- Develop a mobile app for real-time tracking and booking of rented cars.
- Implement secure user authentication and data management.
- Integrate real-time maps for vehicle tracking.
- Ensure a seamless user experience across devices.
VTrack enhances efficiency in the vehicle rental industry by offering real-time tracking, booking, and management through a user-friendly mobile app. It uses Firebase for authentication, MongoDB for data management, and Google Maps API for real-time tracking.
- Frontend: React Native for cross-platform consistency.
- Backend: Firebase for authentication and real-time DB management; MongoDB for complex data storage.
- Maps Integration: Google Maps API for real-time tracking.
- OTP Verification: Secure OTP-based user verification using Firebase Authentication.
User Registration/Login:
- Enter phone number
- OTP sent and verified
- User details stored
Vehicle Booking:
- Select a vehicle
- Confirm booking details
- Store booking details
Real-time Tracking:
- Track vehicle in real-time using Google Maps
import auth from '@react-native-firebase/auth';
import firestore from '@react-native-firebase/firestore';
const sendOTP = async (phoneNumber, countryCode) => {
try {
const fullPhoneNumber = `+${countryCode}${phoneNumber}`;
const response = await auth().signInWithPhoneNumber(fullPhoneNumber);
Alert.alert('OTP Sent', `OTP has been sent to +${countryCode} ${phoneNumber}`);
// Save phone number to Firestore
const docRef = await firestore().collection('phoneNumbers').add({
number: phoneNumber,
timestamp: firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
return { success: true, docId: docRef.id, confirmData: response };
} catch (error) {
return { success: false, error: error.message };
import MapView, { Marker } from 'react-native-maps';
import React from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
const MapScreen = ({ route }) => {
const { latitude, longitude } = route.params;
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude,
latitudeDelta: 0.0922,
longitudeDelta: 0.0421,
coordinate={{ latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude }}
title={"Vehicle Location"}
export default MapScreen;
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const connectDB = async () => {
try {
await mongoose.connect('mongodb://your_mongo_db_uri', {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
console.log('MongoDB connected...');
} catch (err) {
- Pre-requisites:
- Node.js
- npm
- MongoDB
- Firebase account
- Google Maps API key
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Arvindm7/VTrack.git
cd VTrack
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up Firebase:
- Go to Firebase console.
- Create a new project.
- Set up authentication and Firestore.
- Download google-services.json and place it in android/app.
- Download GoogleService-Info.plist and place it in ios.
- Set up Google Maps API:
- Go to Google Cloud Console.
- Enable Maps SDK for Android and iOS.
- Obtain an API key and add it to your AndroidManifest.xml and AppDelegate.m.
- Run the app:
npx react-native run-android
npx react-native run-ios
- Firebase Documentation
- React Native Documentation
- Google Maps API Documentation
- MongoDB Documentation