/** * Base class for all charts, contains the margins, the background and the title. * @constructor * @extends {anychart.core.VisualBaseWithBounds} */ anychart.core.Chart;
/** * Getter for the chart margin.<br/> * <img src='/anychart.core.Chart.prototype.margin.png' width='352' height='351'/> * @shortDescription Margin settings * @category Size and Position * @detailed Also, you can use {@link anychart.core.utils.Margin#bottom}, {@link anychart.core.utils.Margin#left}, * {@link anychart.core.utils.Margin#right}, {@link anychart.core.utils.Margin#top} methods to setting paddings. * @example anychart.core.Chart.margin_get * @return {!anychart.core.utils.Margin} Chart margin. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.margin;
/** * Setter for the chart margin in pixels using a single complex object. * @listing Example. * // all margins 15px * chart.margin(15); * // all margins 15px * chart.margin("15px"); * // top and bottom 5px, right and left 15px * chart.margin(anychart.utils.margin(5, 15)); * @example anychart.core.Chart.margin_set_asSingle * @param {(Array.<number|string>|{top:(number|string),left:(number|string),bottom:(number|string),right:(number|string)})=} * opt_margin [{top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}] Margin to set. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.margin;
/** * Setter for the chart margin in pixels using several simple values. * @listing Example. * // 1) all 10px * chart.margin(10); * // 2) top and bottom 10px, left and right 15px * chart.margin(10, '15px'); * // 3) top 10px, left and right 15px, bottom 5px * chart.margin(10, '15px', 5); * // 4) top 10px, right 15px, bottom 5px, left 12px * chart.margin(10, '15px', '5px', 12); * @example anychart.core.Chart.margin_set_asSeveral * @param {(string|number)=} opt_value1 [0] Top or top-bottom space. * @param {(string|number)=} opt_value2 [0] Right or right-left space. * @param {(string|number)=} opt_value3 [0] Bottom space. * @param {(string|number)=} opt_value4 [0] Left space. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.margin;
/** * Getter for the chart padding.<br/> * <img src='/anychart.core.Chart.prototype.padding.png' width='352' height='351'/> * @shortDescription Padding settings * @category Size and Position * @detailed Also, you can use {@link anychart.core.utils.Padding#bottom}, {@link anychart.core.utils.Padding#left}, * {@link anychart.core.utils.Padding#right}, {@link anychart.core.utils.Padding#top} methods to setting paddings. * @example anychart.core.Chart.padding_get * @return {!anychart.core.utils.Padding} Chart padding. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.padding;
/** * Setter for the chart paddings in pixels using a single value. * @listing Example. * chart.padding([5, 15]); * or * chart.padding({left: 10, top: 20, bottom: 30, right: "40%"}}); * @example anychart.core.Chart.padding_set_asSingle * @param {(Array.<number|string>|{top:(number|string),left:(number|string),bottom:(number|string),right:(number|string)})=} * opt_padding [{top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}] Padding to set. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.padding;
/** * Setter for the chart paddings in pixels using several numbers. * @listing Example. * // 1) all 10px * chart.padding(10); * // 2) top and bottom 10px, left and right 15px * chart.padding(10, '15px'); * // 3) top 10px, left and right 15px, bottom 5px * chart.padding(10, '15px', 5); * // 4) top 10px, right 15%, bottom 5px, left 12px * chart.padding(10, '15%', '5px', 12); * @example anychart.core.Chart.padding_set_asSeveral * @param {(string|number)=} opt_value1 [0] Top or top-bottom space. * @param {(string|number)=} opt_value2 [0] Right or right-left space. * @param {(string|number)=} opt_value3 [0] Bottom space. * @param {(string|number)=} opt_value4 [0] Left space. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.padding;
/** * Getter for the chart background. * @shortDescription Background settings * @category Chart Coloring * @example anychart.core.Chart.background_get * @return {!anychart.core.ui.Background} Chart background. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.background;
/** * Setter for the chart background. * @example anychart.core.Chart.background_set * @param {Object=} opt_settings [{enabled: true, fill: "#fff", stroke: 'none', zIndex: 1}] Background object to set. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.background;
/** * Getter for the chart title. * @shortDescription Title settings * @category Chart Controls * @example anychart.core.Chart.title_get * @return {!anychart.core.ui.Title} Chart title. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.title;
/** * Setter for the chart title. * @detailed Sets chart title settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable chart title.</li> * <li><b>string</b> - sets chart title text value.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets chart title settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.Chart.title_set_asBool Disable/Enable title * @example anychart.core.Chart.title_set_asObj Using object * @example anychart.core.Chart.title_set_asString Using string * @param {(null|boolean|Object|string)=} opt_settings [false] Chart title text or title instance for copy settings from. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.title;
/** * Getter for the chart label. * @shortDescription Label settings * @category Chart Controls * @example anychart.core.Chart.label_get * @param {(string|number)=} opt_index [0] Index of instance. * @return {anychart.core.ui.Label} Label instance. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.label;
/** * Setter for the chart label. * @detailed Sets chart label settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable chart label.</li> * <li><b>string</b> - sets chart label text value.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets chart label settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.Chart.label_set_asBool Disable/Enable label * @example anychart.core.Chart.label_set_asObj Using object * @example anychart.core.Chart.label_set_asString Using string * @param {(null|boolean|Object|string)=} opt_settings [false] Chart label instance to add by index 0. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.label;
/** * Setter for the chart label. * @detailed Sets chart label settings by index depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable chart label.</li> * <li><b>string</b> - sets chart label text value.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets chart label settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.Chart.label_set_asIndexBool Disable/Enable label by index * @example anychart.core.Chart.label_set_asIndexObj Using object * @example anychart.core.Chart.label_set_asIndexString Using string * @param {(string|number)=} opt_index Label index. * @param {(null|boolean|Object|string)=} opt_settings [false] Chart label settings. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.label;
/** * Starts the rendering of the chart into the container. * @shortDescription Drawing of the chart. * @example anychart.core.Chart.draw_async_sync Asynchronous/synchronous rendering * @example anychart.core.Chart.draw_async Asynchronous rendering * @param {boolean=} opt_async Whether do draw asynchronously. If set to <b>true</b>, the chart will be drawn asynchronously. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.draw;
/** * Return chart configuration as JSON object or string. * @category XML/JSON * @example anychart.core.Chart.toJson_asObj Returns JSON as object * @example anychart.core.Chart.toJson_asString Returns JSON as string * @param {boolean=} opt_stringify [false] Returns JSON as string * @return {Object|string} Chart configuration. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.toJson;
/** * Return chart configuration as XML string or XMLNode. * @category XML/JSON * @example anychart.core.Chart.toXml_asString Returns XML as string * @example anychart.core.Chart.toXml_asNode Returns XMLNode * @param {boolean=} opt_asXmlNode [false] Return XML as XMLNode. * @return {string|Node} Chart configuration. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.toXml;
/** * Getter for the element’s container. * @return {anychart.graphics.vector.Layer|anychart.graphics.vector.Stage} Element’s container. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.container;
/** * Setter for the element’s container. * @detailed Each element appends all its content to this container.<br/> * The order of adding is not defined, but usually it will be the order in which elements are drawn for the first time. * If you need to specify the order use {@link anychart.core.VisualBase#zIndex}. * @listing Example * // string * element.container('containerIdentifier'); * // DOM-element * var domElement = document.getElementById('containerIdentifier'); * element.container(domElement); * // Framework-element * var fwElement = anychart.standalones.title(); * element.container( fwElement.container() ); * @example anychart.core.Chart.container_set * @param {(anychart.graphics.vector.Layer|anychart.graphics.vector.Stage|string|Element)=} opt_element Container to set. * @return {!anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.container;
/** * Getter for animation settings. * @shortDescription Animation settings * @category Chart Coloring * @example anychart.core.Chart.animation_get * @return {anychart.core.utils.Animation} Returns <b>true</b> if the animation is enabled. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.animation;
/** * Setter for animation settings by one value. * @detailed Sets animation settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable animation.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets animation settings.</li> * </ul> * <b>Note</b> If you use {@link anychart.graphics.vector.Stage#suspend}, you will not see animation. * @example anychart.core.Chart.animation_set_asBool Disable/Enable animation * @example anychart.core.Chart.animation_set_asObj Animation using object * @param {boolean|Object} opt_settings [false] Whether to enable animation. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.animation;
/** * Setter for animation settings using several parameters. * @detailed <b>Note</b> If you use {@link anychart.graphics.vector.Stage#suspend}, you will not see animation. * @example anychart.core.Chart.animation_set_dblParams * @param {boolean} enabled [false] Whether to enable animation. * @param {number} duration [1000] Duration in milliseconds. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.animation;
/** * Getter for the chart tooltip. * @category Interactivity * @shortDescription Tooltip settings * @listing See listing * var tooltipSettings = chart.tooltip(); * @return {!(anychart.core.ui.Tooltip)} Tooltip instance. * @since 7.7.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.tooltip;
/** * Setter for the chart tooltip. * @detailed Sets tooltip settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable tooltip.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets tooltip settings.</li> * </ul> * <b>Note:</b> Works only with anychart.enums.TooltipDisplayMode|string.UNION display mode. * @example anychart.core.Chart.tooltip_set_asBool Disable/enable tooltip * @example anychart.core.Chart.tooltip_set_asObj Using object * @param {(Object|boolean|null)=} opt_settings Tooltip settings to set. * @return {!anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.7.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.tooltip;
/** * Saves the chart as PNG image. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.saveAsPng * @param {(number|Object)=} opt_width Image width or object with options. * @param {number=} opt_height Image height. * @param {number=} opt_quality Image quality in ratio 0-1. * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.saveAsPng;
/** * Saves the chart as JPEG image. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.saveAsJpg * @param {(number|Object)=} opt_width Image width or object with options. * @param {number=} opt_height Image height. * @param {number=} opt_quality Image quality in ratio 0-1. * @param {boolean=} opt_forceTransparentWhite Force transparent to white or not. * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.saveAsJpg;
/** * Saves the chart as PDF image. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.saveAsPdf * @param {(number|string|Object)=} opt_paperSizeOrWidthOrOptions Any paper format like 'a0', 'tabloid', 'b4', etc or width, or object with options. * @param {boolean=} opt_landscape Define, is landscape. * @param {number=} opt_x Offset X. * @param {number=} opt_y Offset Y. * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.saveAsPdf;
/** * Saves the chart as SVG image. * @example anychart.core.Chart.saveAsSvg_set_asPaperSizeLandscape * @param {(string|Object)=} opt_paperSize Paper Size or object with options. * @param {boolean=} opt_landscape Landscape. * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.saveAsSvg;
/** * Saves the stage as SVG image using width and height. * @example anychart.core.Chart.saveAsSvg_set_asWidthHeight * @param {number=} opt_width Image width. * @param {number=} opt_height Image height. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.saveAsSvg;
/** * Returns SVG string with paper size and landscape. * @category Export * @shortDescription Returns SVG string. * @detailed Returns SVG string if type of content is SVG otherwise returns empty string. * @example anychart.core.Chart.toSvg_set_asPaperSizeLandscape * @param {(string|Object)=} opt_paperSize Paper Size or object of options. * @param {boolean=} opt_landscape Landscape. * @return {string} SVG content or empty string. * @since 7.5.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.toSvg;
/** * Returns SVG string with with determined the width and height. * @detailed Returns SVG string if type of content is SVG otherwise returns empty string. * @example anychart.core.Chart.toSvg_set_asWidthHeight * @param {number=} opt_width Image width. * @param {number=} opt_height Image height. * @return {string} SVG content or empty string. * @since 7.5.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.toSvg;
/** * Converts the local coordinates to global coordinates. * <b>Note:</b> Works only after {@link anychart.core.Chart#draw} is called. * @category Specific settings * @detailed Converts local coordinates of the container or stage into global coordinates of the global document.<br/> * On image below, the red point is a starting coordinate point of the chart bounds. * Local coordinates work only in area of the stage (container).<br/> * <img src='/anychart.core.Chart.localToGlobal.png' height='310' width='530'/><br/> * @example anychart.core.Chart.localToGlobal * @param {number} xCoord Local X coordinate. * @param {number} yCoord Local Y coordinate. * @return {Object.<string, number>} Object with XY coordinates. * @since 7.9.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.localToGlobal;
/** * Converts the global coordinates to local coordinates. * <b>Note:</b> Works only after {@link anychart.core.Chart#draw} is called. * @category Specific settings * @detailed Converts global coordinates of the global document into local coordinates of the container or stage.<br/> * On image below, the red point is a starting coordinate point of the chart bounds. Local coordinates work only in area of the stage (container).<br/> * <img src='/anychart.core.Chart.localToGlobal.png' height='310' width='530'/> * @example anychart.core.Chart.globalToLocal * @param {number} xCoord Global X coordinate. * @param {number} yCoord Global Y coordinate. * @return {Object.<string, number>} Object with XY coordinates. * @since 7.9.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.globalToLocal;
/** * Getter for the context menu. * @shortDescription Context menu settings. * @category Chart Controls * @example anychart.core.Chart.contextMenu_get * @return {anychart.ui.ContextMenu} Context menu. * @since 7.10.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.contextMenu;
/** * Setter for the context menu. * @detailed Sets context menu settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable context menu.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets context menu settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.Chart.contextMenu_set_asBool Enable/disable context menu * @example anychart.core.Chart.contextMenu_set_asObj Using object * @param {(Object|boolean|null)=} opt_settings Context menu settings * @return {!anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.10.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.contextMenu;
/** * Getter for the selected points. * @category Data * @example anychart.core.Chart.getSelectedPoints * @return {Array.<anychart.core.Point>} An array of the selected points. * @since 7.10.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.getSelectedPoints;
/** * Returns CSV string with the chart data. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.toCsv Using object * @example anychart.core.Chart.toCsv_asFunc Using function * @example anychart.core.Chart.toCsv_header_formatter_function Header formatter function * @param {(anychart.enums.ChartDataExportMode|string)=} opt_chartDataExportMode Data export mode. * @param {Object.<string, (string|boolean|undefined|csvSettingsFunction|Object)>=} opt_csvSettings <br/> * <b>CSV settings object</b>:<br/> * <ul> * <li><b>rowsSeparator</b> - string or undefined (default is '\n')</li> * <li><b>columnsSeparator</b> - string or undefined (default is ',')</li> * <li><b>ignoreFirstRow</b> - boolean or undefined (default is 'false')</li> * <li><b>formats</b> - Values formatter</li> * <li><b>headers</b> - Headers formatter</li> * </ul> * * <br> * * Formatters must be represented as one of: * <ol> * <li>A function with two arguments such as the field name and value, that returns the formatted value.</li> * <li>The object with the key as the field name, and the value as a format function.</li> * </ol> * @return {string} CSV string. * @since 7.10.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.toCsv;
/** * Saves chart config as XML document. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.saveAsXml * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. * @since 7.10.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.saveAsXml;
/** * Saves chart config as JSON document. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.saveAsJson * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. * @since 7.10.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.saveAsJson;
/** * Saves chart data as a CSV file. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.saveAsCsv Using object * @example anychart.core.Chart.saveAsCsv_asFunc Using function * @param {(anychart.enums.ChartDataExportMode|string)=} opt_chartDataExportMode Data export mode. * @param {Object.<string, (string|boolean|undefined|csvSettingsFunction)>=} opt_csvSettings <br/> * <b>CSV settings object</b>:<br/> * <ul> * <li><b>rowsSeparator</b> - string or undefined (default is '\n')</li> * <li><b>columnsSeparator</b> - string or undefined (default is ',')</li> * <li><b>ignoreFirstRow</b> - boolean or undefined (default is 'false')</li> * <li><b>formats</b> - Values formatter</li> * <li><b>headers</b> - Headers formatter</li> * </ul> * * <br> * * Formatters must be represented as one of: * <ol> * <li>A function with two arguments such as the field name and value, that returns the formatted value.</li> * <li>The object with the key as the field name, and the value as a format function.</li> * </ol> * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. * @since 7.10.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.saveAsCsv;
/** * Saves chart data as an Excel document. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.saveAsXlsx * @param {(anychart.enums.ChartDataExportMode|string)=} opt_chartDataExportMode Data export mode. * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. * @param {Object.<string, (csvSettingsFunction)>=} opt_exportOptions <br/> * <b>Export options</b>:<br/> * <ul> * <li><b>headers</b> - Headers formatter</li> * </ul> * * <br> * * Formatter must be represented as one of: * <ol> * <li>A function with two arguments such as the field name and value, that returns the formatted value.</li> * <li>The object with the key as the field name, and the value as a format function.</li> * </ol> * @since 7.10.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.saveAsXlsx;
/* * Getter for a statistical value by the key. * @category Data * @example anychart.core.Chart.getStat * @param {(anychart.enums.Statistics|string)=} key Key. * @return {} Statistics value. * @since 7.10.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.getStat;
/** * Creates and returns the chart represented as an invisible HTML table. * @detailed This method generates an invisible HTML table for accessibility purposes. The table is only available for Screen Readers. * @category Specific settings * @example anychart.core.Chart.toA11yTable * @param {string=} opt_title Title to set. * @param {boolean=} opt_asString Defines output: HTML string if True, DOM element if False. * @return {Element|string|null} HTML table instance with a11y style (invisible), HTML string or null if parsing chart to table fails. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.toA11yTable;
/** * Creates and returns a chart as HTML table. * @detailed This method generates an HTML table which contains chart data. * @category Specific settings * @example anychart.core.Chart.toHtmlTable * @param {string=} opt_title Title to set. * @param {boolean=} opt_asString Defines output: HTML string if True, DOM element if False. * @return {Element|string|null} HTML table instance, HTML string or null if parsing chart to table fails. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.toHtmlTable;
/** * Getter for the accessibility setting. * @shortDescription Accessibility settings. * @category Specific settings * @listing See listing. * var stateOfAccsessibility = chart.a11y(); * @return {anychart.core.utils.ChartA11y} Accessibility settings object. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.a11y;
/** * Setter for the accessibility setting. * @detailed If you want to enable accessibility you need to turn it on using {@link anychart.core.Chart#a11y} method.<br/> * Sets accessibility setting depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>boolean</b> - disable or enable accessibility.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets accessibility setting.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.Chart.a11y_set_asObj Using object * @example anychart.core.Chart.a11y_set_asBool Enable/disable accessibility * @param {(boolean|Object)=} opt_settings Whether to enable accessibility or object with settings. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.a11y;
/** * Shares a chart as a PNG file and returns a link to the shared image. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.shareAsPng * @param {(OnSuccess|Object)} onSuccessOrOptions Function that is called when sharing is complete or object with options. * @param {OnError=} opt_onError Function that is called if sharing fails. * @param {boolean=} opt_asBase64 Share as base64 file. * @param {number=} opt_width Image width. * @param {number=} opt_height Image height. * @param {number=} opt_quality Image quality in ratio 0-1. * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. * @since 7.11.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.shareAsPng;
/** * Shares a chart as a JPG file and returns a link to the shared image. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.shareAsJpg * @param {(OnSuccess|Object)} onSuccessOrOptions Function that is called when sharing is complete or object with options. * @param {OnError=} opt_onError Function that is called if sharing fails. * @param {boolean=} opt_asBase64 Share as base64 file. * @param {number=} opt_width Image width. * @param {number=} opt_height Image height. * @param {number=} opt_quality Image quality in ratio 0-1. * @param {boolean=} opt_forceTransparentWhite Force transparent to white or not. * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. * @since 7.11.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.shareAsJpg;
/** * Shares a chart as a SVG file and returns a link to the shared image. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.shareAsSvg * @param {(OnSuccess|Object)} onSuccessOrOptions Function that is called when sharing is complete or object with options. * @param {OnError=} opt_onError Function that is called if sharing fails. * @param {boolean=} opt_asBase64 Share as base64 file. * @param {(string|number)=} opt_paperSizeOrWidth Paper Size or width. * @param {(boolean|string)=} opt_landscapeOrHeight Landscape or height. * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. * @since 7.11.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.shareAsSvg;
/** * Shares a chart as a PDF file and returns a link to the shared image. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.shareAsPdf * @param {(OnSuccess|Object)} onSuccessOrOptions Function that is called when sharing is complete or object with options. * @param {OnError=} opt_onError Function that is called if sharing fails. * @param {boolean=} opt_asBase64 Share as base64 file. * @param {(number|string)=} opt_paperSizeOrWidth Any paper format like 'a0', 'tabloid', 'b4', etc. * @param {(number|boolean)=} opt_landscapeOrWidth Define, is landscape. * @param {number=} opt_x Offset X. * @param {number=} opt_y Offset Y. * @param {string=} opt_filename File name to save. * @since 7.11.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.shareAsPdf;
/** * Returns PNG as base64 string. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.getPngBase64String * @param {(OnSuccess|Object)} onSuccessOrOptions Function that is called when sharing is complete or object with options. * @param {OnError=} opt_onError Function that is called if sharing fails. * @param {number=} opt_width Image width. * @param {number=} opt_height Image height. * @param {number=} opt_quality Image quality in ratio 0-1. * @since 7.11.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.getPngBase64String;
/** * Returns JPG as base64 string. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.getJpgBase64String * @param {(OnSuccess|Object)} onSuccessOrOptions Function that is called when sharing is complete or object with options. * @param {OnError=} opt_onError Function that is called if sharing fails. * @param {number=} opt_width Image width. * @param {number=} opt_height Image height. * @param {number=} opt_quality Image quality in ratio 0-1. * @param {boolean=} opt_forceTransparentWhite Force transparent to white or not. * @since 7.11.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.getJpgBase64String;
/** * Returns SVG as base64 string. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.getSvgBase64String * @param {(OnSuccess|Object)} onSuccessOrOptions Function that is called when sharing is complete or object with options. * @param {OnError=} opt_onError Function that is called if sharing fails. * @param {(string|number)=} opt_paperSizeOrWidth Paper Size or width. * @param {(boolean|string)=} opt_landscapeOrHeight Landscape or height. * @since 7.11.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.getSvgBase64String;
/** * Returns PDF as base64 string. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.getPdfBase64String * @param {(OnSuccess|Object)} onSuccessOrOptions Function that is called when sharing is complete or object with options. * @param {OnError=} opt_onError Function that is called if sharing fails. * @param {(number|string)=} opt_paperSizeOrWidth Any paper format like 'a0', 'tabloid', 'b4', etc. * @param {(number|boolean)=} opt_landscapeOrWidth Define, is landscape. * @param {number=} opt_x Offset X. * @param {number=} opt_y Offset Y. * @since 7.11.1 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.getPdfBase64String;
/** * Opens Facebook sharing dialog. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.shareWithFacebook * @param {(string|Object)=} opt_captionOrOptions Caption for the main link or object with options. * @param {string=} opt_link The URL is attached to the publication. * @param {string=} opt_name The title for the attached link. * @param {string=} opt_description Description for the attached link. * @since 7.13.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.shareWithFacebook;
/** * Opens Twitter sharing dialog. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.shareWithTwitter * @since 7.13.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.shareWithTwitter = function(){};
/** * Opens LinkedIn sharing dialog. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.shareWithLinkedIn * @param {(string|Object)=} opt_captionOrOptions Caption for publication or object with options. If not set 'AnyChart' will be used. * @param {string=} opt_description Description. * @since 7.13.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.shareWithLinkedIn;
/** * Opens Pinterest sharing dialog. * @category Export * @example anychart.core.Chart.shareWithPinterest * @param {(string|Object)=} opt_linkOrOptions Attached link or object with options. If not set, the image URL will be used. * @param {string=} opt_description Description. * @since 7.13.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.shareWithPinterest;
/** * Starts select marquee drawing. * <b>Note:</b> Works only after {@link anychart.core.Chart#draw} is called. * @category Interactivity * @example anychart.core.Chart.startSelectRectangleMarquee * @param {boolean=} opt_repeat Whether to start select marquee drawing. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.startSelectRectangleMarquee;
/** * Getter for the select marquee fill. * @shortDescription Select marquee fill settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing * var selectRectangleMarqueeFill = chart.selectRectangleMarqueeFill(); * @return {anychart.graphics.vector.Fill} Select marquee fill. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.selectRectangleMarqueeFill;
/** * Setter for fill settings using an array, an object or a string. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.Chart.selectRectangleMarqueeFill_set_asString Using string * @example anychart.core.Chart.selectRectangleMarqueeFill_set_asArray Using array * @example anychart.core.Chart.selectRectangleMarqueeFill_set_asObj Using object * @param {anychart.graphics.vector.Fill|Array.<(anychart.graphics.vector.GradientKey|string)>} color Color as an object, an array or a string. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.selectRectangleMarqueeFill;
/** * Fill color with opacity. Fill as a string or an object. * @detailed <b>Note:</b> If color is set as a string (e.g. 'red .5') it has a priority over opt_opacity, which * means: <b>color</b> set like this <b>rect.fill('red 0.3', 0.7)</b> will have 0.3 opacity. * @example anychart.core.Chart.selectRectangleMarqueeFill_set_asOpacity * @param {string} color Color as a string. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Color opacity. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.selectRectangleMarqueeFill;
/** * Linear gradient fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.Chart.selectRectangleMarqueeFill_set_asLinear * @param {!Array.<(anychart.graphics.vector.GradientKey|string)>} keys Gradient keys. * @param {number=} opt_angle Gradient angle. * @param {(boolean|!anychart.graphics.vector.Rect|!{left:number,top:number,width:number,height:number})=} opt_mode Gradient mode. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Gradient opacity. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.selectRectangleMarqueeFill;
/** * Radial gradient fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.Chart.selectRectangleMarqueeFill_set_asRadial * @param {!Array.<(anychart.graphics.vector.GradientKey|string)>} keys Color-stop gradient keys. * @param {number} cx X ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {number} cy Y ratio of center radial gradient. * @param {anychart.graphics.math.Rect=} opt_mode If defined then userSpaceOnUse mode, else objectBoundingBox. * @param {number=} opt_opacity Opacity of the gradient. * @param {number=} opt_fx X ratio of focal point. * @param {number=} opt_fy Y ratio of focal point. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.selectRectangleMarqueeFill;
/** * Image fill. * {docs:Graphics/Fill_Settings}Learn more about coloring.{docs} * @example anychart.core.Chart.selectRectangleMarqueeFill_set_asImg * @param {!anychart.graphics.vector.Fill} imageSettings Object with settings. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.selectRectangleMarqueeFill;
/** * Getter for the select marquee stroke. * @shortDescription Stroke settings. * @category Coloring * @listing See listing. * var selectRectangleMarqueeStroke = chart.selectRectangleMarqueeStroke(); * @return {anychart.graphics.vector.Stroke} Select marquee stroke. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.selectRectangleMarqueeStroke;
/** * Setter for the select marquee stroke. * {docs:Graphics/Stroke_Settings}Learn more about stroke settings.{docs} * @example anychart.core.Chart.selectRectangleMarqueeStroke * @param {(anychart.graphics.vector.Stroke|anychart.graphics.vector.ColoredFill|string|null)=} opt_color Stroke settings. * @param {number=} opt_thickness [1] Line thickness. * @param {string=} opt_dashpattern Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * @param {(string|anychart.graphics.vector.StrokeLineJoin)=} opt_lineJoin Line join style. * @param {(string|anychart.graphics.vector.StrokeLineCap)=} opt_lineCap Line cap style. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.selectRectangleMarqueeStroke;
/** * Gets marquee process running value. * @return {boolean} Returns true if there is a marquee process running. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.inMarquee;
/** * Stops marquee action if any. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 7.14.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.cancelMarquee;
/** * Getter for the credits. * @shortDescription Credits settings * @category Chart Controls * @example anychart.core.Chart.credits_get * @return {anychart.core.ui.ChartCredits} Chart credits. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.credits;
/** * Setter for the chart credits. * {docs:Quick_Start/Credits}Learn more about credits settings.{docs} * @detailed <b>Note:</b> You can’t customize credits without <u>your licence key</u>. To buy licence key go to * <a href="https://www.anychart.com/buy/">Buy page</a>.<br/> * Sets chart credits settings depending on parameter type: * <ul> * <li><b>null/boolean</b> - disable or enable chart credits.</li> * <li><b>object</b> - sets chart credits settings.</li> * </ul> * @example anychart.core.Chart.credits_set_asBool Disable/Enable credits * @example anychart.core.Chart.credits_set_asObj Using object * @param {(Object|boolean|null)=} opt_value [true] Credits settings * @return {!anychart.core.Chart} An instance of the class for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.credits;
/** * Getter for the export charts. * @shortDescription Exports settings * @category Export * @listing See listing * var exports = chart.exports(); * @return {anychart.core.utils.Exports} Exports settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.exports;
/** * Setter for the export charts. * @example anychart.core.Chart.exports * @detailed To work with exports you need to reference the exports module from AnyChart CDN * (https://cdn.anychart.com/releases/{{branch-name}}/js/anychart-exports.min.js for latest or https://cdn.anychart.com/releases/{{branch-name}}/js/anychart-exports.min.js for the versioned file) * @param {Object=} opt_settings Export settings. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.exports;
/** * Getter for noData settings. * @shortDescription NoData settings. * @category Data * @example anychart.core.Chart.noData_get * @return {anychart.core.NoDataSettings} NoData settings. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.noData;
/** * Setter for noData settings.<br/> * {docs:Working_with_Data/No_Data_Label} Learn more about "No data" feature {docs} * @example anychart.core.Chart.noData_set * @param {Object=} opt_settings NoData settings. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.0.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.noData;
/** * Getter for the autoRedraw flag. <br/> * Flag whether to automatically call chart.draw() on any changes or not. * @shortDescription Redraw chart after changes or not. * @listing See listing * var autoRedraw = chart.autoRedraw(); * @return {boolean} AutoRedraw flag. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.autoRedraw;
/** * Setter for the autoRedraw flag.<br/> * Flag whether to automatically call chart.draw() on any changes or not. * @example anychart.core.Chart.autoRedraw * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [true] Value to set. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. * @since 8.1.0 */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.autoRedraw;
/** * Getter for the fullscreen mode. * @shortDescription Fullscreen mode. * @listing See listing * var fullScreen = chart.fullScreen(); * @return {boolean} Full screen state (enabled/disabled). */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.fullScreen;
/** * Setter for the fullscreen mode. * @example anychart.core.Chart.fullScreen * @param {boolean=} opt_enabled [false] Enable/Disable fullscreen mode. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.fullScreen;
/** * Whether the fullscreen mode available in the browser or not. * @example anychart.core.Chart.isFullScreenAvailable * @return {boolean} isFullScreenAvailable state. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.isFullScreenAvailable;
/** * Getter for chart id. * @shortDescription Chart id. * @example anychart.core.Chart.id_get * @return {string} Return chart id. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.id;
/** * Setter for chart id. * @example anychart.core.Chart.id_set * @param {string=} opt_id Chart id. * @return {anychart.core.Chart} Self instance for method chaining. */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.id;
/** * Disposes charts. * @ignoreDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.dispose = function(){};
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.bounds;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.left;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.right;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.top;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.bottom;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.width;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.height;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.minWidth;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.minHeight;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.maxWidth;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.maxHeight;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.getPixelBounds;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.zIndex;
/** @inheritDoc */ anychart.core.Chart.prototype.enabled;