/** * This class is responsible of the text formatting, it processes the plain text and the text in HTML format. * @constructor * @extends {anychart.core.VisualBase} */ anychart.core.Text;
/** * Getter for the full text appearance settings. * @shortDescription Text settings. * @category Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.textSettings_get_asObj * @return {!Object} A copy of settings object. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textSettings;
/** * Getter for all text appearance settings. * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Returns <b>undefined</b> if the name of the setting is wrong. * @example anychart.core.Text.textSettings_get * @param {string=} opt_name Setting name. * @return {string|number|boolean|undefined} Value of settings. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textSettings;
/** * Setter for text appearance settings. * @detailed Overrides current text settings by passed settings object. * @example anychart.core.Text.textSettings_set_asObj * @param {Object=} opt_objectWithSettings Settings object. Complete object looks like this: * <pre> { * 'fontSize': smth, * 'fontFamily': smth, * 'fontColor': smth, * 'fontOpacity': smth, * 'fontDecoration': smth, * 'fontStyle': smth, * 'fontVariant': smth, * 'fontWeight': smth, * 'letterSpacing': smth, * 'textDirection': smth, * 'lineHeight': smth, * 'textIndent': smth, * 'vAlign': smth, * 'hAlign': smth, * 'wordWrap': smth, * 'wordBreak': smth, * 'textOverflow': smth, * 'selectable': smth, * 'useHtml': smth * 'textShadow':smth * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textSettings;
/** * Setter for the text appearance settings. * @detailed Overrides text setting Value by its Name. * @example anychart.core.Text.textSettings_set * @param {string=} opt_name Setting name. * @param {(string|number|boolean|Function)=} opt_settings Text settings. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textSettings;
/** * Getter for the text font size. * @shortDescription Font size settings. * @category Base Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.fontSize_get * @return {string|number} Font size. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontSize;
/** * Setter for the text font size. * @example anychart.core.Text.fontSize_set * @param {string|number=} opt_size [16] Font size to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontSize;
/** * Getter for the font family. * @shortDescription Font family settings. * @category Base Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.fontFamily_get * @return {string} Font family. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontFamily;
/** * Setter for the font family. * @example anychart.core.Text.fontFamily_set * @param {string=} opt_family ['Verdana', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Font family to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontFamily;
/** * Getter for the text font color. * @shortDescription Font color settings. * @category Base Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.fontColor_get * @return {string} Font color. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontColor;
/** * Setter for the text font color.<br/> * {@link https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colors.asp} * @example anychart.core.Text.fontColor_set * @param {string=} opt_color ['#7c868e'] Value to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontColor;
/** * Getter for the text shadow. * @shortDescription Text shadow settings. * @category Base Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.textShadow_get * @return {string} String representation of text shadow. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textShadow;
/** * Setter for the text shadow.<br/> * @example anychart.core.Text.textShadow_set * @param {anychart.graphics.vector.TextShadow|string} opt_textShadow ['none'] Text shadow to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textShadow;
/** * Getter for the text font opacity. * @shortDescription Font opacity settings. * @category Base Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.fontOpacity_get * @return {number} Font opacity. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontOpacity;
/** * Setter for the text font opacity. Double value from 0 to 1. * @example anychart.core.Text.fontOpacity_set * @param {number=} opt_opacity [1] Value to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontOpacity;
/** * Getter for the text font decoration. * @shortDescription Font decoration settings. * @category Base Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.fontDecoration_get * @return {anychart.graphics.vector.Text.Decoration|string} Font decoration. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontDecoration;
/** * Setter for the text font decoration. * @example anychart.core.Text.fontDecoration_set * @param {(anychart.graphics.vector.Text.Decoration|string)=} opt_value ['none'] Font decoration to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontDecoration;
/** * Getter for the text font style. * @shortDescription Font style settings. * @category Base Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.fontStyle_get * @return {anychart.graphics.vector.Text.FontStyle|string} Font style. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontStyle;
/** * Setter for the text font style. * @example anychart.core.Text.fontStyle_set * @param {(anychart.graphics.vector.Text.FontStyle|string)=} opt_style ['normal'] Font style to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontStyle;
/** * Getter for the text font variant. * @shortDescription Font variant settings. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.fontVariant_get * @return {anychart.graphics.vector.Text.FontVariant|string} Font variant. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontVariant;
/** * Setter for the text font variant. * @example anychart.core.Text.fontVariant_set * @param {(anychart.graphics.vector.Text.FontVariant|string)=} opt_value ['normal'] Font variant to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontVariant;
/** * Getter for the text font weight. * @shortDescription Font weight settings. * @category Base Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.fontWeight_get * @return {string|number} Font weight. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontWeight;
/** * Setter for the text font weight.<br/> * {@link https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_font_weight.asp} * @example anychart.core.Text.fontWeight_set * @param {(string|number)=} opt_weight ['normal'] Font weight to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.fontWeight;
/** * Getter for the text letter spacing. * @shortDescription Text letter spacing settings. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.letterSpacing_get * @return {string|number} Letter spacing. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.letterSpacing;
/** * Setter for the text letter spacing.<br/> * {@link https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_text_letter-spacing.asp} * @example anychart.core.Text.letterSpacing_set * @param {(string|number)=} opt_spacing ['normal'] Value to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.letterSpacing;
/** * Getter for the text direction. * @shortDescription Text direction settings. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.textDirection_get * @return {anychart.graphics.vector.Text.Direction|string} Text direction. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textDirection;
/** * Setter for the text direction. * @example anychart.core.Text.textDirection_set * @param {(anychart.graphics.vector.Text.Direction|string)=} opt_direction ['ltr'] Text direction to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textDirection;
/** * Getter for the text line height. * @shortDescription Text line height settings. * @category Base Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.lineHeight_get * @return {string|number} Text line height. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.lineHeight;
/** * Setter for the text line height.<br/> * {@link https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_dim_line-height.asp} * @example anychart.core.Text.lineHeight_set * @param {(string|number)=} opt_height ['normal'] Value to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.lineHeight;
/** * Getter for the text indent. * @shortDescription Text indent settings. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.textIndent_get * @return {number} Text indent. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textIndent;
/** * Setter for the text indent. * @example anychart.core.Text.textIndent_set * @param {number=} opt_indent [0] Text indent to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textIndent;
/** * Getter for the text vertical align. * @shortDescription Text vertical align settings. * @category Base Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.vAlign_get * @return {anychart.graphics.vector.Text.VAlign|string} Text vertical align. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.vAlign;
/** * Setter for the text vertical align. * @example anychart.core.Text.vAlign_set * @param {(anychart.graphics.vector.Text.VAlign|string)=} opt_align ['top'] Value to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.vAlign;
/** * Getter for the text horizontal align. * @shortDescription Text horizontal align settings. * @category Base Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.hAlign_get * @return {anychart.graphics.vector.Text.HAlign|string} Text horizontal align. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.hAlign;
/** * Setter for the text horizontal align. * @example anychart.core.Text.hAlign_set * @param {(anychart.graphics.vector.Text.HAlign|string)=} opt_align ['start'] Value to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.hAlign;
/** * Getter for the word-wrap mode. * @shortDescription Word-wrap mode. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.wordWrap_get * @return {anychart.enums.WordWrap|string} Word-wrap mode. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.wordWrap;
/** * Setter for the word-wrap mode. * @example anychart.core.Text.wordWrap_set * @param {(anychart.enums.WordWrap|string)=} opt_mode ['normal'] Word-wrap mode to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.wordWrap;
/** * Getter for the word-break mode. * @shortDescription Word break mode. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.wordBreak_get * @return {anychart.enums.WordBreak|string} Word-break mode. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.wordBreak;
/** * Setter for the word-break mode. * @example anychart.core.Text.wordBreak_set * @param {(anychart.enums.WordBreak|string)=} opt_mode ["normal"] Word-break mode to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.wordBreak;
/** * Getter for the text overflow settings. * @shortDescription Text overflow settings. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @listing See listing * var title = chart.title(); * var textOverflow = title.textOverflow(); * @return {anychart.graphics.vector.Text.TextOverflow|string} Text overflow settings. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textOverflow;
/** * Setter for the text overflow settings. * @example anychart.core.Text.textOverflow_set * @param {(anychart.graphics.vector.Text.TextOverflow|string)=} opt_value [""] Text overflow settings to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.textOverflow;
/** * Getter for the text selectable option. * @shortDescription Text selectable option. * @category Interactivity * @example anychart.core.Text.selectable_get * @return {boolean} The text selectable option. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.selectable;
/** * Setter for the text selectable. * @detailed This options defines whether the text can be selected. If set to <b>false</b> one can’t select the text. * @example anychart.core.Text.selectable_set * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Enabled state to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.selectable;
/** * Getter for the pointer events. * @shortDescription Pointer events settings. * @category Events * @example anychart.core.Text.disablePointerEvents_get * @return {boolean} Flag of the state. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.disablePointerEvents;
/** * Setter for the pointer events. * @example anychart.core.Text.disablePointerEvents_set * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Enabled state to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.disablePointerEvents;
/** * Getter for the useHTML flag. * @shortDescription Text useHtml settings. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @example anychart.core.Text.useHtml_get * @return {boolean} Value of useHTML flag. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.useHtml;
/** * Setter for flag useHTML. * @detailed This property defines whether HTML text should be parsed. * @example anychart.core.Text.useHtml_set * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Enabled state to set. * @return {anychart.core.Text} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.useHtml;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.zIndex;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Text.prototype.enabled;