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Events and Health Rule Violations Report

Daniel Odievich edited this page Mar 21, 2019 · 25 revisions


Events and Health Rule Violations report provides information about Events and Health Rule Violations in the requested time range in all Applications of all types, as well as Controller Audit log events and Controller Notifications.

Events and Health Rule Violations report is produced when:

Report File Locations

Events and Health Rule Violations report is produced when Input\Events=True and Output.Events=True

Events and Health Rule Violations report has the following file name:

Report\Events.<Job File Name>.<Start Date and Time>-<End Date and Time>.xlsx

For example:


Data File Locations

The data for the report is in the following files:

  • Report\ENT\controllers.csv
  • Report\EVTAPP\
  • Report\EVTAPP\events.csv
  • Report\EVTAPP\hrviolationevents.csv
  • Report\EVTCNTR\auditevents.csv
  • Report\EVTCNTR\notifications.csv

Data Schema

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Report Contents

Data Pivot
5.Events 5.Events.Type, 5.Events.Timeline
6.HR Violations 6.HR Violations.Type
7.Audit Events 7.Audit Events.Type, 7.Audit Events.Timeline


This sheet describes the parameters of the extraction and reporting job that produced this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
UserName String User that was used to retrieve data from the Controller
Application String Name of Application that was queried
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
ApplicationType String Type of the Application


This sheet provides quick access to the contents of this report and provides at-a-glance number of rows in each of the sheet's tables.

Column Data Type Purpose
Sheet Name String Name of the sheet in the report
Num Entities Integer Number of Entities in that sheet
Link Hyperlink Link to the sheet in the report


This sheet provides information about Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
Version String Version of the Controller
VersionDetail String Full version string of the Controller
NumApps Integer Number of all APM Applications registered in the Controller
NumAPMApps Integer Number of APM Applications registered in the Controller
NumWEBApps Integer Number of WEB Applications registered in the Controller
NumMOBILEApps Integer Number of MOBILE Applications registered in the Controller
NumIOTApps Integer Number of IoT Applications registered in the Controller
NumSIMApps Integer Number of SIM Applications registered in the Controller
NumBIQApps Integer Number of BIQ Applications registered in the Controller
NumDBApps Integer Number of DB Applications registered in the Controller
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller


This sheet provides Event summary information about all Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
Type String Type of the Application
NumEvents Integer Total number of Events
NumEventsInfo Integer Total number of Events with Info severity
NumEventsWarning Integer Total number of Events with Warning severity
NumEventsError Integer Total number of Events with Error severity
NumHRViolations Integer Total number of Health Rule Violations
NumHRViolationsWarning Integer Total number of Health Rule Violations in Warning state
NumHRViolationsCritical Integer Total number of Health Rule Violations in Critical state
HasActivity Boolean Whether this Entity had any activity
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range


This sheet lists all Events that occurred in the specified time range in all Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
EventID Integer ID of the Event
Occurred DateTime When Event occurred, local time
OccurredUtc DateTime When Event occurred, UTC time
Summary String Summary of the Event
Type String Type of the Event. See this for types of Events supported
SubType String Subtype of the Event as reported by Controller
Severity String Severity of the Event (INFO, WARN, ERROR)
TierName String Name of Tier to which this Event applies, if applicable
NodeName String Name of Node to which this Event applies, if applicable
MachineName String Name of Machine to which this Event applies, if applicable
BTName String Name of Business Transaction to which this Event applies, if applicable
TriggeredEntityType String Type of Entity that triggered this Event
TriggeredEntityName String Name of Entity that triggered this Event
TriggeredEntityID Integer ID of Entity that triggered this Event
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application if this Event applies to it
NodeID Integer ID of Node in Application if this Event applies to it
MachineID Integer ID of Machine in Application if this Event applies to it
BTID Integer Name of Business Transaction if this Event applies to it
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
TierLink URL Link to Tier in Controller for this time range
NodeLink URL Link to Node in Controller for this time range
BTLink URL Link to Business Transaction in Controller for this time range
EventLink URL Link to Event in Controller


This sheet uses data in 5.Events sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of Events by Type, Subtype and summarized by Severity in all Controllers, Applications and Tiers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
EventID (Count)

Example report showing a fairly busy Controller with lots of Event types happening:

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This sheet uses data in 5.Events sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides per-minute summary of events by Severity, Type and SubType.

Columns Rows Values Filters
EventID (Count)

In this example, we are showing comparisons between 6PM and 7PM for the events broken out by Severity:

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Filtering on Severity=WARN and Type=POLICY_OPEN_WARNING, we can see results per hour, seeing that 6PM has more BUSINESS_TRANSACTION events than 7PM:

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6.HR Violations

This sheet lists all Health Rule Violations that occurred in the specified time range in all Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
EventID Integer ID of the Event
Severity String Severity of the Event (INFO, WARN, ERROR)
Status String Status of the Event
Description String Summary of the Event
From DateTime Beginning of Health Rule Violation, local time
To DateTime Beginning of Health Rule Violation, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of Health Rule Violation, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime Beginning of Health Rule Violation, UTC time
HealthRuleName String Name of Health Rule that caused this Event
EntityType String Type of Entity that this Health Rule is tied to
EntityName String Name of Entity that this Health Rule is tied to
EntityID Integer ID of Entity that this Health Rule is tied to
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
HealthRuleID String ID of Health Rule that triggered this Health Rule Violation
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
HealthRuleLink URL Link to Heath Rules in Controller for this Application
EntityLink URL Link to Entity in Controller for this time range
EventLink URL Link to Event in Controller

6.HR Violations.Type

This sheet uses data in 6.HR Violations sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of Health Rule Violations by Type, Subtype and summarized by Severity in all Controllers, Applications and Tiers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
EventID (Count)

Example report showing a fairly busy Controller with lots of Health Rule Violations happening:

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Here is the drill down to one of the Health Rule Violations where we see it triggering in multiple Applications:

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7.Audit Events

This sheet lists all Health Rule Violations that occurred in the specified time range in all Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
UserName String User name of the user being audited
LoginType String Type of login (INTERNAL, SAML, LDAP)
AccountName String Name of the account used by user
Action String Action described by this audit event
EntityName String Name of Entity associated with audit event
EntityType String Type of Entity associated with audit event
EntityID Integer ID of Entity associated with audit event
Occurred DateTime Beginning of Health Rule Violation, local time
OccurredUtc DateTime Beginning of Health Rule Violation, UTC time

7.Audit Events.Type

This sheet uses data in 7.Audit Events sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of Health Rule Violations by Type, Subtype and summarized by Severity in all Controllers, Applications and Tiers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
EntityID (Count)

Example report showing list of all Audit events broken down by type of Entity and types of logins:

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7.Audit Events.Timeline

This sheet uses data in 7.Audit Events sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides per-minute summary of events by Severity, Type and SubType.

Columns Rows Values Filters
EntityID (Count)

In this example, we are showing comparisons between various times of the report, broken down by types of Audit Events:

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This sheet lists all Notifications that are currently displayed in upper-right hand corner of the Controller.

The format of the table is the same as 5.Events.

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