File tree
2,855 files changed
lines changed- CordovaExamples/Counter
- node_modules
- .bin
- cordova-android
- .github
- bin
- lib
- templates
- cordova
- lib
- builders
- project
- app
- assets/www
- css
- img
- js
- legacy
- res
- drawable-land-hdpi
- drawable-land-ldpi
- drawable-land-mdpi
- drawable-land-xhdpi
- drawable-land-xxhdpi
- drawable-land-xxxhdpi
- drawable-port-hdpi
- drawable-port-ldpi
- drawable-port-mdpi
- drawable-port-xhdpi
- drawable-port-xxhdpi
- drawable-port-xxxhdpi
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-ldpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- mipmap-xxhdpi
- mipmap-xxxhdpi
- values
- xml
- cordova-js-src
- android
- plugin/android
- framework
- .settings
- gradle/wrapper
- src/org/apache/cordova
- engine
- node_modules
- .bin
- abbrev
- android-versions
- tests
- ansi
- examples
- beep
- clear
- progress
- lib
- balanced-match
- base64-js
- test
- big-integer
- bplist-parser
- test
- brace-expansion
- concat-map
- test
- cordova-common
- .github
- src
- ConfigChanges
- ConfigParser
- CordovaError
- PluginInfo
- util
- cordova-registry-mapper
- tests
- elementtree
- lib
- parsers
- tests
- data
- glob
- inflight
- inherits
- minimatch
- nopt
- bin
- examples
- lib
- test
- once
- path-is-absolute
- plist
- dist
- examples/browser
- lib
- properties-parser
- q
- sax
- examples
- lib
- test
- semver
- bin
- shelljs
- bin
- scripts
- src
- underscore
- unorm
- lib
- wrappy
- xmlbuilder
- lib
- xmldom
- spec
- e2e
- fixtures
- cordova-plugin-fake
- platforms/android/FakeLib
- cordova-plugin-fake-ios-frameworks
- helpers
- fixtures
- android_studio_project
- app
- src/main
- res
- layout
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- mipmap-xxhdpi
- mipmap-xxxhdpi
- values
- values-w820dp
- gradle/wrapper
- org.test.plugins.dummyplugin
- plugin-lib
- plugin-lib2
- src/android
- jniLibs/x86
- www
- dummyplugin
- org.test.plugins.faultyplugin
- src/android
- unit
- builders
- pluginHandlers
- test
- app
- src
- androidTest/java/org/apache/cordova/unittests
- main
- assets/www
- backbuttonmultipage
- backgroundcolor
- fullscreen
- htmlnotfound
- iframe
- lifecycle
- whitelist
- java/org/apache/cordova/unittests
- res
- layout
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- mipmap-xxhdpi
- mipmap-xxxhdpi
- values
- values-w820dp
- xml
- test/java/org/apache/cordova/unittests
- cordova-ios
- .github
- CordovaLib
- Classes
- Private
- Plugins
- CDVGestureHandler
- CDVHandleOpenURL
- CDVLocalStorage
- CDVLogger
- CDVUIWebViewEngine
- Public
- Cordova
- CordovaLib.xcodeproj
- bin
- lib
- templates
- project
- Classes
- Images.xcassets
- AppIcon.appiconset
- LaunchImage.launchimage
- LaunchStoryboard.imageset
- Plugins
- __TEMP__.xcodeproj
- __TEMP__.xcworkspace
- www
- css
- img
- js
- scripts/cordova
- lib
- plugman
- tests
- cordova-js-src
- plugin/ios
- guides
- hooks
- node_modules
- .bin
- abbrev
- ansi
- examples
- beep
- clear
- progress
- lib
- balanced-match
- base64-js
- test
- big-integer
- bplist-creator
- test
- bplist-parser
- test
- brace-expansion
- concat-map
- example
- test
- cordova-common
- .github
- src
- ConfigChanges
- ConfigParser
- CordovaError
- PluginInfo
- util
- cordova-registry-mapper
- tests
- elementtree
- lib
- parsers
- tests
- data
- glob
- inflight
- inherits
- ios-sim
- .github
- bin
- doc
- node_modules
- .bin
- bplist-parser
- test
- nopt
- bin
- examples
- lib
- spec
- fixture
- src
- minimatch
- nopt
- bin
- examples
- lib
- test
- once
- path-is-absolute
- plist
- dist
- examples/browser
- lib
- q
- sax
- examples
- lib
- test
- shelljs
- bin
- scripts
- src
- simctl
- lib
- node_modules
- .bin
- shelljs
- bin
- scripts
- src
- spec/fixture
- simple-plist
- node_modules
- base64-js
- lib
- test
- plist
- dist
- examples/browser
- lib
- stream-buffers
- lib
- tail
- underscore
- unorm
- lib
- uuid
- bin
- lib
- test
- wrappy
- xcode
- lib
- parser
- xml-escape
- xmlbuilder
- lib
- xmldom
- tests
- CordovaLibTests
- CordovaLibApp
- en.lproj
- www
- CordovaLibTests.xcodeproj
- en.lproj
- cordova-ios.xcworkspace
- scripts
- spec
- unit
- Plugman
- fixtures
- dummyProj
- platforms
- www
- ios-config-xml
- CordovaLib
- CordovaLib.xcodeproj
- SampleApp
- Classes
- Images.xcassets
- AppIcon.appiconset
- LaunchImage.launchimage
- LaunchStoryboard.imageset
- Plugins
- SampleApp.xcodeproj
- platform_www
- www
- launch-storyboard-support
- configs
- contents-json
- contents-map
- res/screen/ios
- org.test.plugins.dummyplugin
- src/ios
- Custom.framework
- CustomEmbeddable.framework
- www
- dummyplugin
- org.test.plugins.faultyplugin
- src/ios
- org.test.plugins.weblessplugin
- src/ios
- WeblessPlugin.bundle
- resource-file-support
- sample-cocoapod-plugin-no-spec-overlapping-dependency
- www
- sample-cordova-plugin-with-spec
- www
- testProj/platforms/ios
- lib
- pegjs
- bin
- examples
- lib
- compiler
- passes
- utils
- platforms
- android
- .gradle
- 4.1
- fileChanges
- fileContent
- fileHashes
- javaCompile
- taskHistory
- 5.0
- fileChanges
- fileHashes
- taskHistory
- buildOutputCleanup
- CordovaLib
- build
- generated/source
- buildConfig/debug/org/apache/cordova
- r/debug/org/apache/cordova
- intermediates
- attr
- bundles/debug
- classes/debug/org/apache/cordova
- engine
- incremental
- compileDebugAidl
- debug-mergeJniLibs
- mergeDebugAssets
- mergeDebugJniLibFolders
- mergeDebugShaders
- packageDebugResources
- intermediate-jars/debug
- javaPrecompile/debug
- manifests
- aapt/debug
- full/debug
- res
- debug
- symbol-table-with-package/debug
- transforms/mergeJniLibs/debug
- outputs/logs
- src/org/apache/cordova
- engine
- app
- build
- generated/source
- buildConfig/debug/org/pharojs/counter
- r/debug/org
- apache/cordova
- pharojs/counter
- intermediates
- assets/debug/www
- cordova-js-src
- android
- plugin/android
- css
- img
- js
- blame/res/debug
- multi-v2
- single
- classes/debug/org
- apache/cordova
- whitelist
- pharojs/counter
- incremental
- compileDebugAidl
- debug-mergeJavaRes
- zip-cache
- debug-mergeJniLibs
- zip-cache
- mergeDebugAssets
- mergeDebugJniLibFolders
- mergeDebugResources
- mergeDebugShaders
- packageDebug/debug
- zip-cache
- javaPrecompile/debug
- manifests
- density/debug
- full/debug
- instant-run/debug
- res
- debug
- merged/debug
- symbol-table-with-package/debug
- splits-support/debug
- symbols/debug
- transforms
- desugar/debug
- 1/org
- apache/cordova
- whitelist
- pharojs/counter
- dexBuilder/debug
- 0/org
- apache/cordova
- whitelist
- pharojs/counter
- dexMerger/debug
- 0
- externalLibsDexMerger/debug
- mergeJavaRes/debug
- mergeJniLibs/debug
- stackFramesFixer/debug
- outputs
- apk/debug
- logs
- src/main
- assets/www
- cordova-js-src
- android
- plugin/android
- css
- img
- js
- java/org
- apache/cordova/whitelist
- pharojs/counter
- res
- drawable-land-hdpi
- drawable-land-ldpi
- drawable-land-mdpi
- drawable-land-xhdpi
- drawable-land-xxhdpi
- drawable-land-xxxhdpi
- drawable-port-hdpi
- drawable-port-ldpi
- drawable-port-mdpi
- drawable-port-xhdpi
- drawable-port-xxhdpi
- drawable-port-xxxhdpi
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-ldpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- values
- xml
- cordova
- lib
- builders
- node_modules
- .bin
- abbrev
- android-versions
- tests
- ansi
- examples
- beep
- clear
- progress
- lib
- balanced-match
- base64-js
- test
- big-integer
- bplist-parser
- test
- brace-expansion
- concat-map
- test
- cordova-common
- .github
- src
- ConfigChanges
- ConfigParser
- CordovaError
- PluginInfo
- util
- cordova-registry-mapper
- tests
- elementtree
- lib
- parsers
- tests
- data
- glob
- inflight
- inherits
- minimatch
- nopt
- bin
- examples
- lib
- test
- once
- path-is-absolute
- plist
- dist
- examples/browser
- lib
- properties-parser
- q
- sax
- examples
- lib
- test
- semver
- bin
- shelljs
- bin
- scripts
- src
- underscore
- unorm
- lib
- wrappy
- xmlbuilder
- lib
- xmldom
- platform_www
- cordova-js-src
- android
- plugin/android
- ios
- CordovaLib
- Classes
- Private
- Plugins
- CDVGestureHandler
- CDVHandleOpenURL
- CDVLocalStorage
- CDVLogger
- CDVUIWebViewEngine
- Public
- CordovaLib.xcodeproj
- PharoJS Counter
- Classes
- Images.xcassets
- AppIcon.appiconset
- LaunchImage.launchimage
- LaunchStoryboard.imageset
- Plugins
- PharoJS Counter.xcodeproj
- PharoJS Counter.xcworkspace
- cordova
- lib
- plugman
- node_modules
- .bin
- abbrev
- ansi
- examples
- beep
- clear
- progress
- lib
- balanced-match
- base64-js
- test
- big-integer
- bplist-creator
- test
- bplist-parser
- test
- brace-expansion
- concat-map
- example
- test
- cordova-common
- .github
- src
- ConfigChanges
- ConfigParser
- CordovaError
- PluginInfo
- util
- cordova-registry-mapper
- tests
- elementtree
- lib
- parsers
- tests
- data
- glob
- inflight
- inherits
- ios-sim
- .github
- bin
- doc
- node_modules
- .bin
- bplist-parser
- test
- nopt
- bin
- examples
- lib
- spec
- fixture
- src
- minimatch
- nopt
- bin
- examples
- lib
- test
- once
- path-is-absolute
- plist
- dist
- examples/browser
- lib
- q
- sax
- examples
- lib
- test
- shelljs
- bin
- scripts
- src
- simctl
- lib
- node_modules
- .bin
- shelljs
- bin
- scripts
- src
- spec/fixture
- simple-plist
- node_modules
- base64-js
- lib
- test
- plist
- dist
- examples/browser
- lib
- stream-buffers
- lib
- tail
- underscore
- unorm
- lib
- uuid
- bin
- lib
- test
- wrappy
- xcode
- lib
- parser
- xml-escape
- xmlbuilder
- lib
- xmldom
- platform_www
- cordova-js-src
- plugin/ios
- www
- cordova-js-src
- plugin/ios
- css
- img
- js
- plugins
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
2,855 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
31 | 31 |
| |
32 | 32 |
| |
33 | 33 |
| |
34 |
| - | |
35 |
| - | |
36 | 34 |
This file was deleted.
0 commit comments