-and-spoke-vnet-multi-region.yaml" `
-verbose `
-replaceFiles # This will replace the files in the output folder with the files in the bootstrap and starter modules, so any updates are taken into account
file is an example. You can use any of the other configuration files.
Run this from the VSCode terminal for the ALZ-PowerShell-Module repository:
IMPORTANT! - Make sure to update the input file with your settings for VCS, etc.
Invoke-Build -File .\src\
$targetFolder = "dev"
# Uncomment to start fresh rather than relying on the -replaceFiles parameter
# Remove-Item -Path "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/output/azuredevops" -Recurse -Force
Deploy-Accelerator `
-bootstrapModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/accelerator-bootstrap-modules" `
-starterModuleOverrideFolderPath "/$targetFolder/code/alz-terraform-accelerator/templates" `
-output "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/output/local" `
-inputs "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/config/inputs-local.yaml", "/$targetFolder/acc/terraform/config/config-hub-and-spoke-vnet-multi-region.yaml" `
-verbose `
-replaceFiles # This will replace the files in the output folder with the files in the bootstrap and starter modules, so any updates are taken into account
file is an example. You can use any of the other configuration files.