TClonesArray data (typically FairMultiLinkedData) Event data on various levels. Generally in ../r3bdata/califaData/. Event data classes will be written [[like this]] in this file.
Classes generating new, higher level TClonesArray data from existing data. Tasks will be written in double curly braces here.
Tasks are:
- ./sim/R3BCalifaDigitizer.h
- ./calibration/R3BCalifaMapped2CrystalCal.h
- ./calibration/R3BCalifaCrystalCal2Hit.h
- ./calibration/R3BCalifaCrystalCal2CrystalCalPID.h
These files generally hold channel-specific data used for calibration and the like.
- ./pars/R3BCalifaMappingPar.h
- ./pars/R3BCalifaCrystalCalPar.h
- ./pars/R3BCalifaTotCalPar.h
- ./pars/R3BCalifaHitPar.h
- ./pars/R3BCalifaGeometry.h -- helper class to fetch infos on the positions and orientation of the crystals
- ./pars/R3BCalifaContFact.h
To make sure that these are impossible to create/edit/view by unauthorized programs such as text editors or shell scripts, these classes are generally serialized to ROOT's exclusive binary only .root format. (There exist apostate rumors of a legacy FairParAsciiFileIo format which is readable by both humans and 3rd party tools.)
- ./online/R3BCalifaOnlineSpectra.h
- ./online/R3BCalifaDemoOnlineSpectra.h
- ./calibration/R3BCalifaMapped2CrystalCalPar.h -- generate a new energy calibration file from a source run.
- ./calibration/R3BCalifaCrystalCal2TotCalPar.h.h -- generate a tot energy calibration file from a source run.
- ./ana/R3BCalifaCrystalCalDataAnalysis.h
- ./ROOT_template_hacks.h -- helper class to wrap ROOT stuff in a std c++ way
- ./CalifaLinkDef.h -- linking directives for CINT.
- ../geometry/califa*.root -- 14 different ROOT-only binary files containing the material and orientation of the crystals and holding structure. At one point, these were probably generated by any of the 9 files matching
- ../macros/r3b/geo/create_califa*.C. The pigeonhole principle suggests that there is not a bijection between the latter and the former.
- ./sim/R3BCalifa.h generates a data structure called [[../r3bdata/califaData/R3BCalifaPoint.h]], which is then used by
- ./sim/R3BCalifaDigitizer.h to generate the simulation version of [[../r3bdata/califaData/R3BCalifaCrystalCalData.h]].
../r3bsource/R3BCalifaFebexReader.h is involved in parsing the lmd (with help from ucesb) to generate [[../r3bdata/califaData/R3BCalifaMappedData.h]]. This is then read by {{./calibration/R3BCalifaMapped2CrystalCal.h}} to generate [[../r3bdata/califaData/R3BCalifaCrystalCalData.h]] by applying per-channel, per-experiment parameters (./pars/R3BCalifaCrystalCalPar.h and ./pars/R3BCalifaTotCalPar.h if Tot data are available).
[[../r3bdata/califaData/R3BCalifaCrystalCalData.h]] data from either source (sim/exp) is converted by {{./R3BCalifaCrystalCal2Hit.h}} to [[../r3bdata/califaData/R3BCalifaHitData.h]]