/** * Point representing choropleth points that belongs to map. * @param {anychart.core.SeriesBase} series Series. * @param {number} index Point index in series. * @constructor * @extends {anychart.core.SeriesPoint} */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint;
/** * Getter for the point properties.<br/> * <b>Note:</b> Works only after {@link anychart.charts.Map#draw} is called. * @detailed This method uses the map data, which include latitude and longitude. * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.getFeatureProp * @return {Object} Point properties. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.getFeatureProp;
/** * Getter for the point bounds.<br/> * <b>Note:</b> Works only after {@link anychart.charts.Map#draw} is called. * @detailed This method uses the map data, which include latitude and longitude. * @category Size and Position * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.getFeatureBounds * @return {anychart.math.Rect} Choropleth point bounds. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.getFeatureBounds;
/** * Getter for the X center of the point label. * @detailed This method uses the map data, which include latitude and longitude. * @shortDescription X center of the point label * @category Size and Position * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.middleX_get * @return {number} Middle X value in ratio relative point bounds. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.middleX;
/** * Setter for the X center of the point label.<br/> * <b>Note:</b> Works only after {@link anychart.charts.Map#draw} is called. * @detailed This method uses the map data, which include latitude and longitude. * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.middleX_set * @param {number=} opt_xCoord Value of the middle X coordinate. * @return {anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.middleX;
/** * Getter for the Y center of the point label. * @shortDescription Y center of the point label * @category Size and Position * @detailed This method uses the map data, which include latitude and longitude. * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.middleY_get * @return {number} Middle Y value in ratio relative point bounds. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.middleY;
/** * Setter for the Y center of the point label.<br/> * <b>Note:</b> Works only after {@link anychart.charts.Map#draw} is called. * @detailed This method uses the map data, which include latitude and longitude. * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.middleY_set * @param {number=} opt_yCoord Value of the middle Y coordinate. * @return {anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.middleY;
/** * Moves point.<br/> * <b>Note:</b> Works only after {@link anychart.charts.Map#draw} is called. * @category Size and Position * @detailed This method uses the map data, which include latitude and longitude. * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.translate * @param {number} dx Offset x coordinate. * @param {number} dy Offset y coordinate. * @return {anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.translate;
/** * Returns the point crs (coordinate system). * @shortDescription Feature crs * @category Size and Position * @detailed This method uses the map data, which include latitude and longitude. * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.crs_get * @return {string} Returns the point crs. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.crs;
/** * Changes crs (coordinate system) of the point.<br/> * <b>Note:</b> Works only after {@link anychart.charts.Map#draw} is called. * @detailed This method uses the map data, which include latitude and longitude.<br/> * You can see some map projections at {@link https://www.spatialreference.org/ref/} or use {@link https://www.qgis.org/} * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.crs_set * @param {string=} opt_crs String crs representation (map projection). * @return {anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.crs;
/** * Getter for the scale of the point. * @shortDescription Scaling of the point. * @category Size and Position * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.scaleFactor_get * @return {number} Scale of the point. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.scaleFactor;
/** * Scales point.<br/> * <b>Note:</b> Works only after {@link anychart.charts.Map#draw} is called. * @detailed This method uses the map data, which include latitude and longitude. * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.scaleFactor_set * @param {number=} opt_scaleFactor Scale value. * @return {anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.scaleFactor;
/** * Getter for the point translation. * @shortDescription Point translation * @category Size and Position * @listing See listing * var point = series.getPoint(12); * var translation = point.translation(); * @return {Array.<number>} Point translation. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.translation;
/** * Setter for the point translation.<br/> * <b>Note:</b> Works only after {@link anychart.charts.Map#draw} is called. * @detailed Use the map data, which include latitude and longitude. * Method moves the feature from the current position to the passed x and y. * @example anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.translation_set * @param {number=} opt_dx Offset x coordinate. * @param {number=} opt_dy Offset y coordinate. * @return {anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.9.0 */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.translation;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.getSeries;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.get;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.set;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.getStackValue;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.getStackZero;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.selected;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.hovered;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.exists;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.getIndex;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.getChart;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint.prototype.getStat;