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Anton Chengaev
Mar 31, 2020
c204873 · Mar 31, 2020


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3183 lines (2867 loc) · 129 KB

/** * The StateSettings class contains methods for configuring the states of different charts and their parts.<br/> * States are used for {api:anychart.core.SeriesBase}series{api}, {api:anychart.charts}charts{api}, * {api:anychart.core.annotations}annotations{api}, {api:anychart.core.gantt.DataGridButton}buttons{api}, {api:anychart.core.venn.Intersections}intersections{api} in * {api:anychart.charts.Venn}Venn Diagram{api}, {api:anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers}pointers{api} in * {api:anychart.charts.LinearGauge}Linear Gauge{api}, {api:anychart.core.pert.Tasks}tasks{api}, * and {api:anychart.core.pert.Milestones}milestones{api} in {api:anychart.charts.Pert}PERT Chart{api}, * {api:anychart.core.resource.Activities}activities{api} in {api:anychart.charts.Resource}Resource Chart{api}.<br/> * See examples below: * @example anychart.core.StateSettings_pie Pie chart * @example anychart.core.StateSettings_column Column series * @example anychart.core.StateSettings_candlestick Candlestick in Stock * @example anychart.core.StateSettings_annotations Annotations * @constructor * @extends {anychart.core.Base} */ anychart.core.StateSettings;

/** * Getter for the fill. * @shortDescription Fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = chart.normal(); * var fill = normal.fill(); * @return {(|FillFunction)} Fill settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fill;

/** * Setter for the fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fill_set_asFunc * @param {FillFunction=} fillFunction [// return the fill from the default palette. * function() { * return this.sourceColor; * };] Fill-function, which should look like this:<pre>function() { * // this: { * // index : number - the index of the point * // sourceColor : - fill of the point * // } * return fillValue; // * };</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fill;

/** * Setter for fill settings using an array, an object or a string. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fill_set_asString Using string * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fill_set_asArray Using array * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fill_set_asObj Using object * @param {|Array.<(|string)>} color Color as an array, an object or a string. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fill;

/** * Setter for the fill color with opacity. * @detailed <b>Note:</b> If color is set as a string (e.g. 'red .5') it has a priority over opt_opacity, which * means: <b>color</b> set like this <b>rect.fill('red 0.3', 0.7)</b> will have 0.3 opacity. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fill_set_asOpacity * @param {string} color Color as a string. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Color opacity. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fill;

/** * Setter for the linear gradient fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fill_set_asLinear * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Gradient keys. * @param {number=} opt_angle Gradient angle. * @param {(boolean|!|!{left:number,top:number,width:number,height:number})=} opt_mode Gradient mode. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Gradient opacity. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fill;

/** * Setter for the radial gradient fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fill_set_asRadial * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Color-stop gradient keys. * @param {number} cx X ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {number} cy Y ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {} opt_mode If defined then userSpaceOnUse mode, else objectBoundingBox. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Opacity of the gradient. * @param {number=} opt_fx X ratio of focal point. * @param {number=} opt_fy Y ratio of focal point. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fill;

/** * Setter for the image fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fill_set_asImg * @param {!} imageSettings Object with settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fill;

/** * Getter for the series negative fill color. * @shortDescription Negative fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var negativeFill = normal.negativeFill(); * @return {!} Fill color. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeFill;

/** * Setter for negative fill settings using an array, an object or a string. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeFill_set_asString Using string * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeFill_set_asArray Using array * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeFill_set_asObj Using object * @param {|Array.<(|string)>} color Color as an object, an array or a string. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeFill;

/** * Setter for negative fill settings using function. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeFill_set_asFunc * @param {FillFunction=} opt_fillFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return fillValue; // type * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeFill;

/** * Negative fill color with opacity. * @detailed <b>Note:</b> If color is set as a string (e.g. 'red .5') it has a priority over opt_opacity, which * means: <b>color</b> set like this <b>rect.fill('red 0.3', 0.7)</b> will have 0.3 opacity.<br/> * <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeFill_set_asOpacity * @param {string} color Color as a string. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Color opacity (0 to 1). * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeFill;

/** * Linear gradient fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeFill_set_asLinear * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Gradient keys. * @param {number=} opt_angle Gradient angle. * @param {(boolean|!|!{left:number,top:number,width:number,height:number})=} opt_mode Gradient mode. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Gradient opacity. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeFill;

/** * Radial gradient negative fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeFill_set_asRadial * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Color-stop gradient keys. * @param {number} cx X ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {number} cy Y ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {} opt_mode If defined then userSpaceOnUse mode, else objectBoundingBox. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Opacity of the gradient. * @param {number=} opt_fx X ratio of focal point. * @param {number=} opt_fy Y ratio of focal point. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeFill;

/** * Image negative fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeFill_set_asImg * @param {!} imageSettings Object with settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeFill;

/** * Getter for the series rising fill color. * @shortDescription Rising fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var risingFill = normal.risingFill(); * @return {!} The rising fill color. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingFill;

/** * Setter for the rising fill settings using an array, an object or a string. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingFill_set_asString Using string * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingFill_set_asArray Using array * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingFill_set_asObj Using object * @param {|string|Array} color Color as an object, an array or a string. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingFill;

/** * Setter for the rising fill settings using function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingFill_set_asFunc * @param {FillFunction=} opt_fillFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return fillValue; // type * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingFill;

/** * Rising fill color with opacity. * @detailed <b>Note:</b> If color is set as a string (e.g. 'red .5') it has a priority over opt_opacity, which * means: <b>color</b> set like this <b>rect.fill('red 0.3', 0.7)</b> will have 0.3 opacity. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingFill_set_asOpacity * @param {string} color Color as a string. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Color opacity. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingFill;

/** * Linear gradient rising fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingFill_set_asLinear * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Gradient keys. * @param {number=} opt_angle Gradient angle. * @param {(boolean|!|!{left:number,top:number,width:number,height:number})=} opt_mode Gradient mode. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Gradient opacity. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingFill;

/** * Radial gradient rising fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingFill_set_asRadial * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Color-stop gradient keys. * @param {number} cx X ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {number} cy Y ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {} opt_mode If defined then userSpaceOnUse mode, else objectBoundingBox. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Opacity of the gradient. * @param {number=} opt_fx X ratio of focal point. * @param {number=} opt_fy Y ratio of focal point. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingFill;

/** * Image rising fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingFill_set_asImg * @param {!} imageSettings Object with settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingFill;

/** * Getter for stroke settings. * @shortDescription Stroke settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var stroke = normal.stroke(); * @return {!} Stroke settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.stroke;

/** * Setter for stroke by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.stroke_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_strokeFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by stroke() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.stroke;

/** * Setter for stroke settings. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.stroke_set * @param {(||string|null)=} opt_color Stroke settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.stroke;

/** * Setter for stroke settings using an object. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.stroke_set_asObj * @param {Object=} opt_settings Object with stroke settings from {@link} * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.stroke;

/** * Getter for low stroke settings. * @shortDescription Low stroke settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var lowStroke = normal.lowStroke(); * @return {|Function} Stroke settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowStroke;

/** * Setter for low stroke by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowStroke_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_strokeFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {!anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowStroke;

/** * Setter for low stroke settings. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowStroke_set * @param {(||string|null)=} opt_color Stroke settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {!anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowStroke;

/** * Setter for low stroke using an object. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowStroke_set_asObj * @param {(Object)=} opt_settings Stroke settings from {@link}. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowStroke;

/** * Getter for high stroke settings. * @shortDescription High stroke settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var highStroke = normal.highStroke(); * @return {|Function} High stroke settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highStroke;

/** * Setter for high stroke by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.highStroke_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_strokeFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {!anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highStroke;

/** * Setter for high stroke settings. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.highStroke_set * @param {(||string|null)=} opt_color Stroke settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {!anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highStroke;

/** * Getter for negative stroke settings. * @shortDescription Negative stroke settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var negativeStroke = normal.negativeStroke(); * @return {|Function} Stroke settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeStroke;

/** * Setter for negative stroke by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeStroke_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_strokeFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by stroke() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeStroke;

/** * Setter for negative stroke settings. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeStroke_set * @param {(||string|null)=} opt_color Stroke settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeStroke;

/** * Setter for negative stroke using an object. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeStroke_set_asObj * @param {(Object)=} opt_settings Stroke settings from {@link}. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeStroke;

/** * Getter for rising stroke settings. * @shortDescription Rising stroke settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var risingStroke = normal.risingStroke(); * @return {|Function} Stroke settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingStroke;

/** * Setter for series rising stroke by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingStroke_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_strokeFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingStroke;

/** * Setter for rising stroke settings. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingStroke_set * @param {(||string|null)=} opt_color Stroke settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingStroke;

/** * Setter for rising stroke using an object. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingStroke_set_asObj * @param {(Object)=} opt_settings Stroke settings from {@link}. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingStroke;

/** * Getter for falling stroke settings. * @shortDescription Falling stroke settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var fallingStroke = normal.fallingStroke(); * @return {|Function} Falling stroke settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingStroke;

/** * Setter for falling stroke by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingStroke_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_strokeFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingStroke;

/** * Setter for falling stroke settings. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingStroke_set * @param {(||string|null)=} opt_color Stroke settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingStroke;

/** * Setter for falling stroke using an object. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingStroke_set_asObj * @param {(Object)=} opt_settings Stroke settings from {@link}. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingStroke;

/** * Getter for the falling fill color. * @shortDescription Falling fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var fallingFill = normal.fallingFill(); * @return {!} Falling fill color. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingFill;

/** * Setter for falling fill settings using an array or a string. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingFill_set_asString Using string * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingFill_set_asArray Using array * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingFill_set_asObj Using object * @param {|Array.<(|string)>} color [null] Color as an * object, an array or a string. * @return {anychart.core.cartesian.series.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingFill;

/** * Setter for falling fill settings using function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingFill_set_asFunc * @param {FillFunction=} opt_fillFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return fillValue; // type * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingFill;

/** * Falling fill color with opacity. * @detailed <b>Note:</b> If color is set as a string (e.g. 'red .5') it has a priority over opt_opacity, which * means: <b>color</b> set like this <b>rect.fill('red 0.3', 0.7)</b> will have 0.3 opacity. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingFill_set_asOpacity * @param {string} color Color as a string. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Color opacity (0 to 1). * @return {anychart.core.cartesian.series.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingFill;

/** * Linear gradient falling fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingFill_set_asLinear * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Gradient keys. * @param {number=} opt_angle Gradient angle. * @param {(boolean|!|!{left:number,top:number,width:number,height:number})=} opt_mode Gradient mode. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Gradient opacity. * @return {anychart.core.cartesian.series.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingFill;

/** * Radial gradient falling fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingFill_set_asRadial * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Color-stop gradient keys. * @param {number} cx X ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {number} cy Y ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {} opt_mode If defined then userSpaceOnUse mode, else objectBoundingBox. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Opacity of the gradient. * @param {number=} opt_fx X ratio of focal point. * @param {number=} opt_fy Y ratio of focal point. * @return {anychart.core.cartesian.series.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingFill;

/** * Image falling fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingFill_set_asImg * @param {!} imageSettings Object with settings. * @return {anychart.core.cartesian.series.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingFill;

/** * Getter for falling hatch fill settings. * @shortDescription Falling hatch fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var fallingHatchFill = normal.fallingHatchFill(); * @return {||Function} Falling hatch fill settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingHatchFill;

/** * Setter for falling hatch fill settings. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingHatchFill_set * @param {(|string)=} opt_type [null] Type of the hatch fill. * @param {string=} opt_color Color. * @param {number=} opt_thickness Thickness. * @param {number=} opt_size Pattern size. * @return {anychart.core.cartesian.series.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingHatchFill;

/** * Setter for falling hatch fill settings using function. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingHatchFill_set_asFunc * @param {Function=} opt_hatchFillFunction HatchFill function. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingHatchFill;

/** * Setter for falling hatch fill settings using pattern fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingHatchFill_set_asPattern * @param {(} opt_patternFill Pattern fill to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingHatchFill;

/** * Setter for falling hatch fill settings using an instance. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingHatchFill_set_asIns * @param {(} opt_settings Hatch fill instance. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingHatchFill;

/** * Setter for falling hatch fill using boolean. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fallingHatchFill_set_asBool * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Whether to enable hatch fill or no. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fallingHatchFill;

/** * Getter for median stroke settings. * @shortDescription Median stroke settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var medianStroke = normal.medianStroke(); * @return {|Function} Median stroke settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.medianStroke;

/** * Setter for the median stroke by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.medianStroke_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_strokeFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.medianStroke;

/** * Setter for median stroke settings. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.medianStroke_set * @param {(||string|Function|null)=} opt_color Stroke settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.medianStroke;

/** * Setter for median stroke using an object. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.medianStroke_set_asObj * @param {(Object)=} opt_settings Stroke settings from {@link}. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.medianStroke;

/** * Getter for stem stroke settings. * @shortDescription Stem stroke settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var stemStroke = normal.stemStroke(); * @return {|Function} Stem stroke settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.stemStroke;

/** * Setter for the stem stroke by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.stemStroke_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_strokeFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.stemStroke;

/** * Setter for stem stroke settings. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.stemStroke_set * @param {(||string|null)=} opt_color Stroke settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.stemStroke;

/** * Setter for stem stroke using an object. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.stemStroke_set_asObj * @param {(Object)=} opt_settings Stroke settings from {@link}. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.stemStroke;

/** * Getter for whisker stroke settings. * @shortDescription Whisker settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var whiskerStroke = normal.whiskerStroke(); * @return {|Function} Whisker stroke settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.whiskerStroke;

/** * Setter for the whisker stroke by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.whiskerStroke_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_strokeFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.whiskerStroke;

/** * Setter for whisker stroke settings. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.whiskerStroke_set * @param {(||string|null)=} opt_color Stroke settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.whiskerStroke;

/** * Setter for whisker stroke using an object. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.whiskerStroke_set_asObj * @param {(Object)=} opt_settings Stroke settings from {@link}. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.whiskerStroke;

/** * Getter for hatch fill settings. * @shortDescription Hatch fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var hatchFill = normal.hatchFill(); * @return {||Function} Hatch fill settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.hatchFill;

/** * Setter for hatch fill settings. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.hatchFill_set * @param {(|string)=} opt_type [false] Type of hatch fill. * @param {string=} opt_color Color. * @param {number=} opt_thickness Thickness. * @param {number=} opt_size Pattern size. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.hatchFill;

/** * Setter for hatch fill settings using function. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.hatchFill_set_asFunc * @param {Function=} opt_hatchFillFunction HatchFill function. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.hatchFill;

/** * Setter for hatch fill settings using pattern fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.hatchFill_set_asPattern * @param {(} opt_patternFill Pattern fill to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.hatchFill;

/** * Setter for hatch fill settings using an instance. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.hatchFill_set_asIns * @param {(} opt_settings Hatch fill instance. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.hatchFill;

/** * Setter for hatch fill using boolean. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.hatchFill_set_asBool * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Whether to enable hatch fill or no. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.hatchFill;

/** * Getter for negative hatch fill settings. * @shortDescription Negative hatch fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var negativeHatchFill = normal.negativeHatchFill(); * @return {||Function} Hatch fill settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeHatchFill;

/** * Setter for negative hatch fill settings. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeHatchFill_set * @param {(|string)=} opt_type [null] Type of hatch fill. * @param {string=} opt_color Color. * @param {number=} opt_thickness Thickness. * @param {number=} opt_size Pattern size. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeHatchFill;

/** * Setter for negative hatch fill settings using function. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeHatchFill_set_asFunc * @param {Function=} opt_hatchFillFunction HatchFill function. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeHatchFill;

/** * Setter for negative hatch fill settings using pattern fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeHatchFill_set_asPattern * @param {(} opt_patternFill Pattern fill to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeHatchFill;

/** * Setter for negative hatch fill settings using an instance. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeHatchFill_set_asIns * @param {(} opt_settings Hatch fill instance. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeHatchFill;

/** * Setter for negative hatch fill using boolean. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.negativeHatchFill_set_asBool * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Whether to enable hatch fill or no. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.negativeHatchFill;

/** * Getter for the rising hatch fill. * @shortDescription Rising hatch fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var risingHatchFill = normal.risingHatchFill(); * @return {||Function} Rising hatch fill. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingHatchFill;

/** * Setter for rising hatch fill settings. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingHatchFill_set * @param {(|string)=} opt_type [null] Type of hatch fill. * @param {string=} opt_color Color. * @param {number=} opt_thickness Thickness. * @param {number=} opt_size Pattern size. * @return {anychart.core.stock.scrollerSeries.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingHatchFill;

/** * Setter for rising hatch fill settings using function. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingHatchFill_set_asFunc * @param {Function=} opt_hatchFillFunction HatchFill function. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingHatchFill;

/** * Setter for rising hatch fill settings using pattern fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingHatchFill_set_asPattern * @param {(} opt_patternFill Pattern fill to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingHatchFill;

/** * Setter for rising hatch fill settings using an instance. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingHatchFill_set_asIns * @param {(} opt_settings Hatch fill instance. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingHatchFill;

/** * Setter for rising hatch fill using boolean. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.risingHatchFill_set_asBool * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Whether to enable hatch fill or no. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.risingHatchFill;

/** * Getter for the whisker width. * @shortDescription Whisker width. * @category Specific settings * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var whiskerWidth = normal.whiskerWidth(); * @return {(number|string)} Whisker width. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.whiskerWidth;

/** * Setter for the whisker width. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.whiskerWidth_set * @param {(number|string)=} opt_width [0] Whisker width. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.whiskerWidth;

/** * Getter for the marker type. * @shortDescription Marker type. * @category Specific settings * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var type = normal.type(); * @return {anychart.enums.MarkerType|string|function(, number, number, number)} * Markers type settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.type;

/** * Setter for the marker type. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.type_set_asString Using string * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.type_set_asFunc Using function * @param {(anychart.enums.MarkerType|string| * function(, number, number, number)} opt_type * ['circle'] Type or custom drawer. Function for a custom * marker should look like this: <pre>function(path, x, y, size){ * // path - * // x, y - marker position * // size - marker size * …​ //do something * return path; * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.type;

/** * Getter for the marker size. * @shortDescription Marker size settings. * @category Specific settings * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var size = normal.size(); * @return {number} Marker size. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.size;

/** * Setter for the marker size. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.size_set * @param {number=} opt_size Marker size to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.size;

/** * Getter for annotation trend settings. * @shortDescription Trend settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = annotation.normal(); * var trend = normal.trend(); * @return {!} Trend settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.trend;

/** * Setter for the annotation trend by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.trend_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_trendFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.trend;

/** * Setter for annotation trend settings. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.trend_set * @param {(||string|null)=} opt_color Trend settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.trend;

/** * Getter for annotation grid settings. * @shortDescription Grid settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = annotation.normal(); * var grid = normal.grid(); * @return {!} Grid settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.grid;

/** * Setter for the annotation grid by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.grid_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_gridFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.grid;

/** * Setter for annotation grid settings. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.grid_set * @param {(||string|null)=} opt_color Grid settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.grid;

/** * Getter for the state fill color for the empty part of a tank. * @shortDescription Fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = tank.normal(); * var emptyFill = normal.emptyFill(); * @return {!(|Function)} The fill color. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.emptyFill;

/** * Setter for state fill settings for the empty part of a tank using an object and a string. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.emptyFill_set_asString Using string * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.emptyFill_set_asObj Using object * @param {(} color Color as an object or a string. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.emptyFill;

/** * Setter for state fill settings for the empty part of a tank using function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.emptyFill_set_asFunc * @param {FillFunction=} opt_fillFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return fillValue; // type * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.emptyFill;

/** * State fill color with opacity for the empty part of a tank. Fill as a string or an object. * @detailed <b>Note:</b> If color is set as a string (e.g. 'red .5') it has a priority over opt_opacity, which * means: <b>color</b> set like this <b>rect.fill('red 0.3', 0.7)</b> will have 0.3 opacity. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.emptyFill_set_asOpacity * @param {string} color Color as a string. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Color opacity (0 to 1). * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.emptyFill;

/** * Getter for hatch fill settings. * @shortDescription Hatch fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = tank.normal(); * var emptyHatchFill = normal.emptyHatchFill(); * @return {||boolean} Hatch fill settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.emptyHatchFill;

/** * Setter for hatch fill settings. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.emptyHatchFill_set * @param {(|string)=} opt_type [false] Type of the hatch fill. * @param {string=} opt_color Color. * @param {number=} opt_thickness Thickness. * @param {number=} opt_size Pattern size. * @return {!anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.emptyHatchFill;

/** * Setter for hatch fill settings using function. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.emptyHatchFill_set_asFunc * @param {Function=} opt_hatchFillFunction HatchFill function. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.emptyHatchFill;

/** * Setter for hatch fill settings using pattern fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.emptyHatchFill_set_asPattern * @param {(} opt_patternFill Pattern fill to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.emptyHatchFill;

/** * Setter for hatch fill settings using an instance. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.emptyHatchFill_set_asIns * @param {(} opt_settings Hatch fill instance. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.emptyHatchFill;

/** * Setter for hatch fill using boolean. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.emptyHatchFill_set_asBool * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Whether to enable hatch fill or no. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.emptyHatchFill;

/** * Getter for labels. * @shortDescription Labels settings. * @category Specific settings * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.labels_get * @return {anychart.core.ui.LabelsFactory|anychart.core.ui.CircularLabelsFactory} Labels instance. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.labels;

/** * Setter for labels. * @detailed Sets labels settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable labels.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets labels settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.labels_set_asBool Disable/Enable labels * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.labels_set_asObject Using object * @param {(Object|boolean|null)=} opt_settings Labels settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.labels;

/** * Getter for data markers. * @shortDescription Markers settings. * @category Point Elements * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.markers_get * @return {!anychart.core.ui.MarkersFactory} Markers instance. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.markers;

/** * Setter for data markers. * @detailed Sets markers settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable markers.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets markers settings.</li> * <li><b>string</b> - sets markers type.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.markers_set_asBool Disable/enable markers * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.markers_set_asObject Using object * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.markers_set_asString Using string * @param {(Object|boolean|null|string)=} opt_settings [false] Data markers settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.markers;

/** * Getter for series outlier markers. * @shortDescription Outlier markers settings. * @category Point Elements * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.outlierMarkers_get * @return {!anychart.core.ui.MarkersFactory} Markers instance. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.outlierMarkers;

/** * Setter for series outlier markers. * @detailed Sets series outlier markers settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable series outlier markers.</li> * <li><b>string</b> - sets series outlier markers type value.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets series outlier markers settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.outlierMarkers_set_asBool Disable/Enable outlier markers * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.outlierMarkers_set_asString Using string * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.outlierMarkers_set_asObject Using object * @param {(Object|boolean|null|string)=} opt_settings [true] Series outlier markers header labels. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.outlierMarkers;

/** * Getter for the header labels (TreeMap). * @shortDescription Header labels settings. * @category Point Elements * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.headers_get * @return {anychart.core.ui.LabelsFactory} Labels factory instance. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.headers;

/** * Setter for the header labels (TreeMap). * @detailed Sets chart header labels settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable header labels.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets header labels settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.headers_set_asBool Disable/enable header labels * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.headers_set_asObject Using object * @param {(Object|boolean|null)=} opt_settings Header labels labels. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.headers;

/** * Getter for the normal state. * @shortDescription Normal state settings. * @category States * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.normal;

/** * Setter for the normal state. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.normal_hovered_selected * @param {!Object=} opt_settings State settings to set. * @return {Object} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.normal;

/** * Getter for the hovered state. * @shortDescription Hovered state settings. * @category States * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.hovered;

/** * Setter for the hovered state. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.normal_hovered_selected * @param {!Object=} opt_settings State settings to set. * @return {Object} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.hovered;

/** * Getter for the selected state. * @shortDescription Selected state settings. * @category States * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.selected;

/** * Setter for the selected state. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.normal_hovered_selected * @param {!Object=} opt_settings State settings to set. * @return {Object} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.selected;

/** * Getter for the font family of text. * @shortDescription Font family setting. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = chart.normal(); * var fontFamily = state.fontFamily(); * @return {string} Font family. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontFamily;

/** * Setter for the font family of text. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fontFamily_set * @param {string=} opt_family ['Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif'] Font family. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontFamily;

/** * Getter for the text font style. * @shortDescription Font style settings. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = chart.normal(); * var fontStyle = state.fontStyle(); * @return {|string} Font style. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontStyle;

/** * Setter for the text font style. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fontStyle * @param {(|string)=} opt_style Font style to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontStyle;

/** * Getter for the text font variant. * @shortDescription Font variant settings. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = chart.normal(); * var fontVariant = state.fontVariant(); * @return {|string} Font variant. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontVariant;

/** * Setter for the text font variant. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fontVariant_set * @param {(|string)=} opt_value Font variant to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontVariant;

/** * Getter for the text font weight. * @shortDescription Text font weight settings. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = chart.normal(); * var fontWeight = state.fontWeight(); * @return {string|number} Font weight. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontWeight;

/** * Setter for the text font weight. {@link} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fontWeight_set * @param {(string|number)=} opt_weight Font weight to set. * @return {!anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontWeight;

/** * Getter for font size settings. * @shortDescription Font size settings. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = chart.normal(); * var fontSize = state.fontSize(); * @return {number} Font size settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontSize;

/** * Setter for font size settings. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fontSize * @param {(number|string)=} opt_size Font size to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontSize;

/** * Getter for upper labels (for pert tasks). * @shortDescription Labels settings. * @category Specific settings * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.upperLabels_get * @return {anychart.core.ui.LabelsFactory} Labels instance. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.upperLabels;

/** * Setter for upper labels (for pert tasks). * @detailed Sets upper labels settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable upper labels.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets upper labels settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.upperLabels_set_asBool Disable/Enable upper labels * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.upperLabels_set_asObject Using object * @param {(Object|boolean|null)=} opt_settings Labels settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.upperLabels;

/** * Getter for lower labels (for pert tasks). * @shortDescription Labels settings. * @category Specific settings * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowerLabels_get * @return {anychart.core.ui.LabelsFactory} Labels instance. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowerLabels;

/** * Setter for lower labels (for pert tasks). * @detailed Sets lower labels settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable lower labels.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets lower labels settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowerLabels_set_asBool Disable/Enable upper labels * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowerLabels_set_asObject Using object * @param {(Object|boolean|null)=} opt_settings Labels settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowerLabels;

/** * Getter for tasks dummy stroke. * @shortDescription Stroke settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var state = tasks.normal(); * var dummyStroke = state.dummyStroke(); * @return {} The milestones stroke. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.dummyStroke;

/** * Setter for tasks dummy stroke by function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.dummyStroke_set_asFunc * @param {StrokeFunction=} opt_strokeFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return strokeValue; // type or * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.dummyStroke;

/** * Setter for tasks dummy stroke. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.dummyStroke_set * @param {(||string|null)=} opt_color Stroke settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.dummyStroke;

/** * Setter for tasks dummy stroke using an object. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.dummyStroke_set_asObj * @param {(Object)=} opt_settings Stroke settings from {@link}. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.dummyStroke;

/** * Getter for the dummy fill color. * @shortDescription Fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var state = tasks.normal(); * var dummyFill = state.dummyFill(); * @return {!} Fill color. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.dummyFill;

/** * Setter for the dummy fill using function. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.dummyFill_set_asFunc * @param {FillFunction=} fillFunction [// return the fill from the default palette. * function() { * return this.sourceColor; * };] Fill-function, which should look like this:<pre>function() { * // this: { * // index : number - the index of the current point * // sourceColor : - fill of the current point * // } * return fillValue; // * };</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.dummyFill;

/** * Setter for dummy fill settings using a string. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.dummyFill_set * @param {} color Color as a string. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.dummyFill;

/** * Dummy fill color with opacity. * @detailed <b>Note:</b> If color is set as a string (e.g. 'red .5') it has a priority over opt_opacity, which * means: <b>color</b> set like this <b>rect.fill('red 0.3', 0.7)</b> will have 0.3 opacity. * @param {string} color Color as a string. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Color opacity (0 to 1). * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.dummyFill;

/** * Linear gradient dummy fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Gradient keys. * @param {number=} opt_angle Gradient angle. * @param {(boolean|!|!{left:number,top:number,width:number,height:number})=} opt_mode Gradient mode. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Gradient opacity. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.dummyFill;

/** * Radial gradient dummy fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Color-stop gradient keys. * @param {number} cx X ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {number} cy Y ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {} opt_mode If defined then userSpaceOnUse mode, else objectBoundingBox. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Opacity of the gradient. * @param {number=} opt_fx X ratio of focal point. * @param {number=} opt_fy Y ratio of focal point. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.dummyFill;

/** * Image dummy fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @param {!} imageSettings Object with settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.dummyFill;

/** * Getter for the explode radius (for Pie chart). * @shortDescription Explode radius settings. * @category Size and Position * @listing See listing * var selected = chart.selected(); * var explode = selected.explode(); * @return {number|string} Explode radius. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.explode;

/** * Setter for the explode radius (for Pie chart). * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.explode * @param {number|string} explode [0 for the normal state, 0 for the hovered state, '7%' for the selected state] Explode radius in pixel/percent. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.explode;

/** * Getter for pie outline settings. * @shortDescription Outline settings. * @category Specific settings * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.outline_get * @return {anychart.core.ui.Outline} Outline settings * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.outline;

/** * Setter for pie outline settings. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.outline_set * @param {Object} opt_settings Outline settings to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.outline;

/** * Getter for font color settings. * @shortDescription Font color settings. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = annotation.normal(); * var fontColor = state.fontColor(); * @return {string} Font color settings. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontColor;

/** * Setter for font color settings. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fontColor * @param {string} opt_color Font color to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontColor;

/** * Getter for text shadow settings. * @shortDescription Text shadow settings. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = annotation.normal(); * var textShadow = state.textShadow(); * @return {string} String representation of text shadow. * @since 8.7.2 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.textShadow;

/** * Setter for the text shadow settings. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.textShadow * @param {|string} opt_textShadow ['none'] Text shadow to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.7.2 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.textShadow;

/** * Getter for connector settings (for stock event markers). * @shortDescription Connector settings. * @category Size and Position * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.connector_get * @return {anychart.core.utils.Connector} Connector settings. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.connector;

/** * Setter for the connector settings (for stock event markers). * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.connector_set * @param {Object} opt_settings Connector to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.connector;

/** * Getter for the text font decoration. * @shortDescription Font decoration settings. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = annotation.normal(); * var fontDecoration = state.fontDecoration(); * @return {|string} Font decoration. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontDecoration;

/** * Setter for the text font decoration. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fontDecoration * @param {(|string)=} opt_value [{@link}] Font decoration to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontDecoration;

/** * Getter for the font padding. * @shortDescription Font padding settings. * @category Size and Position * @listing See listing * var normal = eventMarkers.normal(); * var fontPadding = normal.fontPadding(); * @return {(number|string)} Font padding. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontPadding;

/** * Setter for the font padding. * @detailed Works only when adjustFontSize() method has "true" value. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fontPadding_set * @param {(number|string)=} opt_padding [0] Font padding to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontPadding;

/** * Getter for the text font opacity. * @shortDescription Font opacity settings. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = annotation.normal(); * var fontOpacity = state.fontOpacity(); * @return {number} Font opacity. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontOpacity;

/** * Setter for the text font opacity.<br/> * Double value from 0 to 1. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.fontOpacity * @param {number=} opt_opacity Font opacity to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.fontOpacity;

/** * Getter for the event markers height. * @shortDescription Markers height in pixels or percentages. * @category Size and Position * @listing See listing * var height = normal.height(); * @return {string|number} Markers height. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.height;

/** * Setter for the markers height. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.height_width_set * @param {(string|number)=} opt_height [20] Height to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.height;

/** * Getter for the markers width. * @shortDescription Markers width in pixels or percentages. * @category Size and Position * @listing See listing * var width = normal.width(); * @return {string|number} Markers width. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.width;

/** * Setter for the markers width. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.height_width_set * @param {(string|number)=} opt_width [20] Width to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.width;

/** * Getter for the adjusting font size. * @shortDescription Adjusting settings. * @category Text Settings * @detailed Returns an array of two elements <b>[isAdjustByWidth, isAdjustByHeight]</b>. * <ul> * <li>[false, false] - do not adjust (adjust is off )</li> * <li>[true, false] - adjust width</li> * <li>[false, true] - adjust height</li> * <li>[true, true] - adjust the first suitable value.</li> * </ul> * @listing See listing * var adjustFontSize = normal.adjustFontSize(); * @return {number} An adjusted font size. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.adjustFontSize;

/** * Setter for the adjusting font size. * @detailed Minimal and maximal font sizes can be configured using: * {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#minFontSize} and {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#maxFontSize} methods.<br/> * <b>Note: </b> {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#fontSize} does not work when adjusting is enabled. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.adjustFontSize * @param {(boolean|Array.<boolean>|{width:boolean,height:boolean})=} opt_adjustOrAdjustByWidth [true] Font needs to be adjusted in case of 1 argument and adjusted by width in case of 2 arguments. * @param {boolean=} opt_adjustByHeight Font needs to be adjusted by height. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.adjustFontSize;

/** * Getter for minimum labels. * @shortDescription Minimum labels settings. * @category Point Elements * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.minLabels_get * @return {anychart.core.ui.LabelsFactory} Labels instance. * @since 8.2.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.minLabels;

/** * Setter for minimum labels. * @detailed Sets chart labels settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable minimum labels.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets minimum labels settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.minLabels_set_asBool Enable/Disable minimum labels * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.minLabels_set_asObj Using object * @param {(Object|boolean|null)=} opt_settings Minimum labels settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.2.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.minLabels;

/** * Getter for maximum labels. * @shortDescription Maximum labels settings. * @category Point Elements * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.maxLabels_get * @return {anychart.core.ui.LabelsFactory} Labels instance. * @since 8.2.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.maxLabels;

/** * Setter for maximum labels. * @detailed Sets chart labels settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable maximum labels.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets maximum labels settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.maxLabels_set_asBool Enable/Disable maximum labels * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.maxLabels_set_asObj Using object * @param {(Object|boolean|null)=} opt_settings Maximum labels settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.2.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.maxLabels;

/** * Getter for the button text letter spacing. * @shortDescription Letter spacing settings. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var letterSpacing = state.letterSpacing(); * @return {string|number} Letter spacing. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.letterSpacing;

/** * Setter for the button text letter spacing. * {@link} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.letterSpacing * @param {(string|number)=} opt_spacing Text letter spacing to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.letterSpacing;

/** * Getter for the button text direction. * @shortDescription Letter direction settings. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var textDirection = state.textDirection(); * @return {|string} Text direction. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.textDirection;

/** * Setter for the button text direction. * @param {(|string)=} opt_direction [{@link}] Text direction to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.textDirection;

/** * Getter for the button text line height. * @shortDescription Line height settings. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var lineHeight = state.lineHeight(); * @return {string|number} Text line height. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lineHeight;

/** * Setter for the button text line height. {@link} * @param {(string|number)=} opt_height Line height to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lineHeight;

/** * Getter for the button text indent. * @shortDescription Text indent settings. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var textIndent = state.textIndent(); * @return {number} Text indent. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.textIndent;

/** * Setter for the button text indent. * @param {number=} opt_indent Text indent to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.textIndent;

/** * Getter for the button text vertical align. * @shortDescription Vertical align settings. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var vAlign = state.vAlign(); * @return {|string} Text vertical align. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.vAlign;

/** * Setter for the button text vertical align. * @param {(|string)=} opt_align [{@link}] Vertical align to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.vAlign;

/** * Getter for the button text horizontal align. * @shortDescription Horizontal align settings. * @category Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var hAlign = state.hAlign(); * @return {|string} Text horizontal align. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.hAlign;

/** * Setter for the button text horizontal align. * @param {(|string)=} opt_align [{@link}] Horizontal align to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.hAlign;

/** * Getter for the word-wrap mode. * @shortDescription Word-wrap mode. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var wordWrap = state.wordWrap(); * @return {anychart.enums.WordWrap|string} Word-wrap mode. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.wordWrap;

/** * Setter for the word-wrap mode. * @param {(anychart.enums.WordWrap|string)=} opt_mode Word-wrap mode to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.wordWrap;

/** * Getter for the word-break mode. * @shortDescription Word break mode. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var wordBreak = state.wordBreak(); * @return {anychart.enums.WordBreak|string} Word-break mode. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.wordBreak;

/** * Setter for the word-break mode. * @param {(anychart.enums.WordBreak|string)=} opt_mode Word-break mode to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.wordBreak;

/** * Getter for the text overflow settings. * @shortDescription Text overflow settings. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var textOverflow = state.textOverflow(); * @return {|string} Text overflow settings. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.textOverflow;

/** * Setter for the text overflow settings. * @param {(|string)=} opt_value [{@link}] Value to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.textOverflow;

/** * Getter for the text selectable option. * @shortDescription Text selectable option. * @category Interactivity * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var textOverflow = state.selectable(); * @return {boolean} Text selectable option. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.selectable;

/** * Setter for the text selectable. * @detailed This options defines whether the text can be selected. If set to <b>false</b> one can’t select the text. * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Enabled state to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.selectable;

/** * Getter for the state of disablePointerEvents option. * @shortDescription Disable pointer events settings. * @category Events * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var disablePointerEvents = state.disablePointerEvents(); * @return {boolean} If pointer events are disabled. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.disablePointerEvents;

/** * Setter for the text disablePointerEvents option. * @detailed This options defines whether the text should pass mouse events through. * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Value to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.disablePointerEvents;

/** * Getter for the useHtml flag. * @shortDescription Text useHtml settings. * @category Advanced Text Settings * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var useHtml = state.useHtml(); * @return {boolean} Boolean flag. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.useHtml;

/** * Setter for flag useHtml. * @detailed This property defines whether HTML text should be parsed. * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Value to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.useHtml;

/** * Getter for buttons content settings. * @shortDescription Content settings. * @category Specific settings * @listing See listing * var state = buttons.normal(); * var content = state.content(); * @return {string|number} Buttons content. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.content;

/** * Setter for buttons content settings. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.content_set * @param {(string|number)} opt_content Buttons content. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.content;

/** * Setter for buttons content settings using function. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.content_set_asFunc * @param {ContentFunction} opt_function Buttons content. * Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.path - button element, instance of {@link} * // this.width - button width (number). * // this.height - button height (number). * // this.state - button state: normal, hovered or selected (string). * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.content;

/** * Getter for the high fill color (for the range series and Hilo series). * @shortDescription High fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var highFill = normal.highFill(); * @return {!} The low fill color. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highFill;

/** * Setter for the high fill settings using an array, an object or a string (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.highFill_set_asString Using string * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.highFill_set_asArray Using array * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.highFill_set_asObj Using object * @param {|Array.<(|string)>} color Color as an object, an array or a string. * @return {anychart.core.stock.scrollerSeries.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highFill;

/** * Setter for the high fill settings using function (for the range series and Hilo series). * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.highFill_set_asFunc * @param {FillFunction=} opt_fillFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return fillValue; // type * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highFill;

/** * High fill color with opacity (for the range series and Hilo series). * @detailed <b>Note:</b> If color is set as a string (e.g. 'red .5') it has a priority over opt_opacity, which * means: <b>color</b> set like this <b>rect.fill('red 0.3', 0.7)</b> will have 0.3 opacity. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.highFill_set_asOpacity * @param {string} color Color as a string. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Color opacity (0 to 1). * @return {anychart.core.stock.scrollerSeries.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highFill;

/** * Linear gradient high fill (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.highFill_set_asLinear * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Gradient keys. * @param {number=} opt_angle Gradient angle. * @param {(boolean|!|!{left:number,top:number,width:number,height:number})=} opt_mode Gradient mode. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Gradient opacity. * @return {anychart.core.stock.scrollerSeries.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highFill;

/** * Radial gradient high fill (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.highFill_set_asRadial * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Color-stop gradient keys. * @param {number} cx X ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {number} cy Y ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {} opt_mode If defined then userSpaceOnUse mode, else objectBoundingBox. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Opacity of the gradient. * @param {number=} opt_fx X ratio of focal point. * @param {number=} opt_fy Y ratio of focal point. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highFill;

/** * Image high fill (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.highFill_set_asImg * @param {!} imageSettings Object with settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highFill;

/** * Getter for the series low fill color (for the range series and Hilo series). * @shortDescription Low fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var lowFill = normal.lowFill(); * @return {!} The low fill color. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowFill;

/** * Setter for the low fill settings using an array, an object or a string (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowFill_set_asString Using string * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowFill_set_asArray Using array * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowFill_set_asObj Using object * @param {|Array.<(|string)>} color Color as an object, an array or a string. * @return {anychart.core.stock.scrollerSeries.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowFill;

/** * Setter for the low fill settings using function (for the range series and Hilo series). * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowFill_set_asFunc * @param {FillFunction=} opt_fillFunction [function() { * return anychart.color.darken(this.sourceColor); * }] Function that looks like: <pre>function(){ * // this.index - series index. * // this.sourceColor - color returned by fill() getter. * // this.iterator - series point iterator. * return fillValue; // type * }</pre> * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowFill;

/** * Low fill color with opacity (for the range series and Hilo series). * @detailed <b>Note:</b> If color is set as a string (e.g. 'red .5') it has a priority over opt_opacity, which * means: <b>color</b> set like this <b>rect.fill('red 0.3', 0.7)</b> will have 0.3 opacity. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowFill_set_asOpacity * @param {string} color Color as a string. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Color opacity (0 to 1). * @return {anychart.core.stock.scrollerSeries.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowFill;

/** * Linear gradient low fill (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowFill_set_asLinear * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Gradient keys. * @param {number=} opt_angle Gradient angle. * @param {(boolean|!|!{left:number,top:number,width:number,height:number})=} opt_mode Gradient mode. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Gradient opacity. * @return {anychart.core.stock.scrollerSeries.Base} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowFill;

/** * Radial gradient low fill (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowFill_set_asRadial * @param {!Array.<(|string)>} keys Color-stop gradient keys. * @param {number} cx X ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {number} cy Y ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {} opt_mode If defined then userSpaceOnUse mode, else objectBoundingBox. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Opacity of the gradient. * @param {number=} opt_fx X ratio of focal point. * @param {number=} opt_fy Y ratio of focal point. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowFill;

/** * Image low fill (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowFill_set_asImg * @param {!} imageSettings Object with settings. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowFill;

/** * Getter for high hatch fill settings (for the range series and Hilo series). * @shortDescription High hatch fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var highHatchFill = normal.highHatchFill(); * @return {||Function} Hatch fill settings. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highHatchFill;

/** * Setter for high hatch fill settings (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.highHatchFill_set * @param {(|string)=} opt_type Hatch fill type. * @param {string=} opt_color Color. * @param {number=} opt_thickness Thickness. * @param {number=} opt_size Pattern size. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highHatchFill;

/** * Setter for high hatch fill settings using function (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @param {Function=} opt_function HatchFill function. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highHatchFill;

/** * Setter for high hatch fill settings using pattern fill (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @param {(} opt_patternFill Pattern fill to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highHatchFill;

/** * Setter for high hatch fill settings using an instance (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @param {(} opt_settings Hatch fill instance. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highHatchFill;

/** * Setter for high hatch fill using boolean. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Whether to enable hatch fill or no. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.highHatchFill;

/** * Getter for low hatch fill settings (for the range series and Hilo series). * @shortDescription Low hatch fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var normal = series.normal(); * var lowHatchFill = normal.lowHatchFill(); * @return {||Function} Hatch fill settings. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowHatchFill;

/** * Setter for low hatch fill settings (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.lowHatchFill_set * @param {(|string)=} opt_type Type of hatch fill. * @param {string=} opt_color Color. * @param {number=} opt_thickness Thickness. * @param {number=} opt_size Pattern size. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowHatchFill;

/** * Setter for low hatch fill settings using function (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @param {Function=} opt_function HatchFill function. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowHatchFill;

/** * Setter for low hatch fill settings using pattern fill (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @param {(} opt_patternFill Pattern fill to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowHatchFill;

/** * Setter for low hatch fill settings using an instance (for the range series and Hilo series). * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @param {(} opt_settings Hatch fill instance. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowHatchFill;

/** * Setter for low hatch fill using boolean. * {docs:Graphics/Hatch_Fill_Settings}Learn more about hatch fill settings.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> Works only with {@link anychart.core.StateSettings#displayNegative}. * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Whether to enable hatch fill or no. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.3.0 */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.lowHatchFill;

/** * Getter for the background. * @shortDescription Background settings. * @category Coloring * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.background_get * @return {!anychart.core.ui.Background} Background instance. */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.background;

/** * Setter for the background settings. * @detailed Sets background settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable background.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets background settings.</li> * <li><b>string</b> - sets background color.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.background_set_asBool Disable/Enable background * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.background_set_asObj Using object * @example anychart.core.StateSettings.background_set_asString Using string * @param {(string|Object|null|boolean)=} opt_settings Background settings to set. * @return {anychart.core.StateSettings} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.StateSettings.prototype.background;