Before I made simple helm chart to deploy image from docker hub with latest tag. Right now want to make local deployment easier.
To make things more complicated, I host my cluster in private network. My key point at this stage is to build and deploy my branch of choice by writing one command
devspace deploy --var BRANCH=test_branch_name
It's possible to do it with DevSpace, even probably in the future to make it CI/CD because of availability to run it inside docker image.
It's possible to specify git repo by using Git-based Dependencies In that case it will download specific branch, build and deploy into cluster. Just what I need.
But I didn't made it to work properly today
➜ test devspace deploy
[info] Using namespace 'op'
[info] Using kube context 'default'
[info] Start resolving dependencies
[done] √ Pulled 0f49887a0372e8b5b24d36ed836b57cf3930bb88e955d1a4f94c34b977a86601
[fatal] deploy dependencies: resolve dependencies: loading config for dependency nettracer-bpf: Couldn't load '/home/ubuntu/.devspace/dependencies/8a0d1ed458839c6814452705093e8f5f1aa53ed99dd48f24c8b0eb6c9e93ada0/devspace.yaml': stat /home/ubuntu/.devspace/dependencies/8a0d1ed458839c6814452705093e8f5f1aa53ed99dd48f24c8b0eb6c9e93ada0/devspace.yaml: no such file or directory