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Remove calypso_onboarding_goals_step_added_goals experiment
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Removes code for assigning experiment participants, and any code that
used the old control variant.
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p-jackson committed Dec 7, 2024
1 parent b7fffd6 commit 1a4db29
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Showing 5 changed files with 35 additions and 157 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -73,62 +73,13 @@ function makeSortCategoryToTop( slugs: string[] ) {

const sortBlogToTop = makeSortCategoryToTop( [ CATEGORIES.BLOG ] );
const sortStoreToTop = makeSortCategoryToTop( [ CATEGORIES.STORE ] );
const sortBusinessToTop = makeSortCategoryToTop( [ CATEGORIES.BUSINESS ] );

export function getCategorizationOptions(
intent: string,
goals: Onboard.SiteGoal[],
options: {
useGoals?: boolean;
isMultiSelection?: boolean;
} = {}
) {
if ( options.useGoals ) {
return getCategorizationFromGoals( goals, options.isMultiSelection );
return getCategorizationFromIntent( intent );
interface CategorizationOptions {
isMultiSelection?: boolean;

function getCategorizationFromIntent( intent: string ) {
const result = {
defaultSelections: [] as string[],
} as {
defaultSelections: string[];
sort: ( a: Category, b: Category ) => 0 | 1 | -1;

switch ( intent ) {
case 'write':
return {
defaultSelections: [ CATEGORIES.BLOG ],
sort: sortBlogToTop,
case 'sell':
return {
defaultSelections: [ CATEGORIES.STORE ],
sort: sortStoreToTop,
case 'build':
return {
defaultSelections: [ CATEGORIES.BUSINESS ],
sort: sortBusinessToTop,
return {
sort: sortBlogToTop,

function getCategorizationFromGoals(
export function getCategorizationOptions(
goals: Onboard.SiteGoal[],
isMultiSelection: boolean = false
{ isMultiSelection = false }: CategorizationOptions = {}
) {
const defaultSelections = Array.from(
new Set(
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Expand Up @@ -116,10 +116,6 @@ const UnifiedDesignPickerStep: Step = ( { navigation, flow, stepName } ) => {
const variantName = experimentAssignment?.variationName;
const oldHighResImageLoading = ! isLoadingExperiment && variantName === 'treatment';

const [ isAddedGoalsExpLoading, addedGoalsExpAssignment ] = useExperiment(

const isGoalsHoldout = useIsGoalsHoldout( stepName );

const isGoalCentricFeature = isEnabled( 'design-picker/goal-centric' ) && ! isGoalsHoldout;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,8 +228,7 @@ const UnifiedDesignPickerStep: Step = ( { navigation, flow, stepName } ) => {
}, [ hasTrackedView, designs ] );

const categorizationOptions = getCategorizationOptions( intent, goals, {
useGoals: addedGoalsExpAssignment?.variationName === 'treatment',
const categorizationOptions = getCategorizationOptions( goals, {
isMultiSelection: isGoalCentricFeature,
} );
const categorization = useCategorization( allDesigns?.filters?.subject || EMPTY_OBJECT, {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -812,7 +807,7 @@ const UnifiedDesignPickerStep: Step = ( { navigation, flow, stepName } ) => {
// ********** Main render logic

// Don't render until we've done fetching all the data needed for initial render.
if ( ! site || isLoadingDesigns || isAddedGoalsExpLoading ) {
if ( ! site || isLoadingDesigns ) {
return <StepperLoader />;

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@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { Onboard } from '@automattic/data-stores';
import { useLocale, isLocaleRtl } from '@automattic/i18n-utils';
import { useTranslate } from 'i18n-calypso';
import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { loadExperimentAssignment } from 'calypso/lib/explat';
Expand All @@ -8,11 +7,10 @@ import type { Goal } from './types';

const SiteGoal = Onboard.SiteGoal;

export const useGoals = ( isAddedGoalsExp: boolean ): Goal[] => {
export const useGoals = (): Goal[] => {
loadExperimentAssignment( 'calypso_design_picker_image_optimization_202406' ); // Temporary for A/B test.

const translate = useTranslate();
const locale = useLocale();

const addedGoalsExpResult = useMemo( () => {
const goals = [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,47 +75,5 @@ export const useGoals = ( isAddedGoalsExp: boolean ): Goal[] => {
return shuffleArray( goals );
}, [ translate ] );

const goals = [
key: SiteGoal.Write,
title: translate( 'Write & Publish' ),
key: SiteGoal.Sell,
title: translate( 'Sell online' ),
key: SiteGoal.Promote,
title: translate( 'Promote myself or business' ),
key: SiteGoal.DIFM,
title: translate( 'Let us build your site in 4 days' ),
isPremium: true,
key: SiteGoal.Import,
title: translate( 'Import existing content or website' ),
key: SiteGoal.Other,
title: translate( 'Other' ),

* Hides the DIFM goal for RTL locales.
const hideDIFMGoalForUnsupportedLocales = ( { key }: Goal ) => {
if ( key === SiteGoal.DIFM && isLocaleRtl( locale ) ) {
return false;
return true;

if ( isAddedGoalsExp ) {
return addedGoalsExpResult;

return goals.filter( hideDIFMGoalForUnsupportedLocales );
return addedGoalsExpResult;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import DocumentHead from 'calypso/components/data/document-head';
import { isGoalsBigSkyEligible } from 'calypso/landing/stepper/hooks/use-is-site-big-sky-eligible';
import { ONBOARD_STORE } from 'calypso/landing/stepper/stores';
import { recordTracksEvent } from 'calypso/lib/analytics/tracks';
import { useExperiment } from 'calypso/lib/explat';
import { getQueryArgs } from 'calypso/lib/query-args';
import DashboardIcon from './dashboard-icon';
import { GoalsCaptureContainer } from './goals-capture-container';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,18 +43,11 @@ const refGoals: Record< string, Onboard.SiteGoal[] > = {
* The goals capture step
const GoalsStep: Step = ( { navigation } ) => {
const [ isAddedGoalsExpLoading, addedGoalsExpAssignment ] = useExperiment(
const isAddedGoalsExp = addedGoalsExpAssignment?.variationName === 'treatment';

const translate = useTranslate();
const whatAreYourGoalsText = isAddedGoalsExp
? translate( 'What would you like to do?' )
: translate( 'What are your goals?' );
const subHeaderText = isAddedGoalsExp
? translate( 'Pick one or more goals and we’ll tailor the setup experience for you.' )
: translate( 'Tell us what would you like to accomplish with your website.' );
const whatAreYourGoalsText = translate( 'What would you like to do?' );
const subHeaderText = translate(
'Pick one or more goals and we’ll tailor the setup experience for you.'

const goals = useSelect(
( select ) => ( select( ONBOARD_STORE ) as OnboardSelect ).getGoals(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,10 +153,6 @@ const GoalsStep: Step = ( { navigation } ) => {

const isMediumOrBiggerScreen = useViewportMatch( 'small', '>=' );

if ( isAddedGoalsExpLoading ) {
return null;

return (
<DocumentHead title={ whatAreYourGoalsText } />
Expand All @@ -173,47 +161,41 @@ const GoalsStep: Step = ( { navigation } ) => {
whatAreYourGoalsText={ whatAreYourGoalsText }
subHeaderText={ subHeaderText }
onSkip={ isAddedGoalsExp ? handleSkip : handleDashboardClick }
onSkip={ handleSkip }
goNext={ handleNext }
nextLabelText={ translate( 'Next' ) }
skipLabelText={ isAddedGoalsExp ? translate( 'Skip' ) : translate( 'Skip to dashboard' ) }
skipLabelText={ translate( 'Skip' ) }
recordTracksEvent={ recordTracksEvent }
selectedGoals={ goals }
onChange={ setGoals }
isAddedGoalsExp={ isAddedGoalsExp }
<SelectGoals selectedGoals={ goals } onChange={ setGoals } />
{ isMediumOrBiggerScreen && (
onClick={ handleNext }
{ isAddedGoalsExp ? translate( 'Next' ) : translate( 'Continue' ) }
{ translate( 'Next' ) }
) }
{ isAddedGoalsExp && (
<div className="select-goals__alternative-flows-container">
<Button variant="link" onClick={ handleImportClick } className="select-goals__link">
{ translate( 'Import or migrate an existing site' ) }
<span className="select-goals__link-separator" />
<Button variant="link" onClick={ handleDIFMClick } className="select-goals__link">
{ translate( 'Let us build a custom site for you' ) }
onClick={ handleDashboardClick }
className="select-goals__link select-goals__dashboard-button"
<DashboardIcon />
{ translate( 'Skip to dashboard' ) }
) }
<div className="select-goals__alternative-flows-container">
<Button variant="link" onClick={ handleImportClick } className="select-goals__link">
{ translate( 'Import or migrate an existing site' ) }
<span className="select-goals__link-separator" />
<Button variant="link" onClick={ handleDIFMClick } className="select-goals__link">
{ translate( 'Let us build a custom site for you' ) }
onClick={ handleDashboardClick }
className="select-goals__link select-goals__dashboard-button"
<DashboardIcon />
{ translate( 'Skip to dashboard' ) }
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Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,11 @@ import { PremiumBadge } from '@automattic/components';
import { Onboard } from '@automattic/data-stores';
import { SelectCardCheckbox } from '@automattic/onboarding';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
import { useTranslate } from 'i18n-calypso';
import { useGoals } from './goals';

type SelectGoalsProps = {
onChange: ( selectedGoals: Onboard.SiteGoal[] ) => void;
selectedGoals: Onboard.SiteGoal[];
isAddedGoalsExp: boolean;

const Placeholder = styled.div`
Expand All @@ -33,9 +31,8 @@ const Placeholder = styled.div`

const SiteGoal = Onboard.SiteGoal;

export const SelectGoals = ( { onChange, selectedGoals, isAddedGoalsExp }: SelectGoalsProps ) => {
const translate = useTranslate();
const goalOptions = useGoals( isAddedGoalsExp );
export const SelectGoals = ( { onChange, selectedGoals }: SelectGoalsProps ) => {
const goalOptions = useGoals();

// *******************************************************************************
// **** Experiment skeleton left in for future BBE (Goal) copy change tests ****
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,9 +66,6 @@ export const SelectGoals = ( { onChange, selectedGoals, isAddedGoalsExp }: Selec
return (
<div className="select-goals__cards-container">
{ ! isAddedGoalsExp && (
<div className="select-goals__cards-hint">{ translate( 'Select all that apply' ) }</div>
) }
{ /* We only need to show the goal loader only if the BBE goal will be displayed */ }
{ hasBuiltByExpressGoal && isBuiltByExpressExperimentLoading
? ( { key } ) => (
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